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A collection of opiniated packages to quickly set up (micro-)services in Go


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Service Toolkit Build Status Go Report Card GoDoc

The service toolkit bundles configuration manangement, setting up logging, ORM, REDIS cache and configuring the web framework. It uses opinionated (default) settings to reduce the amount of boilerplate code needed for these tasks. With the toolkit a new Go mircoservice can be set up very quickly.

See main.go in the example folder for a full, working example.

Configuration and Environment Variables

Following the 12-Factor App Guideline our service retrieves its configuration from the environment variables. To avoid having to pass a lot of variables that change rarely or never, we keep most values in .env files that are then loaded into environment variables by the envloader package. Values from these files serve as default and are overwritten by values from the environment.

You need to tell the envloader in which folder to look for the .env files. By default it will only load the prod.env file from that folder. If the environment variable ENV is set to e.g. dev the the loader will load dev.env first and only load additional values not set in there from prod.env.


import (
	toolkit ""

func main() {
    // ATTENTION: This needs to be called before any other function from the toolkit is used to ensure the environment variables are correct.

Observability - Logging and Metrics

We bundle logging and capturing custom metrics in one Obs struct (short for observance). In the future tools for tracing might also be added. Due to the bundling only one struct needs to be passed around in the application and not 2 or 3. Additionally the observance struct provides a method to create request specific observance instances that automatically add full url, method and request id to every log message created with that instance. It also adds the request headers specified via LoggedHeaders to the logger with the given field name when the method CopyWithRequest is used.

We use Logrus as logger under the hood but it is wrapped with a custom interface so we do not depend directly on the interface provided by Logrus. Logs will be written to StdOut in JSON format. If you pass a Sentry URL and version all log entries with level error or higher will be pushed to Sentry. This is done via hooks in Logrus.

The Obs struct has a PanicRecover method that can be used as deferred function in your setup. It will log the stack trace in case a panic happens in the main Goroutine.


import (


func main() {
	obsConfig := toolkit.ObsConfig{
		AppName:              "my-test-app",
		LogLevel:             "debug", // required
		SentryURL:            "https://xyz:[email protected]/123",
		Version:              "1.0.0",
		MetricsURL:           "",
		MetricsFlushInterval: 1 * time.Second,
		LoggedHeaders: map[string]string{
			"FastBill-RequestId": "requestId",

	obs := toolkit.MustNewObs(obsConfig)
	defer obs.PanicRecover()

The request specific observance is best created in a middleware function that creates a custom context like this:

func SetupCustomContext(obs *observance.Observance) echo.MiddlewareFunc {
	return func(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
		return func(c echo.Context) error {
			return next(&context{

For testing there is a test logger provided. See the example here to find out how to use it.

TODO: Add metrics usage example


The toolkit allows to set up the database (MySQL or PostgreSQL). The MustSetupDB includes the following things:

  • Create a database connection
  • Check it works via sending a ping
  • Create the database with the given name in case it did not exist yet
  • Set up the ORM: GORM

Additionally MustEnsureDBMigrations runs all migrations from the given folder that are missing so far. For that, the package migrate is used.


import (

func main() {
	dbConfig := toolkit.DBConfig{
		Dialect:  "mysql",
		Host:     "localhost",
		Port:     "3306",
		User:     "root",
		Password: "***",
		Name:     "test-db",
	db := toolkit.MustSetupDB(dbConfig, obs.Logger)
	defer func() {
		if err := db.Close(); err != nil {
			// log the error

	toolkit.MustEnsureDBMigrations("migrations", dbConfig)

Redis Cache

The function MustNewCache sets up a new REDIS client. A prefix can be provided that will be added to all keys. The client includes methods to work with JSON data.


import (

func main() {
	cache := toolkit.MustNewCache("localhost", "6400", "testPrefix")
	defer func() {
		if err := cache.Close(); err != nil {
			// log the error


The server package sets up an Echo server that includes graceful shutdown, timeouts, CORS, an error handler that can handle HTTPErrors etc. The individual features are described below.


import (

func main() {
    echoServer, connectionsClosed := server.New(obs, "", "1m")
	// Set up routes etc.

	err := echoServer.Start(":8080")
	if err != nil {


When setting up the server via New the second argument defines the CORS AllowOrigins value. Multiple URLs can be passed as comma separated string. If an empty string is passed, no CORS middleware is applied and same-origin restrictions apply.


