Release 1.11.3
released this
16 Apr 08:18
282 commits
to master
since this release
[1.11.3] - 2024-04-16
- Added support of Python 3.12 lambda runtime
- Root account removed from trusted entities of autogenerated lambda’s role
- Improve bundle name validation: exclude folder path from length validation
- Added an ability to build lambdas and lambda layers with local requirements (for
- Added an ability to build lambdas and lambda layers with local requirements (for
- Implemented subnet group deletion with deletion of the related DAX if the syndicate deployed it
- Fixed deploy target bucket key compound appending to artifact src in swagger ui resource
- Clarified the error message when copying NodeJS dependencies folder
- Changed the error log message to the warning when updating log group retention period
- Made a bunch of changes to the CloudWatch Alarm resource:
- added the ability to add ALARM actions for Lambdas and System Manager (incident manager);
- added new parameters to the resource description in the deployment_resources:
; - added new parameters to the
syndicate generate meta cloudwatch_alarm
; - added more values to the
- Fixed bug when lambda invocation permissions in lambda`s alias were not removed after the web_socket_api_gateway was destroyed
- Fixed displaying help messages with partially specified credentials
- Added more error logs in retry function which assumes aws credentials
- Added verbose mode (flag
) - improved project lock logic to make it configurable and time-limited