Based on bpg's provider
This module helps with the central management of "all things" (eventually) related to a Proxmox VE node. It has firewall enabled by default at both Datacenter and Node level. IPv6 is unset (no hosts file config and NDP is off).
Intended use case is for single node PVE datacenters. As of now the module does not address PVE clusters!
For a quick deployment you only need to source the module, set the provider correctly (via env vars as you should!) and provide PVE node name.
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
dtc-description | Description of the datacenter. | string | "" | No |
ui-language | Language for the PVE user interface. | string | "en" | No |
vnc-kb-layout | Keyboard layout for vnc server. | string | "en-us" | No |
http-proxy | HTTP proxy to be used for downloads. | string | null | No |
dtc-console-viewer | Default console viewer. | string | "xtermjs" | No |
dtc-email | Email address to send notifications from the datacenter. | string | null | No |
dtc-mac-prefix | Prefix for autogenerated MAC addresses of virtual guests. | string | "BC:24:11" | No |
dtc-migration-type | Migration traffic is encrypted using an SSH tunnel by default. | string | "secure" | No |
dtc-migration-cidr | CIDR range for migration traffic. | string | null | No |
dtc-ha-policy | Describes the policy for handling HA services on poweroff or reboot of a node. | string | "conditional" | No |
dtc-crs | Cluster resource scheduling settings. | object | { ha = "basic", ha-rebalance = false } | No |
dtc-bw-limits | Set I/O bandwidth limit for various operations (in KiB/s). | object | {} | No |
dtc-max-workers | Defines how many workers (per node) are maximal started on actions like stopall VMs or task from the ha-manager. | number | 5 | No |
dtc-vmid-range | Control the range for the free VMID auto-selection pool. | object | { lower = 1000, upper = 1000000 } | No |
dtc-fw-enabled | Enable firewall at datacenter level. | bool | true | No |
dtc-fw-ebtables | Enable ebtables at datacenter level. | bool | true | No |
dtc-fw-inpol | Datacenter level firewall input policy. | string | "DROP" | No |
dtc-fw-outpol | Datacenter level firewall output policy. | string | "ACCEPT" | No |
dtc-fw-lrl | Datacenter level fw log rate limit configuration. | object | { enabled = false } | No |
dtc-fsg | Firewall security groups. | map | {} | No |
dtc-fw-rules | Datacenter level firewall rules. | map | {} | No |
dtc-fw-fsg | Datacenter level firewall rules that import from a security group. | map | {} | No |
dtc-pools | Pools for resources. | map | {} | No |
node-name | Name of the Proxmox VE node. | string | null | Yes |
node-timezone | Timezone of the Proxmox VE node. | string | "UTC" | No |
node-dns | PVE node DNS settings. | object | null | No |
node-hosts-entries | PVE node /etc/hosts entries. | map | {} | No |
node-bridges | PVE node Linux network bridges. | map | {} | No |
run-bootstrap | Run bootstrap script on PVE node to configure settings missing (as of yet) in the provider. | bool | false | No |
node-ip | IP address of the Proxmox VE node. | string | null | No |
node-ssh-user | Username for the Proxmox VE node ssh connection. | string | null | No |
node-ssh-pw | Password for the Proxmox VE node ssh connection. | string | null | No |
node-ssh-privkey | Private key for the Proxmox VE node ssh connection. | string | null | No |
dtc-tag | [case=<1/0>], [order=<config/alphabetical>], [shape=full/circle/dense/none] | object | { order = "config" } | No |
node-fw-enabled | Enable firewall at node level. | bool | true | No |
node-fw-log-in | Log level for incoming packets. | string | "nolog" | No |
node-fw-log-out | Log level for outgoing packets. | string | "nolog" | No |
node-fw-smurfs | Enable SMURFS protection at node level. | bool | true | No |
node-fw-smurfs-log | Log level for SMURFS packets. | string | "nolog" | No |
node-fw-tcpflags | Enable TCP flags filtering at node level. | bool | false | No |
node-fw-tcpflags-log | Log level for TCP flags packets. | string | "nolog" | No |
node-fw-ndp | Enable NDP filtering at node level. | bool | false | No |