Releases: erincatto/box2d
Releases Β· erincatto/box2d
Version 3.0 is a massive update to Box2D.
Blog post:
Migration guide:
What's Changed
- Update to Version 3 by @erincatto in #769
Full Changelog: v2.4.2...v3.0.0
Final release of version 2
This is the final release of version 2. The next commit with be version 3.0.
This has a few bug fixes, but is mainly being created for people who want to stay on version 2.
What's Changed
- Remove unnecessary function by @erincatto in #659
- Typo fix by @gittem01 in #684
- Update box2d's version of Doctest to latest version by @PatrickHoward in #682
- Create cmake.yml by @erincatto in #707
- Added macos and windows actions by @erincatto in #708
- Issue Fixes by @erincatto in #709
- Making hull builder more robust by @erincatto in #735
- Miscellaneous fixes by @erincatto in #736
- Adjust mouse joint damping with time step by @erincatto in #737
- Add benchmark test by @erincatto in #744
New Contributors
- @gittem01 made their first contribution in #684
- @PatrickHoward made their first contribution in #682
Full Changelog: v2.4.1...v2.4.2
Changes for version 2.4.1
API Changes
- Extended distance joint to have a minimum and maximum limit.
- Removed rope joint. Use the distance joint instead.
- B2_USER_SETTINGS and b2_user_settings.h can control user data, length units, and maximum polygon vertices.
- Default user data is now uintptr_t instead of void*
- b2FixtureDef::restitutionThreshold lets you set the restitution velocity threshold per fixture.
- BREAKING: distance joint 0 stiffness now means the spring is turned off rather than making the joint rigid.
- BREAKING: distance joint minimum and maximum must be set correctly to get old behavior.
- Library installation function available in CMake.
- Shared library (DLL) option available.
- Bug fixes
Changes for version 2.4.0
- Documentation in Doxygen format
- CMake build system
- Unit test support
- Continuous integration testing using Travis CI
- Limited use of C++11 (nullptr and override)
- Restructured folders and renamed files to better match open-source standards
- MIT License
- Removed float32 and float64
- Linked the Box2D project to GitHub Sponsors
- Chain and edge shape must now be one-sided to eliminate ghost collisions
- Broad-phase optimizations
- Added b2ShapeCast for linear shape casting
- Joint limits are now predictive and not stateful
- Experimental 2D cloth (rope)
- b2Body::SetActive -> b2Body::SetEnabled
- Better support for running multiple worlds
- Handle zero density better
- The body behaves like a static body
- The body is drawn with a red color
- Added translation limit to wheel joint
- World dump now writes to box2d_dump.inl
- Static bodies are never awake
- All joints with spring-dampers now use stiffness and damping
- Added utility functions to convert frequency and damping ratio to stiffness and damping
- Testbed uses dear imgui
- glad OpenGL loader
- OpenGL 3.3 required