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Eduardo Zatoni edited this page Feb 6, 2024 · 46 revisions



import Emarsys from "react-native-emarsys-wrapper";


1. Init

Emarsys setup should be implemented nativity to ensure setup method is the first thing to be called.

Please, follow the steps on the EmarsysSDK documentation to install the SDK in your iOS project.


⚠️ If you are using RN version 0.62 or higher: Make sure to place Emarsys imports outside #ifdef FB_SONARKIT_ENABLED condition!

#import <EmarsysSDK/Emarsys.h>
#import <EmarsysSDK/EMSConfig.h>
#import <RNEmarsysWrapper/RNEmarsysEventHandler.h>

The SDK initialisation should be done in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions in AppDelegate.

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
  EMSConfig *config = [EMSConfig makeWithBuilder:^(EMSConfigBuilder * builder) {
    [builder setMobileEngageApplicationCode:@"EMSXX-XXXXX"]; // your application code
    [builder setMerchantId:@"XXXXXXXXXXXXX"];  // your predict merchant ID
  [Emarsys setupWithConfig:config];
  return YES;

Notification Center delegate

The recommended way of using the iOS SDK is to enable the SDK to automatically handle the arrived push messages and trackMessageOpen calls for you, please configure the delegate in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions.

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
  [Emarsys setupWithConfig:config];
  UNUserNotificationCenter.currentNotificationCenter.delegate = [Emarsys push];

  return YES;



Follow Google's instructions to add the Google Play Services gradle plugin to your project:

In order for push notifications to work, you need to obtain Firebase Cloud Messaging credentials for your app. Follow the instruction for the native SDK here:, then copy the google-services.json file to the android/app directory of your React Native project.

Emarsys SDK dependency

For the SDK initialization to work, an Emarsys SDK version corresponding to the one used by the wrapper has to be added to the Android project as a dependency. In the dependencies section of the android/app/build.gradle, add:

dependencies {
  implementation "com.emarsys:emarsys-sdk:‹emarsys-sdk_version_used_by_wrapper›"
  implementation "com.emarsys:emarsys-firebase:‹emarsys-sdk_version_used_by_wrapper›"

Messaging service

When the push token arrives from Firebase, we need to set it using Emarsys.push.setPushToken(). The recommended way of using the Android SDK is to enable the SDK to automatically handle setPushToken and trackMessageOpen calls for you, please register the service in your android/app/AndroidManifest.xml file.

<service android:name="com.emarsys.service.EmarsysFirebaseMessagingService">
    <action android:name="" />

Additionally, you can set a custom notification icon, by specifying it as a meta-data in your application tag:


For receiving push notifications in the background to work, the SDK has to be initialised in the onCreate method of the file.

public void onCreate() {
  SoLoader.init(this, /* native exopackage */ false);
  EmarsysConfig config = new EmarsysConfig.Builder()
    .applicationCode("EMSAA-00000") // your application code
    .merchantId("XXXXXXXXXXXXX") // your predict merchant ID

2. Set Contact

The setContactFieldId should not be set to 3 (email). In order to prevent your customers' personal data (PII) being stored in our cloud infrastructure, we require use of unique, non-guessable and immutable contact identifiers. Customer ID's are considered secure. Salted email hash is no longer supported for new Mobile Engage implementations. To make sure the behavioural tracking is cross devices (i.e. mobile and web), the Web Extend contact ID should also use Customer ID and match that used on mobile.

After the application setup is finished, you can use setContact method to identify the user with contactFieldId and contactFieldValue. Without setContact all events will be tracked as anonymous usage.

async setContact() {
  let contactFieldId = 100010824;
  let contactFieldValue = "7c3df9f3";

  try {
    let result = await Emarsys.setContact(contactFieldId, contactFieldValue);
  } catch (e) {

3. Clear Contact

When the user signs out, we should use the clearContact method. The method is going to automatically log in an anonymous user instead of the one leaving.


No need to call clearContact every time, even if the user isn't logged in. Just make sure it is called when the user logs out of the application.

async clearContact() {
  try {
    let result = await Emarsys.clearContact();
  } catch (e) {

4. Track Custom Event

If you want to track custom events, the trackCustomEvent method should be used, where the eventName parameter is required, but the eventAttributes are optional.

async trackCustomEvent() {
  let eventName = "customEventName";
  let eventAttributes = {
    "customEvent-key1": "customEvent-value1",
    "customEvent-key2": "customEvent-value2",
  try {
    let result = await Emarsys.trackCustomEvent(eventName, eventAttributes);
  } catch (e) {

5. Event Handler


In order to react to an event triggered by push notification or in-app message, you should add the RNEmarsysEventHandler as the handler of the Emarsys events in the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method of the AppDelegate.

