I'm Felipe Bandeira, an unconventional backend/mobile developer from Brazil.
Currently, my main stack is:
- Kotlin + Ktor: for mobile and backend, multiplatform is on my radar
- Python + Flask & PySimpleGui: building web and desktop apps, also playing a bit with ML
- Docker: because container is life
- SQL: PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite
- Ubuntu: my main OS for work and personal use
- Jetbrains IDEs: love how easy it is to work with them out of the box
I've worked with:
- Java + Spring: teacher of some serious web development
- GatsbyJS: fun times building static websites
- GraphQl: not much, but I like it
- Windows: from 95 to 10, passing through a few server editions
- vscode: it's great, but not my favorite
Sete Chaves Web app where people can share their secrets anonymously. Built with Kotlin, Ktor, and PostgreSQL.