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Maksim Verkhoturov edited this page Nov 18, 2021 · 24 revisions


Where can I download the GUI

There are packages for some Linux distributions: Arch, Debian, Ubuntu.

For windows automated build are generated by Appveyor, download from the releases page. See the windows installation guide of neovim

There is a package for FreeBSD.

How to change the font

Add the following to your ginit.vim

Guifont DejaVu Sans Mono:h13

See the documentation with :help

GuiFont/GuiForeground()/etc don't exist

Likely means the neovim-gui-shim plugin is not being loaded, check your &runtimepath it should include a nvim-qt folder in there. If you are running off an installed nvim-qt then this might be bug, please report it in the issue tracker - and include the value of &rtp and the location the nvim-qt installed files.

There are a couple things you can do to work around the issue

  • set the environment variable NVIM_QT_RUNTIME_PATH to the location of the runtime folder (in UNIX this is usually /usr/share/nvim-qt/runtime)
  • set &rtp to include the runtime folder

If you are running a remote Neovim instance in a different machine then its natural it can't find the runtime folder, you can add it as a regular plugin in init.vim (for example with vim-plug)

Plug 'equalsraf/neovim-gui-shim'

GuiFont fails with ... is not a fixed pitch font

This means the metrics reported by the font are not right for a monospaced font. Neovim only works with monospaced fonts.

If you are sure this is a mistake, or really want to force load the font, you can use GuiFont! instead. But loading a non-monospaced font can cause clipping issues.

Clipboard doesn't work

Try the new GuiClipboard() feature:

:call GuiClipboard()

See for discussion.

How do I connect to a running Neovim instance?

To connect to a running Neovim instance via TCP, or using a local socket (also works for named pipes in Windows)

nvim-qt --server
nvim-qt --server /tmp/nvimhPPvuYo/0

For more options call nvim-qt --help.

I cant see debug messages in Windows

In Windows where log messages are not available in the console output, in UNIX systems these messages are printed to stderr.

You can set the NVIM_QT_LOG environment variable to write a log file. Debug messages are only available in debug builds.

Passing command line arguments to neovim.exe

You can pass arguments to the nvim process after the -- separator. Example:

nvim-qt -- -V9log.txt

Neovim fatal error "API methods mismatch: Cannot connect to this instance of Neovim, its version is likely too old, or the API has changed"

It means you are either running Neovim version which is not supported, because it is too old. Or the Neovim API had a breaking change that we do not support yet.

How to work with a dev build of nvim ?

You can point nvim-qt to a specific Neovim executable

nvim-qt --nvim ~/bin/nvim

or connect to a Neovim socket using --server e.g.

NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS=nvim-socket nvim --headless &
nvim-qt --server nvim-socket

Why Doesn't the mouse work?

Neovim doesn't enable the mouse by default, see :h mouse.

You can enable mouse support with set mouse=a.

See Issue 691 for more details.

Where is the Right Click Menu?

A basic right-click copy-paste context menu is supported, but off-by-default. See :h GuiShowContextMenu.

You can enable it in with the following map:

nnoremap <silent><RightMouse> :call GuiShowContextMenu()<CR>
inoremap <silent><RightMouse> <Esc>:call GuiShowContextMenu()<CR>
vnoremap <silent><RightMouse> :call GuiShowContextMenu()<CR>gv

See Issue 336 for more details.

How do I change the Window Title to show filenames?

The title option must be set. See :help title for more options.

" Set buffer name as window title
set title

"Optional: set custom window title string
let &titlestring="Neovim Qt Window Title"

See Issue 294 for more details.