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Subnetwork enumeration algorithms for multilayer networks

See for the theoretical background.

This repository contains two algorithms for enumerating subnetworks of multilayer networks, both implemented in Python and in C++. For the Python implementation, the pymnet library is used. C++ version uses Boost Graph Library.

Compile C++ with: g++ -DN_ASPECTS=n_aspects -std=c++17 -O3 mesu.cpp -o mesu_n_aspects.out where n_aspects should be replaced with the desired number of aspects.

Or: make will compile versions from 1 to 6 aspects.

Use C++ with: mesu_d.out inputfile outputfile 'subnet_size_in_aspect_0,subnet_size_in_aspect_1,...,subnet_size_in_aspect_d'

To run C++ benchmarks with run_benchmark_models_cpp (in there need to be compiled versions of mesu.cpp with names mesu_n_aspects.out.