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Falko is an web application, developed using Ruby on Rails API and Vue.js. It is a Freen Software Project, developed initially to GPP/MDS subjects of UnB - University of Brasília - Engineering Campus (FGA). Falko aims to promote a platform that makes easier for managers to manage agile projects through displaying metrics and relevant info regarding the project, also contributing to more eficient decision making.
Development environment uses the containers architecture through Docker. To install, simply follow the guide How to Use Docker. If you're not familiar with docker, you can just simplify some default commands with make.
$ make console
$ make create-db
$ make down
$ make migrate
$ make ps
$ make rm-network
$ make rm-volume
$ make run
$ make quiet-run
$ make run-api
$ make run-db
$ make seed
$ make test
Download and install Docker CE at the official site.
Download and install Docker Compose at the official site.
git clone && cd Falko-API/
git checkout devel
docker-compose up
docker pull imageYouWant
docker images
docker rmi -f imageId
docker ps
docker rm [-f] containerNameOrId
docker exec <container-name> <desired-command>
docker exec falko-api rails generate model User name:string
Additional documentation is avaiable at Official Wiki.
To contribute with us, the colaborator must fork and send a pull request with his/her contribution to devel branch. The code will be analized by one of the project's owners and, if approved, included to the application's core.
Copyright (c) 2018 Falko Organization