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NullVoxPopuli committed Dec 14, 2021
1 parent bfdb332 commit f936414
Showing 1 changed file with 180 additions and 103 deletions.
283 changes: 180 additions & 103 deletions text/
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Expand Up @@ -21,166 +21,242 @@ those unknown scenarios when it comes to _modifiers_.

## Motivation

The addon, [ember-could-get-used-to-this](
demonstrated that it's possible to use plain functions for helpers and modifiers.
The addon, [ember-could-get-used-to-this](gh-ecgutt)
demonstrated that it's possible to (almost) use plain functions for modifiers.
And since Ember 3.25, modifiers can be passed around as values -- which has opened
a whole new world of ergonomics improvements where a dev could define a function in a
a whole new world of ergonomics improvements where a developer could define a function in a
component class and use that function **as** a modifier. This is thanks to
ember-could-get-used-to-this implementing a Modifier Manager that _knew what to do with plain functions.
This has the impact of greatly reducing helper burden for apps and addon devs, in that,
folks no longer need to jump over to the app/addon modifiers directory to create a modifier
"just to do this one simple thing". We can now do `<div {{this.myModifier}}>`.
ember-could-get-used-to-this implementing a Modifier Manager that knows what to do with plain functions.

This has the added benefit of, with template strict mode, using plain functions in module-scope
for helpers and modifiers.
This has the impact of greatly reducing the mental burden for app and addon devs, in that,
they no longer need to jump over to the app/addon modifiers directory to create a modifier
"just to do this one simple thing". In Ember 3.25+, developers can now do `<div {{this.myModifier}}>`.

For Example:
The introduction of a plain-function modifier-manager is important because over the past recent years
(since the introduction of the Octane Edition), we've seen on numerous occasions,
folks repeatedly reaching for `{{did-insert}}`, `{{did-update}}`,
(from [`@ember/render-modifiers`](gh-render-modifiers)) and other lifecycle-esque utilities.

The README of [ember-modifier][gh-ember-modifier] does an excellent job of describing side-effects,
modifiers, how to think about them, and there overall philosophy.

There are two excerpts from the modifier addons' READMEs to keep in mind in the rest of this RFC,

> Conceptually, modifiers take tracked, derived state, and turn it into some sort of side effect - usually, mutating the DOM node they are applied to in some way, but they might also trigger other types of side effects.
> <cite style="display: block; text-align: right;">ember-modifier's README</site>

> In many cases, classic lifecycle hooks like didInsertElement can be rewritten as custom modifiers that internalize functionality manipulating or generating state from a DOM element. Other times, you may find that a modifier is not the right fit for that logic at all, in which case it's worth revisiting the design to find a better pattern.
> <cite style="display: block; text-align: right;">@ember/render-modifier's README</site>

An example:

import Component from '@glimmer/component';
import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking';

export default class Example extends Component {
@tracked numberOfClicks = 0

// when the number of clicks is odd, add a JS movement effect / animation
wiggly = (element) => {
if (this.numberOfClicks % 2 === 0) {

// event callback
let animate = () => {
element.animate({ /* ... */ });

element.addEventListener('mousemove', animate);

// Cleanup
return () => element.removeEventListener('mousemove', animate);

increment = () => this.numberOfClicks++;
Num clicks: {{this.numberOfClicks}}
{{on 'click' this.increment}}
Try to click me

This demonstrates that a modifier can:
- be defined as needed, there is no need for the modifier to live in its own file or a separate folder
- semantically encapsulate setup and teardown logic -- the returned function is the teardown logic
- have access to the element without leaking DOM details until the component class
- react to changes to tracked data consumed within the setup stage of the modifier (`this.numberOfClicks`)


This pairs nicely with the [First-Class Component Templates RFC](rfc-779);
where modifiers may be defined in the same file as a template-only component.


If you're reading this RFC non-rendered, ignore the "jsx" language tag.
"jsx" is incorrect, and isn't perfect, but "gjs" syntax highlighting
hasn't been added to GitHub's highlighting yet.

This could be an entire component

const double = num => num * 2;
const resizable = element => { /* ... */ };
const draggable = element => {
element.addEventListener( /*... */ );

return () => element.removeEventListener( /* ... */ );

{{double 2}}
<div {{resizable}}></div>
<div {{draggable}}>text content A</div>
<div {{draggable}}>text content B</div>
<div {{draggable}}>text content C</div>
<div {{draggable}}>text content D</div>
_Note: `<template>` is experimental syntax, and should not be be the focus of this example_

Another aspect of which is exciting is that it becomes easier, in tests to grab
the output of yielding components:

test('...', async function (assert) {
let someElement;
const captureElement = (element) => someElement = element;

await render(hbs`
<MyComponent {{captureElement}} />

assert.equal(someElement.tagName, /* expected tag for this test */ );
// ...

## Detailed design

Each implemented meta-manager needs a default manager specified. The logic for choosing when to use
a default manager is, at a high-level:

if (noExistingManagerFor(X)) {
return defaultManager;
Where X is, for the purposes of this RFC, a Modifier.

