A module made by Fantasy Computerworks.
Other works by us:
- Fantasy Calendar - The best calendar creator and management app on the internet
- Sequencer - Wow your players by playing visual effects on the canvas
- Item Piles - Drag & drop items into the scene to drop item piles that you can then easily pick up
- Token Ease - Make your tokens feel good to move around on the board
- Rest Recovery - Automate most D&D 5e long and short rest mechanics
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This module allows you to put unique tags on objects in scenes and use Tagger's powerful API to quickly retrieve them.
- Token Attacher - If you have tag rules (like
) on attached objects, they will get applied when the prefab is first created, even on nested attached objects - Monks Active Tile Triggers - This module also integrates Tagger to be able to select objects in the scene in its actions, and similarly to above, tag rules are evaluated when an active tile is created, either manually or through Token Attacher!
Or if you want to try experimental features:
All major PlaceableObjects' configuration dialogues (such as actor prototype tokens, tokens, tiles, walls, lights, etc), now has a "Tags" field.
Each tag is separated by a comma.
- Tagger.getByTag(inTags, inOptions) ⇒
Gets PlaceableObjects with matching tags provided to the method
- Tagger.hasTags(inObject, inTags, inOptions) ⇒
Verifies whether a given PlaceableObject or Document has the tags given
- Tagger.getTags(inObject) ⇒
Gets all tags from a given PlaceableObject or Document
- Tagger.setTags(inObjects, inTags) ⇒
Set the tags on an PlaceableObject or Document, completely overwriting existing tags on the object
- Tagger.toggleTags(inObjects, inTags) ⇒
Toggles the tags on an PlaceableObject or Document. If a tag is present, it will be removed. If it not present, it will be added.
- Tagger.addTags(inObjects, inTags) ⇒
Adds tags to an object
- Tagger.removeTags(inObjects, inTags) ⇒
Removes tags from an object
- Tagger.clearAllTags(inObjects) ⇒
Removes all tags from PlaceableObjects
- Tagger.applyTagRules(inObjects) ⇒
Applies all tag rules to every tag found on the given PlaceableObjects
- Tag Rules
Tag rules that are applied on object creation.
// Find objects whose tags contain "tag_to_find"
const objects = Tagger.getByTag("tag_to_find");
// Find objects with JUST and ONLY the tag "tag_to_find"
const objects = Tagger.getByTag("tag_to_find", { matchExactly: true });
Gets PlaceableObjects with matching tags provided to the method
Returns: Array
- Returns an array of filtered Documents based on the tags
Param | Type | Description |
inTags | String/RegExp/Array.<String/RegExp> |
An array of tags or a string of tags (separated by commas) that will be searched for |
inOptions | Object |
An optional object that can contain any of the following: - matchAny {Boolean} - whether the PlaceableObjects can contain any of the provided tags - matchExactly {Boolean} - whether the tags on the PlaceableObjects must contain ONLY the tags provided - caseInsensitive {Boolean} - whether the search is case insensitive (capitals vs lowercase is not considered) - allScenes {Boolean} - whether to search in all scenes, this will return an object with the key as the scene ID, and an array for objects found within that scene - objects {Array} - an array of PlaceableObjects to test - ignore {Array} - an array of PlaceableObjects to ignore - sceneId {String} - a string ID for the scene to search in |
// Whether the selected token has the tag "tag_to_find"
const objects = Tagger.hasTags(token, "tag_to_find");
// Whether the token has a tag that resembles "tag_to_find" or "TAG_TO_FIND" or "tAg_To_FiNd"
const objects = Tagger.hasTags(token, "TAG_to_FIND", { caseInsensitive: true });
Verifies whether a given PlaceableObject or Document has the tags given
Returns: Boolean
- Returns a boolean whether the object has the given tags
Param | Type | Description |
inObject | PlaceableObject |
A PlaceableObject, or an array of PlaceableObjects to check for tags on |
inTags | String/Array |
An array of tags or a string of tags (separated by commas) that will be searched for |
inOptions | Object |
