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Folder Structures for Different Software Architectures

Below are examples of folder structures for various software architectures.

1. Layered Architecture (N-Tier Architecture)

├── cmd/                     # Main entry point (optional for larger projects)
│   └── main.go
├── presentation/            # Presentation layer (API, UI)
│   ├── controllers/         # Handlers for requests
│   └── views/               # HTML, Templates (for UI)
├── business/                # Business logic layer
│   ├── services/            # Core business logic
│   └── models/              # Domain models/entities
├── data/                    # Data access layer
│   ├── repositories/        # Interactions with the database
│   └── migrations/          # Database migrations
├── config/                  # Configuration files
│   └── config.yaml
└── pkg/                     # Shared utilities or packages

2. Microservices Architecture

├── service-user/            # User service
│   ├── cmd/                 # Main entry point
│   ├── api/                 # API endpoints
│   ├── domain/              # Business logic for user
│   ├── repository/          # Data access for user service
│   └── config/              # Configuration for user service
├── service-order/           # Order service
│   ├── cmd/                 # Main entry point
│   ├── api/                 # API endpoints
│   ├── domain/              # Business logic for order
│   ├── repository/          # Data access for order service
│   └── config/              # Configuration for order service
└── common/                  # Shared components (auth, logging, etc.)
    ├── auth/
    ├── logging/
    └── monitoring/

3. Hexagonal Architecture (Ports and Adapters)

├── cmd/
│   └── main.go              # Main application entry point
├── adapters/                # External dependencies
│   ├── api/                 # REST API or GraphQL interfaces
│   ├── database/            # Database connections
│   └── messaging/           # Message queues or event systems
├── core/                    # Core domain logic (business rules)
│   ├── domain/              # Entities, aggregates, value objects
│   ├── services/            # Application services
│   └── ports/               # Interfaces for external systems
└── infrastructure/          # Frameworks and drivers
    └── config/              # Configuration and setup

4. Clean Architecture

├── cmd/                     # Main application entry point
│   └── main.go
├── entities/                # Core domain entities
│   └── user.go
├── usecases/                # Use case (application) layer
│   └── user_usecase.go      # Application logic for user-related operations
├── interfaces/              # Interface adapters (controllers, presenters, etc.)
│   ├── api/                 # API controllers
│   └── repository/          # Data access implementations (DB, API)
├── infrastructure/          # Frameworks and drivers (database, logging, etc.)
│   ├── database/            # DB interactions
│   └── logging/             # Logging setup
└── config/                  # Configuration files

5. Monolithic Architecture

├── cmd/
│   └── main.go              # Main entry point
├── api/                     # API endpoints
│   ├── controllers/         # Request handlers
│   └── middlewares/         # Middleware for request lifecycle
├── services/                # Business logic and services
├── models/                  # Data models or domain entities
├── repository/              # Data access layer
└── config/                  # Configuration files

6. Event-Driven Architecture

├── cmd/                     # Entry points for event processors
│   └── main.go
├── events/                  # Event definitions
│   └── user_event.go
├── handlers/                # Event handlers
│   └── user_event_handler.go
├── services/                # Business logic reacting to events
├── consumers/               # Event consumers (e.g., Kafka, RabbitMQ)
├── producers/               # Event producers
└── config/                  # Configuration for event sources

7. Component-Based Architecture

├── components/              # Modular, reusable components
│   ├── auth/                # Authentication component
│   ├── user/                # User management component
│   └── order/               # Order management component
├── shared/                  # Shared utilities or code between components
└── config/                  # Application configuration

8. Serverless Architecture

├── functions/               # Individual serverless functions
│   ├── createUser/          # User creation function
│   ├── processOrder/        # Order processing function
│   └── notifyUser/          # Notification function
├── events/                  # Event definitions for triggering functions
├── models/                  # Data models shared between functions
├── services/                # Business logic and reusable services
└── config/                  # Configuration (e.g., for AWS Lambda, Azure Functions)

9. Plugin-Based Architecture

├── core/                    # Core application logic
│   ├── api/
│   ├── services/
│   └── models/
├── plugins/                 # Plugins adding modular functionality
│   ├── auth/                # Authentication plugin
│   ├── payments/            # Payment plugin
│   └── analytics/           # Analytics plugin
├── shared/                  # Shared code between core and plugins
└── config/                  # Configuration for core and plugins

Each folder structure serves a different purpose depending on the type of project and scale of the application being built. These structures can be modified according to team needs and the technologies used.



Software architecture folder structures






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