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Releases: espterm/espterm-firmware

ESPTerm "Damselfly" pre-release 2

19 Aug 10:03
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This updated pre-release adds a GUI for toggling the GPIOs from the web interface.


This pre-release is stable, the terminal component was not changed in any way. There may be some imperfections in the translations.

ESPTerm "Damselfly" pre-release

18 Aug 20:26
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This is a pre-release of the upcoming release 2.4.0 codenamed "Damselfly".

The key addition this release brings is an API for remote access to some GPIO pins. I suggested this feature as a nice-to-have improvement in September 2017, and thanks to @schneemaier's periodic reminding (for a good half a year), I finally implemented it today.

This huge delay was in part caused by me finishing my studies and working on the thesis project [1], and then getting distracted by another side project [2]. Now both are somewhat finished, and I'm out of the university,
but my free time has only diminished thanks to full-time employment.

[1]: (I intend to work on this again in the near future)
[2]: (beta, work in progress, but functional)

Anyway, enjoy the release and report any bugs so I can make a sharp 2.4.0 soon.

Known issues: the Hungarian translation needs an update.



Fix for broken click-buttons

21 Jan 13:14
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This patch fixes an embarrassing bug - the buttons under the terminal screen didn't work due to a missing parenthesis in a macro.

Nobody complained until today, so hopefully not much harm was done :)

2.3.0 Hungarian language patch

27 Nov 20:33
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This release just adds some Hungarian translations.

The version string is unchanged and there are no changes in other locales, so only the Hungarian mutation is available.

For more info about 2.3.0 and other languages, please see the previous release,

Release 2.3.0 Cricket

19 Nov 22:19
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The long awaited release 2.3 is finally here! Sorry for the delay.

    //_____ __
   @ )====// .\___
     / /       \\

This release adds:

  • configurable button count
  • configurable button colors
  • settings import/export using INI files
  • super-sized line support (double height, double width) - using standard VT100 commands


  • removed some old custom OSC in order to more efficiently use the available OSC space.
    See the pre-release or the help page for details.

Some language mutations may be incomplete (notably HU and DE). It will be fixed in a patch release if we get someone to update them.

(cricket ascii art from

"Cricket" pre-release 1

25 Oct 23:06
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This is a testing build of the upcoming 2.3.0 release codenamed "Cricket"


What's new:

  • INI import and export of settings
  • (a lot of the back-end was re-written to X macros to make the above possible)
  • Button count is now configurable
  • Deprecated OSC 70, 8x and 9x
  • Added new OSC 27,28,29 (see below)

New OSC: The block 20-39 is now used for ESPTerm specific commands, using a nesting scheme to avoid wasting numbers.

  • 27;1;background_url
  • 27;2;button_count
  • 28;n;Btn n label
  • 29;n;Btn n message

We also now have a Hungarian translation!

2.2.0 "Bluet" - image backgrounds!

08 Oct 11:13
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Image backgrounds

Image background can be configured in the Terminal Settings form, or sent using an OSC command:

OSC 70 ; url ST - eg. \e]70;\a is the damselfly from the above screenshot (source: Wikipedia).

The URL is resolved by user's browser, so https or even ftp can be used. Animated gifs will work too.
Note: don't use this if you expect users to connect to the built-in AP, they won't be able to access the image.

This feature is useful for: logos, process diagrams, pre-rendered UI elements, etc.

  • The URL can be max 100 characters long.
  • The image will be centered and scaled to fit the screen. Note that about 6px on either side of the screen is used for the margins and the screen size, resp. aspect ratio, may slightly vary with the font used.
  • Don't expect pixel-perfect graphics, if you need that, use any of the Unicode line / box drawing characters.
  • The image will be visible where the default background color is used - use \e[0m or \e[49m to reset to the default color.
  • The background color around and behind the image is your configured default background color
  • Clear the background URL box or send \e]70;\a if you want no background image.

New codepages

Two new codepages have been added, and the empty spaces in 1 are now populated.

Please note that the UTF-8 cache feature is still present, so you can use at most 160 unique non-ASCII UTF-8 characters at once. This feature reduces the amount of RAM used by the screen array.


czech language patch

04 Oct 22:53
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fixes some typos and missing keys

For other languages, see 2.1.0

2.1.0 "Anthill"

03 Oct 22:48
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This is our first release with a code-name, this time celebrating all the bugs in the project (hopefully now on the decline)

What's new

  • Networking commands!

    • Simple messages for ESPTerm-to-ESPTerm messaging
    • Command to request an external server and get back the response headers and/or body
    • API endpoint that can be used for remote control from PC (/api/v1/msg, GET or POST)
    • For more info, please refer to the build-in help page, it explains it in great detail.
  • Debug parser - select in terminal settings.
    this parser captures all input and instead of interpreting the sequences, shows them right on the screen.
    Green codes are low ASCII control characters, red are corrupt UTF-8 sequences.

    Here's an example when I tried to send an image file to the UART.

  • Partial screen updates
    This is a big performance boost, the terminal should now redraw faster in most cases.
    Implementing this feature was quite challenging, and to make it happen, we had to completely re-work the message format sent through the WebSocket.

  • Color pickers in the theme form

    • click inside the fg / bg text field to open a color picker.
  • Improved ENQ response
    The Answerback message, invoked by the ASCII code 5, was implemented for a long time, but now is really powerful. There is also a cooldown timer to prevent it being called too often by accident, which would clog the output buffer with this new longer message.

    The overall format is like this:
    \eXESPTerm 2.1.0-beta3 "Anthill" #dc08512+0114846 id=027451\e\\

    • version
    • code-name
    • git hashes (front-end and back-end)
    • unique ID
    • IP address, if in Station mode
  • Improved screen debug with Ctrl+F12 (and a new config option)

    • this is useful at the moment mostly for developers
    • shows the internal state and info about cells on the screen
    • the new config option in terminal settings enables seeing internal state; This is disabled by default to save websocket bandwidth.
  • Upload tool custom chunking

    • you can now decide how long chunks to send, not only whole lines or max 100 chars
  • Disabled pull-up on the Rx pin

    • This was causing issues with cheap Chinese USB-UART adapters when protection resistors were used.
      When the adaptor is too weak, the two resistors (pull-up and protection) form a voltage divider and the signal voltage never reaches low enough to be recognized as LOW.
    • Some testing was done and it seems to suggest there are no negative side effects of disabling the pull-up.
  • Language mutations

    • we now offer a Czech and German build alongside the main English one
    • all except the Help and About pages (which are full of text) are translated
    • because this changes the embedded html pages, at the moment the language cannot be switched other than by flashing a different binary
  • New download format

    • each zip package with the localized 0x00000 and 0x40000 bins also includes a readme, check-sums file, and a flash script.
    • to verify checksums, run sha256sum -c checksums.txt in the inner folder.
    • the flash script can be customized using env variables (open it for more info)

This release was tested with ESP-01, ESP-01S and ESP-12.
It's known to work best in Chrome (Chromium, Brave, Opera), Firefox and Safari.
Internet Explorer is not supported. MS Edge reportedly works to some degree, but is very slow.


03 Oct 18:34
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2.1.0-beta3 Pre-release

fixed some css issues