This it is my thesis project as Computer Science Engineer at the University of Chile. It is an open source project, so feel free to use, extend and learn from this code.
It is a social network graph modeling tool to assit researchers that uses the study of social networks in their respective disciplines and allows them generate this data with a nice interfaces and export it in RDF/N3 format.
Also it has the capability of join social network data from two different users, giving users of this application a way of interacting with each other and complement their information.
I have a full report of the motivation, analysis and all aspects of this work including a user manual in my thesis report.
The application is currently running on and this is a video explaining how the app works
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>I have provided a vagrant box with chef recipes to speed up the setup for development, so, first you need to install chef in your machine which can be found on the official vagrant site, so the first time you use vagrant and install this project you have to use the following terminal commands from the vagrant directory of this project
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /sge
ruby global 1.9.3-p327
bundle install
rbenv rehash
rake db:create; rake db:migrate
After that you can run the server with the command
rails s
Which will run the rails server, so you can access the app through the url
Now on, every time you want to launch the development enviroment just execute the following commands from the project's vagrant directory:
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /sge
rails s
- the RDF-N3 gem fail with ruby 2.0 specifically in the RDF::N3::Reader that returns nil