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
  [Emarsys setupWithConfig:config];
  UNUserNotificationCenter.currentNotificationCenter.delegate = [Emarsys push];
  RNEmarsysEventHandler *rnEMSEventHandler = [RNEmarsysEventHandler allocWithZone: nil];
  [rnEMSEventHandler setEventHandlers];

  return YES;


In order to react to an event triggered by push notification or in-app message, you should add the RNEmarsysEventHandler as the handler of the Emarsys events in the onCreate method of the file.

public void onCreate() {
  // ...
  // Has to come after SoLoader.init and after Emarsys set up
  RNEmarsysEventHandler eventHandler = RNEmarsysEventHandler.getInstance();


Add setEventHandler to your App.js constructor.

constructor() {
  Emarsys.setEventHandler(function (eventName, payload) {
    showAlert(eventName, JSON.stringify(payload))


1. Set Push Token


The Emarsys SDK automatically handles setPushToken for the device and it is recommended to leave this to the SDK. However if you have your custom implementation of MessagingService, please use the setPushToken() method, to set the pushToken.


The pushToken has to be set natively when it arrives in didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken in the AppDelegate:

- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData *)deviceToken {
    [Emarsys.push setPushToken:deviceToken
               completionBlock:^(NSError *error) {

2. Clear Push Token

If you want to remove pushToken for the Contact, please use clearPushToken() method.

async clearPushToken() {
  try {
    let result = await Emarsys.push.clearPushToken();
  } catch (e) {

3. Get Push Token

If you want to get the pushToken for the Contact, please use pushToken() method.

async pushToken() {
  try {
    let pushToken = await Emarsys.push.pushToken();
  } catch (e) {

4. Rich Push Notifications


Push notification could show media content and action buttons besides the title and body. Push notifications with these types of contents are called Rich Notifications.

  1. Add a new Notification Service Extension target to your project.

  2. Add the EmarsysNotificationService to this target in the Podfile.

target 'Emarsys Sample' do
  pod 'EmarsysSDK'

target 'EMSNotificationService' do
  pod 'EmarsysNotificationService'
  1. Install pods with the pod install command in the workspace directory via terminal.

  2. Open the NotificationService.h in the target, then: Import the <EmarsysNotificationService/EMSNotificationService.h>. Extend the class EMSNotificationService instead of UNNotificationServiceExtension.

#import <EmarsysNotificationService/EMSNotificationService.h>

@interface NotificationService : EMSNotificationService


5. Silent Push


Silent messages arrives in application:didReceivedRemoteNotification:fetchCompletionHandler:, so in order to be able to handle them, call handleMessageWithUserInfo: method there

- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo
    fetchCompletionHandler:(void (^)(UIBackgroundFetchResult result))completionHandler {
    [Emarsys.push handleMessageWithUserInfo:userInfo];


1. Overlay InApp

1.1. Pause

When a critical activity starts and should not be interrupted by InApp, use pause to pause InApp messages.

async pause() {
  try {
    let result = await Emarsys.inApp.pause();
  } catch (e) {

1.2. Resume

In order to show in-app messages after being paused, use the resume method.

async resume() {
  try {
    let result = await Emarsys.inApp.resume();
  } catch (e) {

2. Inline InApp

In-App message, that takes place in the application's view hierarchy. Multiple inline in-app components are allowed in one screen.

Create the view with component Emarsys.InlineInAppView.

<Emarsys.InlineInAppView ref={this.inlineInAppView}
  style={{width: "100%", height: this.state.inlineInAppViewHeight}}
  onAppEvent={(eventName, payload) => {
    showAlert(eventName, JSON.stringify(payload))
  onCompleted={error => {
    if (error == null) {
      this.setState({ inlineInAppViewHeight: 125 })
    } else {
  onClose={_ => {
    this.setState({ inlineInAppViewHeight: 0 })
  }} />

2.1. Load InApp

In order to load the inline in-app, loadInApp must be called with the corresponding viewId.



We won't go into the details to introduce how Predict works, and what its capabilities are, rather we aim to explain the mapping between the Predict commands and our interface. Please visit Predict's documentation for more information.

1. Initialization

To use the Predict functionality you have to setup your merchantId during the initialization of the SDK. In order to track Predict events, you can use the methods available on our Predict interface.

