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ethereumjs-common > Common

Class: Common

Common class to access chain and hardfork parameters








new Common(chain: string | number | object, hardfork?: string | null, supportedHardforks?: Array<string>): Common

Defined in index.ts:62



Name Type Description
chain string | number | object String ('mainnet') or Number (1) chain
Optional hardfork string | null String identifier ('byzantium') for hardfork (optional)
Optional supportedHardforks Array<string> Limit parameter returns to the given hardforks (optional)

Returns: Common



_chooseHardfork(hardfork?: string | null, onlySupported?: undefined | false | true): string

Defined in index.ts:131

Internal helper function to choose between hardfork set and hardfork provided as param


Name Type Description
Optional hardfork string | null Hardfork given to function as a parameter
Optional onlySupported undefined | false | true

Returns: string Hardfork chosen to be used


_getHardfork(hardfork: string): any

Defined in index.ts:150

Internal helper function, returns the params for the given hardfork for the chain set


Name Type Description
hardfork string Hardfork name

Returns: any Dictionary with hardfork params


_isSupportedHardfork(hardfork: string | null): boolean

Defined in index.ts:163

Internal helper function to check if a hardfork is set to be supported by the library


Name Type Description
hardfork string | null Hardfork name

Returns: boolean True if hardfork is supported


activeHardfork(blockNumber?: number | null, opts?: hardforkOptions): string

Defined in index.ts:327

Returns the latest active hardfork name for chain or block or throws if unavailable


Name Type Description
Optional blockNumber number | null up to block if provided, otherwise for the whole chain
Optional opts hardforkOptions Hardfork options (onlyActive unused)

Returns: string Hardfork name


activeHardforks(blockNumber?: number | null, opts?: hardforkOptions): Array<any>

Defined in index.ts:307

Returns the active hardfork switches for the current chain


Name Type Description
Optional blockNumber number | null up to block if provided, otherwise for the whole chain
Optional opts hardforkOptions Hardfork options (onlyActive unused)

Returns: Array<any> Array with hardfork arrays


activeOnBlock(blockNumber: number, opts?: hardforkOptions): boolean

Defined in index.ts:237

Alias to hardforkIsActiveOnBlock when hardfork is set


Name Type Description
blockNumber number -
Optional opts hardforkOptions Hardfork options (onlyActive unused)

Returns: boolean True if HF is active on block number


bootstrapNodes(): any

Defined in index.ts:402

Returns bootstrap nodes for the current chain

Returns: any Dict with bootstrap nodes


chainId(): number

Defined in index.ts:418

Returns the Id of current chain

Returns: number chain Id


chainName(): string

Defined in index.ts:426

Returns the name of current chain

Returns: string chain name (lower case)


consensus(hardfork?: undefined | string): string

Defined in index.ts:367

Provide the consensus type for the hardfork set or provided as param


Name Type Description
Optional hardfork undefined | string Hardfork name, optional if hardfork set

Returns: string Consensus type (e.g. 'pow', 'poa')


finality(hardfork?: undefined | string): string

Defined in index.ts:377

Provide the finality type for the hardfork set or provided as param


Name Type Description
Optional hardfork undefined | string Hardfork name, optional if hardfork set

Returns: string Finality type (e.g. 'pos', null of no finality)


genesis(): any

Defined in index.ts:386

Returns the Genesis parameters of current chain

Returns: any Genesis dictionary


gteHardfork(hardfork: string, opts?: hardforkOptions): boolean

Defined in index.ts:281

Alias to hardforkGteHardfork when hardfork is set


Name Type Description
hardfork string Hardfork name
Optional opts hardforkOptions Hardfork options

Returns: boolean True if hardfork set is greater than hardfork provided


hardfork(): string | null

Defined in index.ts:410

Returns the hardfork set

Returns: string | null Hardfork name


hardforkBlock(hardfork?: undefined | string): number

Defined in index.ts:342

Returns the hardfork change block for hardfork provided or set


Name Type Description
Optional hardfork undefined | string Hardfork name, optional if HF set

Returns: number Block number


hardforkGteHardfork(hardfork1: string | null, hardfork2: string, opts?: hardforkOptions): boolean

Defined in index.ts:248

Sequence based check if given or set HF1 is greater than or equal HF2


Name Type Description
hardfork1 string | null Hardfork name or null (if set)
hardfork2 string Hardfork name
Optional opts hardforkOptions Hardfork options

Returns: boolean True if HF1 gte HF2


hardforkIsActiveOnBlock(hardfork: string | null, blockNumber: number, opts?: hardforkOptions): boolean

Defined in index.ts:218

Checks if set or provided hardfork is active on block number


Name Type Description
hardfork string | null Hardfork name or null (for HF set)
blockNumber number -
Optional opts hardforkOptions Hardfork options (onlyActive unused)

Returns: boolean True if HF is active on block number


hardforkIsActiveOnChain(hardfork?: string | null, opts?: hardforkOptions): boolean

Defined in index.ts:291

Checks if given or set hardfork is active on the chain


Name Type Description
Optional hardfork string | null Hardfork name, optional if HF set
Optional opts hardforkOptions Hardfork options (onlyActive unused)

Returns: boolean True if hardfork is active on the chain


hardforks(): any

Defined in index.ts:394

Returns the hardforks for current chain

Returns: any Array with arrays of hardforks


isHardforkBlock(blockNumber: number, hardfork?: undefined | string): boolean

Defined in index.ts:353

True if block number provided is the hardfork (given or set) change block of the current chain


Name Type Description
blockNumber number Number of the block to check
Optional hardfork undefined | string Hardfork name, optional if HF set

Returns: boolean True if blockNumber is HF block


networkId(): number

Defined in index.ts:434

Returns the Id of current network

Returns: number network Id


param(topic: string, name: string, hardfork?: undefined | string): any

Defined in index.ts:180

Returns the parameter corresponding to a hardfork


Name Type Description
topic string Parameter topic ('gasConfig', 'gasPrices', 'vm', 'pow', 'casper', 'sharding')
name string Parameter name (e.g. 'minGasLimit' for 'gasConfig' topic)
Optional hardfork undefined | string Hardfork name, optional if hardfork set

Returns: any


paramByBlock(topic: string, name: string, blockNumber: number): any

Defined in index.ts:205

Returns a parameter for the hardfork active on block number


Name Type Description
topic string Parameter topic
name string Parameter name
blockNumber number Block number

Returns: any


setChain(chain: string | number | object): any

Defined in index.ts:89

Sets the chain


Name Type Description
chain string | number | object String ('mainnet') or Number (1) chain representation. Or, a Dictionary of chain parameters for a private network.

Returns: any The dictionary with parameters set as chain


setHardfork(hardfork: string | null): void

Defined in index.ts:110

Sets the hardfork to get params for


Name Type Description
hardfork string | null String identifier ('byzantium')

Returns: void

<Static> forCustomChain

forCustomChain(baseChain: string | number, customChainParams: Partial<Chain>, hardfork?: string | null, supportedHardforks?: Array<string>): Common

Defined in index.ts:30

Creates a Common object for a custom chain, based on a standard one. It uses all the Chain params from [[baseChain]] except the ones overridden in [[customChainParams]].


Name Type Description
baseChain string | number The name (`mainnet`) or id (`1`) of a standard chain used to base the custom chain params on.
customChainParams Partial<Chain> The custom parameters of the chain.
Optional hardfork string | null String identifier ('byzantium') for hardfork (optional)
Optional supportedHardforks Array<string> Limit parameter returns to the given hardforks (optional)

Returns: Common