An optional object that can contain any of the following: - matchAny {Boolean} - whether the PlaceableObjects can contain any of the provided tags - matchExactly {Boolean} - whether the tags on the PlaceableObjects must contain ONLY the tags provided - caseInsensitive {Boolean} - whether the search is case insensitive (capitals vs lowercase is not considered) |
// If the token has several tags, this method will return all of those tags as an array
const tags = Tagger.getTags(token);
Gets all tags from a given PlaceableObject or Document
Returns: Array
- An array of tags from the Document
Param | Type | Description |
inObject | PlaceableObject |
The PlaceableObject or Document get tags from |
// Sets the tags on the token to be ONLY "tag_to_set"
await Tagger.setTags(token, "tag_to_set");
// You can also set multiple tags with an array
await Tagger.setTags(token, ["tag_to_set", "tag_to_also_set"]);
// Or as a string with each tag separated with a comma
await Tagger.setTags(token, "tag_to_set, tag_to_also_set");
Set the tags on an PlaceableObject or Document, completely overwriting existing tags on the object
Returns: Promise
- A promise that will resolve when the PlaceableObjects' tags have been updated
Param | Type | Description |
inObjects | PlaceableObject/Array |
A PlaceableObject, or an array of PlaceableObjects to set tags on |
inTags | String/Array |
An array of tags or a string of tags (separated by commas) that will override all tags on the PlaceableObjects |
// If the token had the tag "tag_to_toggle", it no longer has it
await Tagger.toggleTags(token, "tag_to_toggle");
// You can also toggle multiple tags with an array
await Tagger.toggleTags(token, ["tag_to_toggle", "tag_to_also_toggle"]);
// Or as a string with each tag separated with a comma
await Tagger.toggleTags(token, "tag_to_toggle, tag_to_also_toggle");
Toggles the tags on an PlaceableObject or Document. If a tag is present, it will be removed. If it not present, it will be added.
Returns: Promise
- A promise that will resolve when the PlaceableObjects' tags have been updated
Param | Type | Description |
inObjects | PlaceableObject/Array |
A PlaceableObject, or an array of PlaceableObjects to set tags on |
inTags | String/Array |
An array of tags or a string of tags (separated by commas) that will override all tags on the PlaceableObjects |
// Adds "tag_to_add" to the token's existing tags
await Tagger.addTags(token, "tag_to_add");
Adds tags to an object
Returns: Promise
- A promise that will resolve when the PlaceableObjects' tags have been updated
Param | Type | Description |
inObjects | PlaceableObject/Array |
A PlaceableObject, or an array of PlaceableObjects to add tags to |
inTags | String/Array |
An array of tags or a string of tags (separated by commas) that will be added to the PlaceableObjects |
// Removes "tag_to_remove" from the token's tags
await Tagger.removeTags(token, "tag_to_remove");
Removes tags from an object
Returns: Promise
- A promise that will resolve when the PlaceableObjects' tags have been updated
Param | Type | Description |
inObjects | PlaceableObject/Array |
A PlaceableObject, or an array of PlaceableObjects to remove tags from |
inTags | String/Array |
An array of tags or a string of tags (separated by commas) that will be removed from the PlaceableObjects |
// Clears all tags from the given object
await Tagger.clearAllTags(token);
Removes all tags from PlaceableObjects
Returns: Promise
- A promise that will resolve when the PlaceableObjects' tags have been updated
Param | Type | Description |
inObjects | PlaceableObject/Array |
The PlaceableObjects to remove all tags from |
// If the token has a tag that looks like this: "test_{#}_tag", running this method:
await Tagger.applyTagRules(token);
// The tag will now be "test_1_tag", but the number depends on how many other objects in the scene that also has that same tag
Applies all tag rules to every tag found on the given PlaceableObjects
Returns: Promise
- A promise that will resolve when the PlaceableObjects' tags have been updated
Param | Type | Description |
inObjects | PlaceableObject/Array |
The PlaceableObjects to apply tag rules to |
Tag Rule | Description |
{#} |
The {#} gets replaced with an unique number, and the number depends on how many other objects in the scene also has that tag |
{id} |
The {id} gets replaced with an unique ID |