2. Track Cart

When you want to track the cart items in the basket, you can call the trackCart method with a list of CartItems. CartItem is an interface that can be used in your application for your own CartItems and then simply use the same items with the SDK.

async trackCart() {
  let cartItems = [{
    itemId: "cartId-1", 
    price: 1.66, 
    quantity: 26.4, 
  }, {
    itemId: "cartId-2", 
    price: 2.88, 
    quantity: 56.5, 

  try {
    let result = await Emarsys.predict.trackCart(cartItems);
  } catch (e) {

When you want to track empty basket.

async trackEmptyCart() {
  let emptyCartItems = [];

  try {
    let result = await Emarsys.predict.trackCart(emptyCartItems)
  } catch (e) {

3. Track Purchase

To report a purchase event, you should call trackPurchase with the items purchased and with an orderId.

async trackPurchase() {
  let orderId = "TrackPurchase-OrderID";
  let cartItems = [{
    itemId: "cartId-1",
    price: 2.22,
    quantity: 27.56,
  }, {
    itemId: "cartId-2",
    price: 28.11,
    quantity: 5.6,

  try {
    let result = await Emarsys.predict.trackPurchase(orderId, cartItems);
  } catch (e) {

To report a purchase event with empty basket.

async trackEmptyPurchase() {
  let emptyOrderId = "TrackPurchase-Empty-OrderID";
  let emptyCartItems = [];

  try {
    let result = await Emarsys.predict.trackPurchase(emptyOrderId, emptyCartItems);
  } catch (e) {

4. Track Item View

If an item was viewed, use the trackItemView method with an itemId as required parameter.

async trackItemView() {
  let itemId = "TrackItemId";

  try {
    let result = await Emarsys.predict.trackItemView(itemId);
  } catch (e) {

5. Track Category View

When the user navigates between the categories, you should call trackCategoryView in every navigation. Be aware to send categoryPath in the required format. Please visit Predict's documentation for more information.

async trackCategoryView() {
  let categoryPath = "Bikes > Road Bikes";

  try {
    let result = await Emarsys.predict.trackCategoryView(categoryPath);
  } catch (e) {

6. Track Search Term

To report search terms entered by the contact, use trackSearchTerm method.

async trackSearchTerm() {
  let searchTerm = "searchTerm";

  try {
    let result = await Emarsys.predict.trackSearchTerm(searchTerm);
  } catch (e) {

7. Track Tag

To track custom tags, use the trackTag method, where, the eventName parameter is required, but the tagAttributes is optional.

async trackTag() {
  let tagName = "tagName";
  let tagAttributes = {
    "tag-key1": "tag-value1",
    "tag-key2": "tag-value2",

  try {
    let result = await Emarsys.predict.trackTag(tagName, tagAttributes);
  } catch (e) {

8. Recommend Products

With the Emarsys SDK you can ask for product recommendations based on different recommendation parameters.

async recommendProducts() {
  let logic = "HOME";
  let logicOptions = {
    variants: ["1", "2", "3"],
  let recommendationOptions = {
    availabilityZone: "es",
    limit: 10,
    filters: [{ 
      type: "include", 
      field: "category",
      comparison: "is",
      expectations: "Shoes>Pump"
      type: "exclude",
      field: "category",
      comparison: "IN",
      expectations: [ "Shoes>Golf", "For Women>Shoes>Golf"]

  try {
    let result = await Emarsys.predict.recommendProducts(logic, logicOptions, recommendationOptions)
  } catch (e) {

8.1 Logic


For more information of the recommender logics, please visit documentation.

The currently supported logics are:

  • SEARCH - based on searchTerm
  • CART - based on cartItems
  • RELATED - based on itemViewId
  • CATEGORY - based on categoryPath
  • ALSO_BOUGHT - based on itemViewId
  • POPULAR - based on categoryPath
  • PERSONAL - based on current browsing and activity
  • HOME - based on most recent browsing behaviour

8.2 Logic options

This is an optional parameter.

Either query, cartItems, or variants

  • query - Query string extends recommended logics. For logics: SEARCH, RELATED, CATEGORY, ALSO_BOUGHT, POPULAR
  • cartItems - Array of cartItems, can be empty. For logic: CART
  • variants - Array of variants. For logics: HOME, PERSONAL
let logicOptions = {
  query: "Shoes>Pump"
let logicOptions = {
  cartItems: [{
    itemId: "ID of the Cart Item 1",
    price: 1.66,
    quantity: 26.4,
  }, {
    itemId: "ID of the Cart Item 2",
    price: 2.88,
    quantity: 56.5,
let logicOptions = {
  variants: ["1", "2", "3"]

8.3 Recommendation options

This is an optional parameter.