When setting up the server via New the third argument is optional and can contain a timeout duration in the format described here. If it is ommited a default timeout of 30 seconds is applied for all connections. The timeout applies to reading headers, reading the request and writing the response.

Graceful Shutdown

When the application receives SIGINT or SIGTERM a shutdown procedure is initated. The server does not accept new connections and waits for a maximum of 9 seconds for the ongoining requests to be finished. As soon as all HTTP connections are closed the server is shut down. For this graceful shutdown to work correctly, you need to wait for the provided channel to be closed at the end of your main Goroutine as shown below, otherwise the program will completely terminate before the graceful shutdown was completed.

Parsing and Validating JSON

The default configuration includes a custom Bind method for the context object that performs the default Echo Bind that parses the JSON request but also validates the input struct via in case the struct definition includes the respective validation tags.

Error Handling and Logging

When an error is returned from an Echo HTTP handler it will encounter a custom error handler that was added to the server. If the error is an HTTPError or one of Echos own HTTP errors it will not be logged. The response will contain the status code and body specified by those errors. The behavoir is different for all other error types. They will lead to a 500 response with the message of the error in the body. Additionally these errors will be logged automatically. The log entry will include the URL, method, request id and account id.


import ""

echoServer.GET("/", func (c echo.Context) error {
	return httperrors.New(http.StatusForbidden, "not allowed")
// The HTTP response will be 403 with body {"message": "not allowed"} and the error will not be logged.
// The developer needs to take care of logging the error if necessary.

echoServer.GET("/", func (c echo.Context) error {
	someError := errors.New("test error")
	return someError
// The HTTP response will be 500 with body {"message": "test error"} and the error will be logged.
// No additional logging by the developer is needed.

If you want to supress the automatic logging for 500 cases and log the error yourself instead, then return an HTTPError instead of the naked error:

import ""
echoServer.GET("/", func (c echo.Context) error {
	someError := errors.New("test error")
	// log the error yourself
	return httperrors.New(http.StatusInternalServerError, someError)

Other Features


This package helps with testing the echo handlers by providing a CallHandler method. It allows to specifiy default headers and middleware that should be applied for all handler tests. Addionally you can define the following parameters that should be applied when the handler function is called.

  • Route
  • Method
  • Body (can be string, []byte or io.Reader)
  • Query parameters (they will be added to the query parameters in the route and overwrite the value of a particular parameter if it already exists)
  • Headers (they will overwrite the values that were set in the default headers)
  • Path parameters
  • Middleware (will be applied before the default middleware)
  • Testify mocks for which should be checked whether their expectations were met after the handler was called
  • Sleeping time before the assertions for the mocks are performed (e.g. when they are called in another Go routine)

All parameters and default parameters are optional.

As response, the CallHandler method returns the error that the echo handler returned and the response recorder.


Minimal Case

import (

func TestMyHandler(t *testing.T) {
	s := handlertest.Suite{}
	rec, err := s.CallHandler(tNew, myHandler, nil, nil)
	// Do the assertions on the response and the error.

This will call myHandler with the route \ and the method GET without additional headers etc.

Full Example

import (


var s = handlertest.Suite{
	DefaultHeaders: map[string]string{
		"Content-Type": "application/json",
	DefaultMiddleware: []echo.MiddlewareFunc{mwDefault},

func mwDefault(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
	return func(c echo.Context) error {
		// Do something
		return next(c)

func TestMyHandler(t *testing.T) {
	mwCustom := func(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
		return func(c echo.Context) error {
			// Do something
			return next(c)

	params := &handlertest.Params{
		Route:  "/some/path?query1=value1",
		Method: "PUT",
		Body:   `{"id":123}`,
		Headers: map[string]string{
			"testHeader": "someValue",
		Query: map[string]string{
			"query2": "value2",
		PathParams: []handlertest.PathParam{
			{Name: "param1", Value: "value1"},
		Middleware:        []echo.MiddlewareFunc{mwCustom},
		SleepBeforeAssert: 100 * time.Millisecond,

	rec, err := s.CallHandler(t, myHandler, params, []handlertest.MockAsserter{myMock})
	// Do the assertions on the response and the error.