A command line app that takes as input a file with a set of records in one of three formats described below, and outputs (to the screen) the set of records sorted in one of three ways.
RecordParser JAR hosted on Google Drive
* One or more filenames with records to import
java -jar RecordParser.jar records.txt people.csv
--record - A single delimited record to import
java -jar RecordParser.jar --record "Macy, William H, male, blue, 1950-03-13"
--sort - The method to sort records by (see below for options)
java -jar RecordParser.jar --sort gender "records.txt" "people.csv"
--output - A desired filename to output records to. CAUTION: Will automatically overwrite previous file.
java -jar RecordParser.jar input.txt records.txt --sort birthdate --output combined.txt
--server - Starts a web server on port 4567 to GET and POST records (NOTE: If server flag isn't provided, records output to standard out)
java -jar RecordParser.jar --server piped-records.txt
--help - Displays the options
java -jar RecordParser.jar --help
A record consists of the following 5 fields: last name, first name, gender, favorite color, and date of birth.
The pipe-delimited file lists each record as follows:
LastName | FirstName | Gender | FavoriteColor | DateOfBirth
The comma-delimited file looks like this:
LastName, FirstName, Gender, FavoriteColor, DateOfBirth
The space-delimited file looks like this:
LastName FirstName Gender FavoriteColor DateOfBirth
"gender" - sorted by gender (females before males) then by last name ascending.
"birthdate" - (DEFAULT) sorted by birth date, ascending.
"lastname" - sorted by last name, descending.
Dates display in the format M/D/YYYY.
- DateOfBirth is formatted either as "M/d/y", "y-M-d", "y.M.d".
- For the scope of this project, any gender other than "m", "male", "f", or "female" will be labeled as "other".