is different with worker-pool libraries in that it is designed to pool connection/clients to server or database.
tries to avoid the erlang application crash when the server or database going down.
A pool worker to manage/monitor the connection to server or database:
PoolWorker -> Conn -> DB
Use client:
ecpool:with_client(Pool, fun(Client) -> call(Client) end).
ecpool:start_pool(Pool, Mod, Opts).
For example:
PgOpts = [%% Pool Size
{pool_size, 10},
%% Pool Type: round_robin | random | hash
{pool_type, round_robin},
%% Auto reconnect
{auto_reconnect, 3},
%% epgsql opts
{host, "localhost"},
{port, 5432},
{username, "feng"},
{password, ""},
{database, "mqtt"},
{encoding, utf8}],
ecpool:start_pool(epgsql_pool, epgsql_pool_client, PgOpts)
Pool Worker Callback:
-callback connect(ConnOpts :: list()) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, any()}.
For example, epgsql_pool_client module:
connect(Opts) ->
Host = proplists:get_value(host, Opts),
Username = proplists:get_value(username, Opts),
Password = proplists:get_value(password, Opts),
epgsql:connect(Host, Username, Password, conn_opts(Opts)).
squery(Pool, Sql) ->
ecpool:with_client(Pool, fun(Client) -> epgsql:squery(Client, Sql) end).
The ecpool
supervisor tree:
pool_sup[one_for_all supervisor]
worker_sup[one_for_one supervisor]
worker1 -> connection1
worker2 -> connection1
Feng Lee [email protected]
The Apache License Version 2.0