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Logging Events

Each log is sent with a number of fields required by simplelog. Simple log allows for a custom field called event_data_complex along with its category enumerator: event_custom: category enumerator event_data_complex: JSON.stringify(log_data) Each log_data is a JSON object for that specific category as defined below.


  1. There would be 'grave' entries from farmbitdeaths that gives nulls. E.g. [0,0,null,null,null]. The bug doesn't come from normal in-game deaths, the last farmbit death or resetting the game.
  2. (FIXED) Game resets don't always function as expected and there have been reset logs that are not followed by startgame events.

Version Log


  1. Alpha
  2. Original Version
  3. Change itemusechange: remove mark, add prev_mark (introduced bug fixed in v9). Also removed mark from selectitem because its already contained in the item data short. (8/13/2019)
  4. Remove gzipping. (8/13/2019)
  5. Restructure speed logs. Old version only logged manual speed changes. New version logs automatic and manual speed changes with a boolean "manual" as 1 if manually changed and 0 otherwise. (8/14/2019)
  6. Add num milk/food/poop produced into the gamestate log. (8/15/2019)
  7. Change num milk/food/poop produced from "since beginning of game" to "since last gamestate log". (8/21/2019)
  8. Add fields for continue, language, audio, and fullscreen in the gamestart. Also now logs endgame when a player dies in addition to when a player exits the page. (8/22/2019)
  9. Fix bug in itemusechange. Previously the itemusechange log did not include a label "item" for the "item" field. Now it does. (9/4/2019)
  10. Simple log now sends player_id (if present) from the URL to log.php (9/24/2019)
  11. Introduces log indices 24-29. Removes history logs. Changes emote history into separate emote logs. Produced logs now in separate logs. New logs for bloom and farmfail. (10/16/2019)
  12. Introduces log index 30, debug. Also fixes an issue where gamestate's curr_selection_data key would not exist. (Detailed_data would not send a return value if the inspector is not open, and the key would not be assigned a value. Now it returns [] if the inpsector is not open). (10/22/2019)
  13. Introduces log index 31, newfarmbit. Also now always sends a "gamestate" log immediately after any "startgame" log (10/23/2019)
  14. Small typo fix. Previously the fullness desperate emote (I NEED FOOD!) did not match the logging category (I NEED FOOD). For v13 logs, please reassign any null (index=0) emotes to fullness desperate (index=2) emotes. (10/30/2019)
  15. Add placement_valid to each buy hover (11/1/2019).
  16. For these changes, use v18+. Introduces log indices 32-34: 32. availablefood, moneyrate, and sadfarmbits. This logs food available, money rate and sadness of the farmbits, respectively (8/12/2020).
  17. For these changes, use v18+. Introduces log index 35: lakenutrition.
  18. Introduces log indices 36-40: salestart, saleend, rainstarted, eatfood, and reset. 36-37: This logs the farmbit selling, the item sold, and the worth. The farmbit and item leave the field during salestart, and the money is added to total money when the farmbit returns without the item at saleend. This fully deprecates emote_sale in emotes. 38: This event signals when rain has started. 39: This event logs the farmbit eating and the food eaten. 40: This event signals when the game is about to reset, and is followed by a gamestate log (8/14/2020).
  19. Changed the field on moneyrate of money to be the actual amount of money of the player instead of the rate. (gg.advisors.money_rate to (9/8/2020)
  20. Commented out reset (buggy on the layout/positioning). (10/30/2020)
  21. Uncommented a line of code in the logging file that removes the reset enum. Also, shifted farmgrowth enum from 42 to 41.

Event Categories

  1. gamestate
  2. startgame
  3. checkpoint
  4. selecttile
  5. selectfarmbit
  6. selectitem
  7. selectbuy
  8. buy
  9. cancelbuy
  10. roadbuilds
  11. tileuseselect
  12. itemuseselect
  13. togglenutrition
  14. toggleshop
  15. toggleachievements
  16. skiptutorial
  17. speed
  18. achievement
  19. farmbitdeath
  20. blurb
  21. click
  22. rainstopped
  23. history
  24. endgame
  25. emote
  26. farmfail
  27. bloom
  28. farmharvested
  29. milkproduced
  30. poopproduced
  31. debug
  32. newfarmbit
  33. availablefood
  34. moneyrate
  35. sadfarmbits
  36. lakenutrition
  37. salestart
  38. saleend]
  39. rainstarted
  40. eatfood
  41. reset
  42. farmgrowth

