This repo is the beginnings of support for purescript in Bazel. In order to use
this put the following into your WORKSPACE
# refer to a githash in this repo:
rules_purescript_version = "38abb155c30502c9996925640b9b8e04bd48d974"
# download the archive:
name = "io_bazel_rules_purescript",
url = "" % rules_purescript_version,
type = "zip",
strip_prefix = "rules_purescript-%s" % rules_purescript_version,
# load the purescript rules and functions:
load("@io_bazel_rules_purescript//purescript:purescript.bzl", "purescript_toolchain", "purescript_dep")
# downloads the `purs` command:
# add some dependencies:
name = "purescript_console",
url = "",
sha256 = "5b0d2089e14a3611caf9d397e9dd825fc5c8f39b049d19448c9dbbe7a1b595bf",
strip_prefix = "purescript-console-4.1.0",
name = "purescript_effect",
url = "",
sha256 = "5254c048102a6f4360a77096c6162722c4c4b2449983f26058d75d4e5be9d301",
strip_prefix = "purescript-effect-2.0.0",
name = "purescript_prelude",
url = "",
sha256 = "3b69b111875eb2b915fd7bdf320707ed3d22194d71cd51d25695d22ab06ae6ee",
strip_prefix = "purescript-prelude-4.0.1",
With this in place you can now define a BUILD
file for your project:
load("@io_bazel_rules_purescript//purescript:purescript.bzl", "purescript_app", "purescript_test")
dependencies = \
[ "@purescript_console//:pkg"
, "@purescript_effect//:pkg"
, "@purescript_prelude//:pkg"
# Defines an application with default entrypoint (Main.main):
name = "purs-app",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
srcs = glob(["src/**/*.purs"]),
deps = dependencies,
You can now build your program and run the main function!
If you want to customize the entrypoint, you can do something like:
name = "purs-app",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
srcs = glob(["src/**/*.purs"]),
deps = dependencies,
entry_module = "MyModule",
entry_function = "myFunction",
entry_parameters = [ "my", "parameters" ],
Currently this is as simple as adding the label to your project's dependencies. There's a known issue with the way this is currently implemented. Files with the same name will overwrite each other. This is detailed in #4.
Example of depending on other bazel purescript project:
name = "purs-app",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
srcs = glob(["src/**/*.purs"]),
deps = [ "//lib:purs-lib" ] + dependencies,
In the same BUILD
file, you can define a test module:
name = "purs-app-test",
srcs = glob(["test/**/*.purs"]) + glob(["src/**/*.purs"]),
deps = dependencies,
in the test
directory I've created a module like:
module Test.Main where
-- imports omitted
main :: Effect Unit
main = log "Hello test world!"
when you run bazel test
on the :purs-app-test
project, it should succeed
NOTE: the default entrypoint for testing is the module Test.Main
and the
function main
. But these can be overwritten:
name = "purs-app-test",
srcs = glob(["test/**/*.purs"]) + glob(["src/**/*.purs"]),
deps = dependencies,
main_module = "MyMainTest.Whatever"
main_function = "myFun"