This repository contains the code examples for Seven More Languages in Seven Weeks by Bruce A. Tate, Fred Daoud, Jack Moffitt, and Ian Dees. In the book, we take you on a step-by-step journey through Lua, Factor, Elixir, Elm, Julia, MiniKanren, and Idris.
Some of these languages are evolving rapidly; should you find a code example that needs to be tweaked to work with the latest version of a language, please send us a pull request!
You can also fork this repository and use it to try your hand at the
exercises in the book; we've provided an exercises
directory for this
Copyrights apply to this source code. You may use the source code in your own projects; however, the source code may not be used to create training material, courses, books, articles, and the like. We make no guarantees that this source code is fit for any purpose.