Enumerators and Constants

  1. Event Categories
  2. Emotes
  3. Buys
  4. Names
  5. Speed
  6. Achievements
  7. Tutorials
  8. Thing Type
  9. Inspector Content
  10. Text Type
  11. Advisor Type
  12. Tile Type
  13. Tile Type
  14. Job Type
  15. Item Type
  16. Job State
  17. Farmbit State
  18. Farmbit Need
  19. Direction
  20. Mark

Data Structures

  1. Camera Move
  2. Data Short
  3. Data Matrices

Built With

  1. Browserify, Pako

gamestate (index=0)

See parsing data matrices for an example of how to parse the tiles, farmbits, and items in python.

Key Value Description
tiles uint8_tile_array().join() Tile data matrix. Note: Does not include tx,ty of each tile because all the tiles are sorted by position.
farmbits uint8_farmbit_array().join() Farmbit data matrix.
items uint8_item_array().join() Item data matrix.
money current money
speed gg.speed current game speed (see Speed)
achievements achievements A boolean array of whether the player has gotten the achievement at that index.
num_checkpoints_completed get_num_checkpoints_completed() Number of tutorials began + number of tutorial ended. Includes tutorials skipped.
raining gg.b.raining Boolean - currently raining or not.
curr_selection_type gg.inspector.detailed_type Current selection inspector content index. (Note that because the game currently (as of 7/25) logs gamestate only after buys, this will always be the type of tile.)
curr_selection_data detailed_data() SelectFarmbit/SelectItem/SelectTile data, depending on the curr_selection_type. (Warning: Prior to v12, this field will not exist if current_selection_type is 0, i.e. there is nothing selected.)
camera_center prev_center_txty Tile that the game is currently centered on.
gametime time Metric to count speed-adjusted time. Based on number of ticks.
timestamp now current client time
num_food_produced num_food_produced_since_last_gamestate_log total number of food produced (not bought) since the last gamestate log
num_poop_produced num_poop_produced_since_last_gamestate_log total number of poop produced (not bought) since the last gamestate log
num_milk_produced num_milk_produced_since_last_gamestate_log total number of milk produced (not bought) since the last gamestate log

Note: In continues, games will first generate farmbits (newfarmbit) before sending a startgame log.

Key Value Description
tile_states tile_states 2500 element array of tile state indices.
tile_nutritions tile_nutritions 2500 element array of tile nutritions on a scale 0-255.
continue gg.continue_ls ? 1: 0 1/0 boolean to indicate whether the player continued or not
language english, espanol, or deutsche language of the game
audio AUDIO ? 1: 0 1/0 boolean to indicate whether audio was toggled on or not
fullscreen g.scenes[1].fullscreen_toggle.on ? 1: 1/0 boolean to indicate whether the game was toggled into fullscreen whether or not

Checkpoints are the google analytics events. As of 8/14/19 these are always tutorial begins and ends. See tutorials.

Key Value Description
event_category arguments[2] Always (as of 8/14/19) begin or end
event_label arguments[2] Tutorial name. For example, the name of the tutorial that teaches the player how to build a house is called "build_a_house"
event_type arguments[1] Always (as of 8/14/19) tutorial
blurb_history flush_blurb_history(now) List of client time relative to now for each blurb popup. (Blurbs are now logged here instead of the blurb event.)
client_time now current client time

Note: Selections may happen automatically by advisors in the tutorials.

Key Value Description
tile tile_data_short(t) Tile information reduced to an array. See Data Short.
marks t.marks Tile mark indices.

Note selections may happen automatically by advisors in the tutorials.

Key Value Description
farmbit farmbit_data_short(f) Farmbit information reduced to an array. See Data Short.

Note selections may happen automatically by advisors in the tutorials. Mark is no longer necessary to send, as it is contained within item's data_short.

Key Value Description
item item_data_short(it) Item information reduced to an array. See Data Short.
deprecated as of v3 mark it.mark Item mark index.
Key Value Description
buy buy Buy index.
cost Cost of buy
curr_money Current money
success> Boolean. Whether the buy can be selected or not. (Cannot select a buy that cannot be paid for.)

Note: Buys are logged whether the buy was a success or not.