  • availabilityZone - You can personalize the recommendation further by setting the availabilityZones parameter of the recommendation, to only recommend the locally available products. This is an optional parameter.
  • limit - You can limit the number of recommended products received by defining a limit. This is an optional parameter, by default its value is 5.
  • filters - You can filter product recommendations with the SDK by building RecommendationFilters. This is an optional parameter.
    • type - There are two types of filters: exclude or include.
    • field - String extends Type of recommended logics.
    • comparison - In every case there are four types of comparators you can use to compare your chosen field to expectations:
      • is - checking if the field is matching the value.
      • in - any of the values has a match with the field.
      • has - One of the field values is equal to expectation value (applicable only to fields containing multiple values).
      • overlaps - One or more of the field values are found in expectation values (applicable only to fields containing multiple values).
    • expectations - String/Array of strings extends Comparison of recommended logics.

9. Track Recommendation Click

The Emarsys SDK doesn't track automatically recommendationClicks, so you have to call manually trackRecommendationClick when an interaction happens with any of the recommended products.

async trackRecommendationClick() {
  let product = {
    productId: "productId",
    title: "title", 
    linkUrl: "",
    feature: "feature",
    cohort: "awesome",
    imageUrl: "", 
    zoomImageUrl: "",
    categoryPath: "productCategoryPath",
    productDescription: "productDescription",
    album: "productAlbum",
    actor: "productActor",
    artist: "productArtist",
    author: "productAuthor",
    brand: "productBrand",
    customFields: {
      productTestKey1: "productTestValue1",
      productTestKey2: "productTestValue2",
      productTestKey3: "productTestValue3",
    available: true,
    price: 45.67, 
    msrp: 2.45, 
    year: 2019, 

  try {
    let result = await Emarsys.predict.trackRecommendationClick(product);
  } catch (e) {


In order to track email link clicks that open the application directly with the Emarsys SDK, you need to call trackDeepLink.

1. Track Deep Link

async trackDeepLink(url) {
  try {
    let result = await Emarsys.trackDeepLink(url);
  } catch (e) {

ApplicationCode and merchantId change

1. Change ApplicationCode

Emarsys SDK now provides a solution for applicationCode and merchantId change in a convenient way, without restarting the SDK.

async changeApplicationCode() {
  let applicationCode = "applicationCode";

  try {
    let result = await Emarsys.changeApplicationCode(applicationCode);
  } catch (e) {

2. Change MerchantId

async changeMerchantId() {
  let merchantId = "merchantId";

  try {
    let result = await Emarsys.changeMerchantId(merchantId);
  } catch (e) {

3. Get ApplicationCode

Provides what is the actual applicationCode set in the SDK.

async getApplicationCode() {
  try {
    let applicationCode = await Emarsys.getApplicationCode();
  } catch (e) {

4. Get MerchantId

Provides what is the actual merchantId set in the SDK.

async getMerchantId() {
  try {
    let merchantId = await Emarsys.getMerchantId();
  } catch (e) {

5. Get ContactFieldId

Provides what is the actual contactFieldId set in the SDK.

async getContactFieldId() {
  try {
    let contactFieldId = await Emarsys.getContactFieldId();
  } catch (e) {

6. Get HardwareId

Provides what is the actual hardwareId set in the SDK.

async getHardwareId() {
  try {
    let hardwareId = await Emarsys.getHardwareId();
  } catch (e) {

7. Get LanguageCode

Provides what is the actual languageCode set in the SDK.

async getLanguageCode() {
  try {
    let languageCode = await Emarsys.getLanguageCode();
  } catch (e) {

8. Get SdkVersion

Provides what is the actual sdkVersion in the SDK.

async getSdkVersion() {
  try {
    let sdkVersion = await Emarsys.getSdkVersion();
  } catch (e) {


1. Fetch Messages

In order to receive the message Inbox content, you can use the fetchMessages method.

async fetchMessages() {
  try {
    let inboxData = await Emarsys.inbox.fetchMessages()
  } catch (e) {

2. Message Tag

Tags are to be used to set the status of the inbox message, e.g. opened, seen etc. There are 6 tags in total and the details are confirmed in the table below. App developers can add the tags seen, opened, pinned and deleted. It is important to note all the tags though as they will be included in the message payload in the SDK Tag field. Depending on the tag included in the message, the message could be handled differently by the app. An example would be that messages tagged with "high" (for High Priority) could be visible flagged/highlighted by the contact.


Only the tags specified below are supported. Any custom tags created will not work.

