Document your entire user interface, not just your styles.
- Create a component library using real templates from your application
- Organise your components into a dynamic tree structure
- Fake out your backend at the view model layer
- See what each template looks like when you vary the data it receives
Guide runs in production at Envato. While it is moderately mature at this stage, its API and features are still subject to changes.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'guide'
And then execute:
$ bundle install
Add /config/initializers/guide.rb
# Available options with example usage
Guide.configure do |config|
config.asset_path_for_logo = "guide/aweosme-guide-logo.svg"
config.company_name = "Your Awesome Company"
config.controller_class_to_inherit = "Guide::ControllerInjection"
config.default_stylesheets_for_structures = ['application/core/index', 'application/pages/default/index']
config.guide_name = "Your Awesome Guide"
config.helper_module_to_globally_include = 'Guide::HelperInjection'
config.local_variable_for_view_model = :view_model
config.supported_locales = {
"English" => "en",
"Portuguese" => "pt",
"Spanish" => "es",
Note: If you are having asset compiling issues you may need to add Guide's assets to your asset precompile config e.g.
# config/application.rb
config.assets.precompile += [
Each Guide is essentially a tree of nodes with pages that are either a Document
or a Structure
- Use
for organising things in the tree without adding pages - Use
for static pages - Use
for dynamic pages with scenarios. EachStructure
represents a template in your application.
is the root node of that tree and defines your top level navigation structure.
To add child nodes, use the following DSL:
contains :child_node_name
This example declares that the tree contains a child node named:
You will need to create a class for it.
All of your content should live in the Guide::Content
namespace so that Guide can find it easily.
Feel free to redeclare the base node class in your system at the following path:
It needs to be a Document
or a Structure
, otherwise your Guide will not have a working homepage.
The convention for the subdirectory in app/ is documentation
but if you don't like that, you can use something else.
We don't recommend putting it inside the standard rails directories though.
Here's an example of what app/documentation/guide/content.rb
might look like:
# app/documentation/guide/content.rb
class Guide::Content < Guide::Document
contains :structures
contains :ui_library
contains :branding
To specify options such as visibility, append them to the declaration:
contains :structures # no visbility specified = public
contains :ui_library, :visibility => :unpublished
contains :branding, :visibility => :restricted
A node is a point on the content tree. Everything in the content folder is a node.
# app/documentation/guide/ui_library/typography
class Guide::Content::UILibrary::Typography < Guide::Node
contains :body
contains :currency
contains :heading
contains :new_experiment, :visibility => :unpublished
contains :link
contains :list
contains :preformatted
This type of node has no scenarios, but is still renderable. It corresponds to a static template, usually with the same name, in the same folder.
Supported formats
# app/documentation/guide/content/ui_library/typography/heading.rb
class Guide::Content::UILibrary::Typography::Heading < Guide::Document
<div><p>Whatever you like!</p></div>
This type of node can manage a list of Scenarios, so that we can render a piece of the UI as it would look in lots of different situations.
For more info on how to add Structures and Scenarios, see the wiki
Each Scenario represents a set of data passed into the template via its view model. These let us see what our templates look like under various conditions.
The homepage of your Guide is a special snowflake. Edit the contents here:
In order to link to other Guide pages from within your content, you will need to use the node_path
url helper. Here are a couple of examples:
<%= link_to "root level link", guide.node_path('documents') %>
<%= link_to "nested link", guide.node_path('documents/restricted') %>
Fixtures are reusable data for your Structures. They can be defined once and then reused across multiple structures and scenarios.
Tip: Try to organise your fixtures in a similar way to your real view models.
Guide defines the Guide::Fixtures
module, so if your put your fixtures in app/documentation/guide/fixtures/
they should be autoloaded correctly.
# app/documentation/guide/fixtures/common.rb
class Guide::Fixtures::Common < Guide::Fixture
def self.alert_box_view_model(options = {})
:type => :notice,
:message => "You need to set a message",
}, options
Injections can be used when you need to supply code to help Guide work within the context of your application.
Guide allows you to push code directly into its controllers through dependency injection. You will need to do this to be able to use most of the other code injections that Guide supports, as you'll see a bit later on.
When configuring Guide, one of the options available to you is to specify a controller_class_to_inherit
. This does what it says. Think of it like an ApplicationController, but specific to your Guide.
The class that you supply needs to be a Rails controller, so you'll need to inherit from ActionController::Base
If you choose to use this feature, remember to use unique method names. It may be helpful to take a glance at the code for Guide's controllers to make sure that you haven't got any clashes.
