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Mark Friedrich edited this page Aug 3, 2017 · 13 revisions

PATHFINDER is pretty easy to configure! If you are not planning "getting your hands dirty" with programming stuff, you don´t have to change a lot. All configuration files can be found here:

The default configuration should be fine in most cases. Edit all values with caution!

The pathfinder.ini and environment.ini are the most important. They use a namespaced [header] syntax to define setting blocks and structure. Here are some config options of note:

IMPORTANT: You can either edit the *.ini files in place(original files) or add your custom *.ini files to a location set in config.ini and overwrite default settings. Add: conf/ dir and add config files. Create this folder in project_root/conf with proper permissions!

Custom conf/pathfinder.ini

DO NOT blind copy&paste the existing file. Overwrite only those values you need to. Otherwise you will not get possible config changes with future updates. Keep the existing file structure intact (add section headlines e.g. [PATHFINDER.LOGIN]).

E.g. overwrite default cookie expire value, add:

COOKIE_EXPIRE               =   60

Custom conf/environment.ini

You HAVE TO set all values from the orig. app/environment.ini file to your custom environment.ini file, that belong to your [ENVIRONMENT] section. The orig. config file is ignored when conf/environment.ini exists (even if it´s empty) - no overwriting possible.

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