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Hi everyone! Welcome to my Github

Who am I?

A seasoned full-stack engineer with extensive hands-on experience architecting and developing scalable web, mobile, and blockchain applications. I possess a proactive nature and a deep commitment to taking the initiative and fostering team collaboration.

My professional journey has been fueled by a relentless passion for acquiring new technological proficiencies. I approach each opportunity with a strong desire to expand my knowledge and skills, ensuring that I stay at the forefront of emerging technologies and industry trends.

I am dedicated to delivering high-quality results and thrive in dynamic and challenging environments. My expertise allows me to contribute meaningfully to projects, providing innovative solutions and driving success. Additionally, I am always eager to assist and support my colleagues, fostering a collaborative and supportive work environment.

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  1. Type-safety for dictionaries Type-safety for dictionaries
    type GetDictValue<T extends string, O> = T extends `${infer A}.${infer B}`
      ? A extends keyof O
        ? GetDictValue<B, O[A]>
        : never
      : T extends keyof O
  2. Create a function that renders a dia... Create a function that renders a dialog when calling a function.
    import * as React from "react";
    import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom";
    import { ConfirmDialog } from "./dialog";
    export function renderConfirmDialog(
  3. module-federation-demo module-federation-demo Public

    Micro-frontends Webpack5 Module Federation Demo


  4. npm-library-boilerplate npm-library-boilerplate Public

    A npm package boilerplate using JavaScript, TypeScript, Webpack, Babel, Jest, and Rollup
