Dwayne Robinson
binums 12.75 // floating point value in various formats
binums 0b1101 // read binary integer
binums float32 raw 0x40490FDB // read raw floating point bits
binums float16 raw 0x5140 // read raw floating point bits
binums fields hex 7 12.75 -13 bin 7 12.75 -13 // see fields of numbers
binums int8 fields 13 -13 // see fields of numbers
binums uint32 add 1.5 3.25 // perform operation
binums float32 add float16 2 3 // read float16, compute in float32
binums uint32 mul 3 2 add 3 2 subtract 3 2 dot 1 2 3 4
binums 0x1.5p5 // floating point hexadecimal
binums fixed12_12 sub 3.5 2 // fixed point arithmetic
bin hex oct dec - display raw bits as binary/hex/octal/decimal (default=hex)
floathex floatdec - display float as hex or decimal (default=decimal)
raw num - treat input as raw bit data or as number (default=number)
add subtract multiply divide dot - apply operation to following numbers
float16 bfloat16 float32 float64 - set floating point data type
uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64 int8 int16 int32 int64 - set integer data type
fixed12_12 fixed16_16 fixed8_24 - set fixed precision data type
BiNums.exe 123
type int32
decimal 123
floathex 123
hex 0x0000007B
oct 0o00000000173
bin 0b00000000000000000000000001111011
fields bin int:0b0000000000000000000000001111011 sign:0b0
As raw bits:
uint8 0x7B
uint16 0x007B
uint32 0x0000007B
uint64 0x000000000000007B
int8 0x7B
int16 0x007B
-> int32 0x0000007B
int64 0x000000000000007B
float16 0x57B0
bfloat16 0x42F6
float32 0x42F60000
float64 0x405EC00000000000
fixed12_12 0x07B000
fixed16_16 0x007B0000
fixed8_24 0x7B000000
As number:
uint8 123
uint16 123
uint32 123
uint64 123
int8 123
int16 123
-> int32 123
int64 123
float16 7.331371307373046875e-06
bfloat16 1.12957660274329190218871e-38
float32 1.72359711111952499723619e-43
float64 6.0770074438473324933718e-322
fixed12_12 0.030029296875
fixed16_16 0.0018768310546875
fixed8_24 7.331371307373046875e-06
BiNums.exe 12.75
type float64
decimal 12.75
floathex 0x1.9800000000000p+3
hex 0x4029800000000000
oct 0o0400514000000000000000
bin 0b0100000000101001100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
fields bin frac:0b1001100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 exp:0b10000000010 sign:0b0
As raw bits:
uint8 0x0C
uint16 0x000C
uint32 0x0000000C
uint64 0x000000000000000C
int8 0x0C
int16 0x000C
int32 0x0000000C
int64 0x000000000000000C
float16 0x4A60
bfloat16 0x414C
float32 0x414C0000
-> float64 0x4029800000000000
fixed12_12 0x00CC00
fixed16_16 0x000CC000
fixed8_24 0x0CC00000
As number:
uint8 0
uint16 0
uint32 0
uint64 4623367229960880128
int8 0
int16 0
int32 0
int64 4623367229960880128
float16 0
bfloat16 0
float32 0
-> float64 12.75
fixed12_12 0
fixed16_16 0
fixed8_24 0
BiNums.exe float64 1 3.14159 1234
float64 1 (0x3FF0000000000000)
float64 3.14159 (0x400921F9F01B866E)
float64 1234 (0x4093480000000000)
BiNums.exe float64 bin 1 3.14159 1234
float64 1 (0b0011111111110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
float64 3.14159 (0b0100000000001001001000011111100111110000000110111000011001101110)
float64 1234 (0b0100000010010011010010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
BiNums.exe float64 add 1 3.14159 1234
float64 1 (0x3FF0000000000000)
float64 3.14159 (0x400921F9F01B866E)
float64 1234 (0x4093480000000000)
Result of add:
float64 1238.14 (0x40935890FCF80DC3)