_A Default Manager is not something that can be chosen by the user, but is baked in to the framework
as a default so that a user doesn't have to build something to use a non-framework-specific variant
of the three constructs: Helpers, Modifiers, and Components._

Modifiers' default manager should be similar to the
[Helpers' default](, in that they would be function-based.
The primary difference is that the first argument to a function-modifier is the attached `Element`,
and the function-modifier _may_ return a destruction function.
The desired usage of a plain function in a template should be:
- convenient
- reduce boilerplate
- be easily portable to JS for developers' mental model of how template and JS interact.

class MyComponent {
wiggle(element, first, second, options) {
const doAnimation = { /* ... */ }
Which results in:
- default to positional parameters
- all named arguments are grouped into an "options object" as the last parameter.
this happens to align with the _syntax_ of modifier invocation where named arguments may not appear
before the last positional argument.

element.addEventListener('touchstart', doAnimation);
#### Example with mixed params

return () => element.removeEventListener('touchstart', doAnimation);
<div {{this.myModifier 1 2 op="add"}}></div>
would be an example invocation of a function with the following signature
expressed as TypeScript for clarity:
type Options = { op: 'add' | 'subtract' }
class A {
myModifier = (element: Element, first: number, second: number, options: Options) => {
// ...
<button {{this.wiggle "first arg" "second arg"}}>
Similar to the helper manager, because the invocation of `{{this.wiggle ...` has no named arguments,
the last parameter in the `wiggle` function signature will be `undefined`.

The implementation of this modifier manager could look like:
#### Example with only positional parameters

import {
capabilities as modifierCapabilities,
} from '@ember/modifier';
import { destroy, registerDestructor } from '@ember/destroyable';
import { setOwner } from '@ember/application';

class DefaultModifierManager {
capabilities = modifierCapabilities('3.22');

createModifier(fn, args) {
return { fn, args, element: undefined, destructor: undefined };
<div {{this.myModifier 1 2}}></div>
Because there are no named arguments passed in, the develope may opt to omit the options argument from the method signature.
class A {
myModifier = (element: Element, first: number, second: number) => {
// ..
however, the options argument is still passed, but is equivalent to `{}`.

installModifier(state, element) {
state.element = element;

updateModifier(state) {
#### Example default modifier implementation

setupModifier(state) {
let { fn, args, element } = state;
The type signature for any function-modifier could be:

let argsForFn = args.positional;
import type { CapturedArguments as Arguments } from '@glimmer/interfaces';

if (Object.keys(args.named).length > 0) {
type FnArgs<Args extends Arguments = Arguments> =
| [Element, ...Args['positional'], Args['named']]
| [Element, ...Args['positional'], {}];

state.destructor = fn(element, ...argsForFn);
type FunctionModifier<
Args extends Arguments = Arguments,
ModifierArgs extends FnArgs<Args> = FnArgs<Args>
> =
| ((...args: ModifierArgs) => void) // setup, with no teardown
| ((...args: ModifierArgs) => () => void) // setup with teardown

destroyModifier(state) {
if (typeof state.destructor === 'function') {
class A {
myModifierA: FunctionModifier = (element, a, b, c, options) => {
/* setup, with no teardown */
myModifierB: FunctionModifier = (element, a, b, c, options) => {
/* setup */
return () => { /* teardown */ }

const DEFAULT_MODIFIER_MANAGER = new DefaultModifierManager();

// side-effect -- this file needs to be imported for the modifier manager to be installed
setModifierManager(() => DEFAULT_MODIFIER_MANAGER, Function.prototype);
The details of the implementation of this modifier manager may take inspiration from
- The [implementation](gh-vm-1348) for [RFC #756](rfc-756)
(especially around where the default helper manager is chosen as the "fallback" when an existing manager is not found)
- The modifier-manager in [ember-could-get-used-to-this](ecgutt-modifier)
The main differences being that this RFC proposes
- no need to import anything or wrap in a function call
- instead of `(element, positionalArgs, namedArgs)` as the function signature, the signature
will be `(element, ...positionalArgs, namedArgs)`


## How we teach this

### Changes to Existing Pages
On the [Template Lifecycle, DOM, and Modifiers](tldm) page,
we'll want to insert a section on custom modifiers towards the end, and maybe swap out the
existing documentation referencing `ember-modifier` and/or `@ember/render-modifiers`.
We'll also want examples of how to manage modifiers with tracked data, maybe when to use a
local/private modifier, rather than something you'd put in `app/modifiers`.
Maybe a whole page is added to the guides on modifiers, their philosophy, when to use them, etc.

This RFC adopts a default modifier manager, which means that folks can use modifiers without
the assistance of a third-party addon, such as ember-modifier. This means that we'll benefit from
adding a page to the guides on modifiers, their philosophy, when to use them, etc. While the
overall API for modifiers in general has been "not perfect", there has been a fair amount of
While the overall API for modifiers in general has been "not perfect", there has been a fair amount of
experimentation with modifiers since the 3.11 - 3.16 (pre-octane) era. Function modifiers are
significantly simpler than class-based modifiers, and the complexity of the specifics of class-
based modifiers is where most of the hesitance around adding modifiers by default has been.

Existing users of Ember should be made aware of these capabilities, once implemented, via
the release blog post, with some examples -- but folks watching developments in the ecosystem
will likely be aware of ember-could-get-used-to-this and ember-modifier, which both implement
some parts of this RFC, so the migration path for users of those addons should be straight-forward.
Those addons _may_ want to deprecate their similar functionality after the proposed behavior here
lands -- though, this RFC suggests implementation such that developers may still use both
addons without disruption.
will likely be aware of ember-could-get-used-to-this, which kind of implements
some parts of this RFC, so the migration path for users of ember-could-get-used-to-this should
be straight-forward. That addon _may_ want to deprecate their similar functionality after
the proposed behavior here lands -- though, this RFC suggests implementation such that developers
may still use ember-could-get-used-to-this without disruption.

There will also be a polyfill that implements a modifier-manager for `Function.prototype`, like
the [helpers polyfill](helpers-polyfill) does for a helper-manager.


## Drawbacks

Expand All @@ -192,7 +268,8 @@ would be essential for helping with clarity here.

## Alternatives

We could have class-based modifiers by default, but these could be less-easy to "whip up" on a whim.
Class-based default modifiers would allow greater flexibility for creating modifiers, but would also
perpetuate the current problem of most surprise -- functions are often how folks start out thinking about problems.

## Unresolved questions

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