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This package finds the Delaunay
for a set of points in arbitrary dimensions. It uses the Python
to perform the actual calculation.
This package is inspired by QHull.jl, which uses the same Python library.
using Delaunay
points = rand(10, 2)
mesh = delaunay(points)
mesh.points # the points
mesh.simplices # the simplices (triangles in 2d)
mesh.neighbors # neighbouring simplices of a simplex
mesh.vertex_to_simplex # find a simplex for a point
mesh.convex_hull # convex hull of the domain
mesh.vertex_neighbor_vertices # neighbouring vertices of a vertex
using GLMakie # or CairoMakie/WGLMakie/RPRMakie
color = rand(size(mesh.points, 1))
fig, ax, pl = Makie.poly(mesh.points, mesh.simplices, color=color, strokewidth=2, figure=(resolution=(800, 400),))
points = randn(100, 2)
mesh = delaunay(points)
color = rand(size(mesh.points, 1))
poly(fig[1, 2], mesh.points, mesh.simplices, color=color, strokewidth=2)
save("delaunay2d.png", fig)
using Delaunay
points = rand(100, 3)
mesh = delaunay(points)
using GeometryBasics
# Convert to tetrahedra faces
tetras = [GeometryBasics.TetrahedronFace(mesh.simplices[i, :]...) for i in 1:size(mesh.simplices, 1)]
points = Makie.to_vertices(mesh.points) # Use Makie to convert to Vector{Point3f}
m = GeometryBasics.Mesh(points, tetras) # create tetrahedra mesh
# Triangulate it, since Makie's mesh conversion currently doesn't handle tetrahedras itself
tris = GeometryBasics.triangle_mesh(m)
fig, ax, pl = Makie.mesh(tris, color=rand(length(tris.position)), colormap=(:viridis, 0.5), transparency=true)
# add wireframe plot, which actually supports tetrahedras...
wireframe!(ax, m, color=:white, transparency=true)
save("delaunay3d.png", fig)
The test cases contain also examples in higher dimensions.