Tag Name Tag Description Where it can be added
High Priority high Marketer setting of high priority message. You can activate this tag from your inbox-campaign by ticking the relevant checkbox. Your developers have to graphically represent this setting in the app inbox. Emarsys UI
Cancelled cancelled Marketer cancelled the message. This tag is automatically added to your inbox campaign when you recall it. Emarsys UI
Seen seen Inbox messages visible in the app inbox but not opened Mobile App via the SDK
Opened opened Messages opened on the app Mobile App via the SDK
Pinned pinned Messages that are pinned as favourite by the contact Mobile App via the SDK
Deleted deleted Messages that are deleted in the app UI Both Emarsys UI and/or Mobile App via the SDK

2.1 Add Tag

To label a message with a tag, you can use addTag method. (for example: "OPENED", "SEEN" etc)

async addTag() {
  let tag = "seen"
  let messageId = "12345"
  try {
    let result = await Emarsys.inbox.addTag(tag, messageId)
  } catch (e) {

2. Remove Tag

To remove a label from a message, you can use removeTag method.

async removeTag() {
  let tag = "seen"
  let messageId = "12345"
  try {
    let result = await Emarsys.inbox.removeTag(tag, messageId)
  } catch (e) {


Geofence makes it available to trigger certain actions based on the users location. When the user enters a predefined region (represented by latitude, longitude and radius) EmarsysSDK fires a customEvent which can trigger an action, for example, a push notification. This requires permission for background locations from the user.

Currently supported triggers

The geofence feature has two different trigger types: ENTER and EXIT.

  • ENTER triggers when the user reaches the bounds of the geofence and enters it.
  • EXIT triggers when the user reaches the bounds of the geofence and exits it. Note


Based on our experiences so far, the accuracy of geofencing is inconsistent and can be different based on device types and the environment of usage.

Please be aware that our current geofencing solution only works well when there is no other geofencing solution used in the application.


We recommend to use at least 50m of radius, to ensure that the triggers happen. Based on the Apple documentation only 20 geofences/app can be used.


We recommend adding at least 100m of radius to your geofences, to ensure that the triggers happen. Based on the Android documentation only 100 geofences/app can be used



For the location permissions the applications Info.plist must be extended with the following keys:

<string>AlwaysUsage is a must have for region monitoring (or some description of your choice)</string>
<string>AlwaysUsage is a must have for region monitoring (or some description of your choice)</string>

Make sure that your app is requesting the required permissions from the user. To make it easier, you can call our requestAlwaysAuthorization method.


For the location permissions the applications AndroidManifest.xml must be extended with the following permissions:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />

Make sure that your app is requesting the required permissions from the user. From Android 12, the ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION also needs the ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION permission, since the user can now prevent applications from accessing the precise location of the phone. In response to this, both android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION and android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permissions are mandatory for geofences to work.


From Android 12, when the ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission is granted to the Application, the geofencing will work as before. If only ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION is granted, then we can't guarantee that the geofences will trigger at the correct times.

Important Note: Geofencing is disabled on devices, that does not have Google Play Services!

1. Request Always Authorization

Only available for iOS

The requestAlwaysAuthorization method is responsible for asking the required permissions from the user. Calling this method is not necessary, if your app already asked the user for the permissions.

async requestAlwaysAuthorization() {
  try {
    let result = await Emarsys.geofence.requestAlwaysAuthorization()
  } catch (e) {

2. Enable

The enable method is responsible for the activation of this feature

async enable() {
  try {
    let result = await Emarsys.geofence.enable()
  } catch (e) {

3. Disable

The disable method is responsible for disabling this feature

async disable() {
  try {
    let result = await Emarsys.geofence.disable()
  } catch (e) {

4. Is Enabled

The isEnabled method returns if the geofencing is currently enabled or not

async isEnabled() {
  try {
    let result = await Emarsys.geofence.isEnabled()
  } catch (e) {

5. Set Initial Enter Trigger Enabled

When initialEnterTriggerEnabled is true, Emarsys SDK will trigger all the affected geofences with Enter type triggers at the moment when the geofence is enabled if the device is already inside that geofence. By default, this value is set to false.

async setInitialEnterTriggerEnabled() {
  try {
    let result = await Emarsys.geofence.setInitialEnterTriggerEnabled(true)
  } catch (e) {

6. Registered Geofences

You can access the registered geofences from the device using the registeredGeofences method.

async registeredGeofences() {
  try {
    let registeredGeofences = await Emarsys.geofence.registeredGeofences()
  } catch (e) {