# Controller base class injection
Guide.configure do |config|
config.controller_class_to_inherit = "Guide::ControllerInjection"
class Guide::ControllerInjection < ActionController::Base
# Your code here
Unless you're running a totally public Guide, you will need some way to determine who is viewing it so that you can choose what they are allowed to see.
Since the means of authentication varies across different applications, Guide allows you to pass in an authentication system instead of providing its own.
If you inject an authentication system, Guide will call the #user_signed_in?
, #url_for_sign_in
and #url_for_sign_out
methods on it. It's recommended that you inherit from Guide::DefaultAuthenticationSystem
Here's an example of how you might set this up:
# Authentication system injection
class Guide::ControllerInjection < ActionController::Base
def authentication_system
class Guide::AuthenticationSystem < Guide::DefaultAuthenticationSystem
def initialize(request)
@request = request
def user_signed_in?
def url_for_sign_in
# Where do you want to send people when they click the 'sign in' link?
def url_for_sign_out
# This is where people will end up when they click 'sign out'
Once you've figured out who is looking at your Guide, you're ready to decide what they're allowed to see.
As with the authentication system, most applications have some way of determining this sort of thing. Instead of presuming to know how your system works, Guide lets you implement this yourself.
If you inject an authorisation system, Guide will call the #allow?(action)
, #user_is_privileged?
and #valid_visibility_options
methods on it. Inheriting from Guide::DefaultAuthorisatinSystem
will get you some sensible defaults for the latter two of these methods.
You can set this up however you like, as long as you hook into the controller via #authorisation_system
and implement the #allow?(action)
method. Here's an example of how you might do it:
# Authorisation system injection
class Guide::ControllerInjection < ActionController::Base
def authorisation_system
def real_authorisation_system
class Guide::AuthorisationSystemInjection < Guide::DefaultAuthorisationSystem
def initialize(real_system)
@real_system = real_system
def allow?(action)
if Rails.env.development?
# Optional methods for if you want to use custom visibility options
def user_is_privileged?
allow?(:view_guide_not_ready_yet) ||
def valid_visibility_options
If you would like to push some HTML directly onto every page in Guide, you can do so using an HTML injection.
A good example of HTML that you might like to inject is a stylesheet link tag:
# HTML injection for a stylesheet link tag
class Guide::ControllerInjection
def html_injection
class Guide::HtmlInjection
include ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper
def prepare_injection(view_context)
].join(" ")
While the Guide development team recommends the use of view models instead of helpers, sometimes you're working on an application that already relies on them. Guide allows you to inject helpers so that you can get started without first having to retire them all.
Here's how to do it:
# Injecting helper modules
Guide.configure do |config|
config.helper_module_to_globally_include = "Guide::HelperInjection"
module Guide::HelperInjection
include ::RegretHelper
include ::SoonToBeRetiredHelper
If you really need to, you can add include ::ApplicationHelper
to this list.
Guide does not come packaged with browser tests, but it's a great idea to write some. Here's an example of how you might create one:
content =
authorisation_system =
bouncer = authorisation_system)
cartographer =
cartographer.draw_paths_to_visible_renderable_nodes(starting_node: content).each do |node_path, node_title|
aggregate_failures do
visit Guide::Engine.routes.url_helpers.node_path(:node_path => node_path)
with_scope('.sg-header') do
expect(page).to have_content("<put something recognisable here>")
puts "Successfully visited #{node_title}"
rescue StandardError, RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError => e
raise [
"Could not load the guide page for #{node_path},",
"To open this in your browser, visit <Root path to your guide>/#{node_path}",
"You can find the file for this at app/documentation/guide/content/#{node_path}.rb",
"Here's what I saw when I tried to go there:",
"#{page.body.split('Full backtrace').first}",
These specs ensure that your fake view models (Guide::ViewModel) in Guide have the same public interfaces as the real view models in your application
When you mount the gem in your routes file, you can specify a route to mount it to. If you want it mounted at the root of your application, you'd use:
mount Guide::Engine => "/"
Or if you want it at, say, /guide/
, you could use:
mount Guide::Engine => '/guide/'
Any routes defined by the Guide gem will be prefixed with the path you specify when you mount it.
Guide uses the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.
- github project
- Bug reports and feature requests are via github issues
We welcome contribution from everyone. Read more about it in
- Fork it ( )
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request
For larger new features: do everything as above, but first also make contact with the project maintainers to be sure your change fits with the project direction and you won't be wasting effort going in the wrong direction.
Please see the Wiki for indepth instructions on developing and understanding the Guide gem.