Neovim, i3, tmux and zsh.
Basic setup for my personal use. Focused on productivity.
Feel free to use, share or suggest.
Heavily inspired by:
- ThePrimeagen's dotfiles
- kickstart.nvim
- EndeavourOS i3wm config files
- The Missing Semester
I am using EndeavourOS i3wm edition. It's not guaranteed these files will work on every computer.
- WIP neovim: the best code editor. Take a look at this file to check which plugins and remaps I've set and how to use them.
- WIP tmux
- WIP i3wm
- WIP zsh
- tmux-sessionizer: fuzzyfind your directories and create a tmux session for each.
- WIP mkcd: create a directory and cd to it in one command.
- JetBrainsMonoNL Nerd Font installed
For now, I'm using the classic workaround with symlinks.
Just create a symlink for each file or directory you would like to install:
ln -s <source> <destination>
Make sure you type absolute paths for source
and destination
to avoid problems.
This link might help.