Key Value Description
buy Buy index.
tile tile_data_short(gg.b.hover_t) Data Short for the tile the buy will be placed on.
success gg.b.placement_valid( Boolean. Whether the buy can be put on the tile. If not, buy fails.
buy_hovers flush_buy_hovers(now) List of tile Data Short appended with placement_valid (boolean denoting whether player can build in that tile, only sent in logging v15+) and client time before now for each hovered tile since either selectbuy log or the previous buy log.
client_time now current client time
Key Value Description
selected_buy buy Buy index.
cost Cost of buy.
curr_money Current money.
buy_hovers flush_buy_hovers(now) List of tile Data Short appended with client time before now for each hovered tile since either selectbuy log or the previous buy log.
client_time now current client time
Key Value Description
road_builds flush_road_hovers(now) List of tile Data Short appended with client time before now for each tile a road was built on.
client_time now current client time

Note that this log occurs even when the player selects the current use/mark, i.e. produced corn 1 sell->sell.

Key Value Description
tile tile_data_short(t) Tile information reduced to an array. See Data Short.
marks t.marks Tile mark indices.

Note that this log occurs even when the player selects the current use/mark, i.e.corn sell->sell.

Key Value Description
item item_data_short(it) Item information reduced to an array. See Data Short.
prev_mark self.prev_item_use Item's previous mark index.
Key Value Description
to_state gg.b.nutrition_view 1 if nutrition view is being turned on, 0 if turned off.
tile_nutritions nutrition_array() 2500 element array of tile nutritions on a scale 0-255.
Key Value Description
shop_open 1 if the shop view is being opened, 0 if closed.
Key Value Description
achievements_open 1 if the achievement view is being opened, 0 if closed.

Note: Tutorial checkpoints will be logged regardless of if the tutorial is skipped or not.

Key Value Description
(none) Event itself indicates that the player skipped a tutorial (the tutorial skipped is the last tutorial event logged).
Key Value Description
cur_speed gg.speed To speed index.
prev_speed speed From speed index.
manual manual_speed_bool bool: 1 if speed was manually changed, 0 if not
Key Value Description
achievement i Achievement index.
Key Value Description
farmbit farmbit_data_short(f) Dead farmbit's information reduced to an array. See Data Short.
grave tile_data_short(f.home) Tile data short of dead farmbit's home. Note that this tile has now changed from type home to type grave (See tile type.)

(not currently implemented. See blurb_history under checkpoint.) Note: a blurb is an utterance from an advisor.

Key Value Description
(none) Event itself indicates that the player clicked to the next blurb in a tutorial etc. (the tutorial itself is the last tutorial event logged).
(not currently implemented)
Key Value Description
(not currently implemented)
Key Value Description
(none) Log itself indicates that it was raining and the raining has now stopped.

Not included in versions 11+

Key Value Description
client_time now current client time
camera_history flush_camera_history(now) List of camera moves since last history log.
emote_history flush_emote_history(now) List of 11 element sublists: [farmbit, emote index, time before client_time (negative number)] emotes since last history log.
Key Value Description
(none) Log itself indicates the player has left the game page. Seperate history and gamestate logs are sent.

Introduced in v11.

Key Value Description
farmbit farmbit_data_short(t) Data of the farmbit that made the emote. See Data Short.
emote_enum emote_id See emotes.

Introduced in v11. Occurs when a growing farm's nutrition turns from pink to black (nutrition < nutrition_desperate).

Key Value Description
tile tile_data_short(t) Farm that failed. See Data Short.
marks t.marks Farm mark indices.

Introduced in v11. Occurs after rainfall for each lake tile that bloomed during the rain. Blooming is controlled by nutrition and defined as nutrition > water_fouled_threshhold, which is when the lake tile turns green.

Key Value Description
tile tile_data_short(t) Data of the tile that bloomed. See Data Short.
marks t.marks Not relevant to lake tiles. Included for uniformity.

Introduced in v11. Occurs when a farmbit harvests a farm (and thus produces 2 corn).

Key Value Description
tile tile_data_short(t) Farm that produced corn. See Data Short.
marks t.marks Tile mark indices.

Introduced in v11. Occurs when a dairy produces milk.

Key Value Description
tile tile_data_short(t) Dairy that produced milk. See Data Short.
marks t.marks Tile mark indices.

Introduced in v11. Occurs when a dairy produces poop.

Key Value Description
tile tile_data_short(t) Dairy that produced poop. See Data Short.
marks t.marks Tile mark indices.

