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Config Schema

Kelly Selden edited this page Mar 1, 2020 · 16 revisions
  This lives at config/ember-cli-update.json by default.
interface BlueprintConfig {
    Keep track of incompatible schema changes.
  schemaVersion: string;

    A package is a collection of blueprints from a single source.
  packages: {
      The name of the package.
    name: string;

      Target a blueprint on your local filesystem, monorepo or otherwise.
    location?: string;

      The version of the package used for blueprint diffing.
    version: string;

      The blueprints in the package. Can be a default blueprint having
      the same name as the package, or a named blueprint like component
    blueprints: {
        A base blueprint is the blueprint you started your project with.
        This could be the ember app blueprint, or a custom blueprint like libkit.
        If this is missing or false, it is a partial blueprint, like the changes
        you get when installing an ember addon like ember-cli-mirage.
        There must be one base blueprint at all times.
      isBaseBlueprint?: boolean;

        The name of the blueprint to be run.
      name: string;

        The path inside your project to run in. Think deeply nested
        component generators. Missing means project root.
      cwd?: string;

        An output repository of changes over time. Useful for
        comparing without generating your own diff.
      outputRepo?: string;

        The location of a codemods manifest if there are codemods
        associated with this blueprint.
      codemodsSource?: string;

        All options should be normalized to match any codemod requirements.
        The work to normalise them might not be done at first, so users
        writing the CLI commands are expected to do it. For example,
        `--no-welcome` should be expanded to `--welcome=false` so that
        a codemod with a requirement of `[ "--welcome=false" ]` can match it.
      options?: string[];
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