Introduced in v12. Occurs when someone enters "spyparty" on the keyboard.

Key Value Description
(none) Event itself means that someone has used "spyparty" to enter debug mode.

Introduced in v13. Occurs when a new farmbit enters the game. Note: In continues, games will first generate farmbits (newfarmbit) before sending a startgame log.

Key Value Description
farmbit farmbit_data_short(t) New farmbit. See Data Short.

Introduced in v16. Occurs every 5 seconds once the player buys food.

Key Value Description
food Current amount of food available on board
farmbit gg.farmbits.length Current number of farmbits on board
food_perfarmbit food/gg.farmbits.length | 0 number of food per farmbits on the board

Introduced in v16. Occurs every 5 seconds once the player buys a house.

Key Value Description
money Money currently accumulated
rate money/permin Rate of money accumulation

Introduced in v16. Occurs every 5 seconds once a farmbit enters the board.

Key Value Description
sad sad Number of farmbits with joy status of DESPERATE
farmbit gg.farmbits.length Current number of farmbits on board
sad_perfarmbit sad/gg.farmbits.length Amount of sadness per farmbit

Introduced in v17. Occurs every 5 seconds once rain falls to compute lake nutrition.

Key Value Description
lake_pos_tile gg.lake_nutes.length Number of lake tiles on the board
total_nutrition gg.lake_nutes.reduce((a,b) => a + b, 0) Total nutrition of the lake

Introduced in v18. This logs the farmbit selling, the item sold, and the worth. The farmbit and item leave the field during salestart, and the money is added to total money when the farmbit returns without the item at saleend. This fully deprecates emote_sale in emotes (8/14/2020).

Key Value Description
farmbit farmbit_data_short(f) Farmbit information reduced to an array. See Data Short
item item_data_short(it) Item information reduced to an array. See Data Short
worth worth monetary value of the item to be sold

Introduced in v18. This logs the farmbit selling, the item sold, and the worth. The farmbit and item leave the field during salestart, and the money is added to total money when the farmbit returns without the item at saleend. This fully deprecates emote_sale in emotes (8/14/2020).

Key Value Description
farmbit farmbit_data_short(f) Farmbit information reduced to an array. See Data Short
item item_data_short(it) Item information reduced to an array. See Data Short
worth worth monetary value of the item sold

Introduced in v18. This logs when rain has started (8/14/2020).

Key Value Description
(none) The log itself indicates that rain has started.

Introduced in v18. This logs the farmbit that ate an item. The item then leaves the screen (8/14/2020).

Key Value Description
farmbit farmbit_data_short(f) Farmbit information reduced to an array. See Data Short
item item_data_short(it) Item information reduced to an array. See Data Short

Introduced in v18. This logs when the player presses "Reset Game", followed by a "yes" confirmation when asked if they are sure. A gamestate log is logged immediately after (8/14/2020). (Currently being pulled out for the Fellowship meeting (10/30/2020))

Key Value Description
(none) The log itself indicates that the game has recieved the signal to reset.

Introduced in v20. Occurs when a growing farm's nutrition turns from black to pink after in a farmfail state. (nutrition > nutrition_desperate).

Key Value Description
tile tile_data_short(t) Farm that regained from a farmfail state. See Data Short.
marks t.marks Farm mark indices.

Enumerators and Constants

Index Name Description
0 gamestate
1 startgame
2 checkpoint
3 selecttile
4 selectfarmbit
5 selectitem
6 selectbuy
7 buy
8 cancelbuy
9 roadbuilds
10 tileuseselect
11 itemuseselect
12 togglenutrition
13 toggleshop
14 toggleachievements
15 skiptutorial
16 speed
17 achievement
18 farmbitdeath
19 blurb
20 click
21 rainstopped
22 history
23 endgame
24 emote
25 farmfail
26 bloom
27 farmharvested
28 milkproduced
29 poopproduced
30 debug
31 newfarmbit
32 availablefood
33 moneyrate
34 sadfarmbits
35 lakenutrition
36 salestart
37 saleend
38 rainstarted
39 eatfood
40 reset
41 farmgrowth
Index Name Description
0 null
1 fullness_motivated_txt "i'm hungry"
2 fullness_desperate_txt "i need food"
3 energy_desperate_txt "i need a nap!"
4 joy_motivated_txt "i want to play in the water"
5 joy_desperate_txt "i'm so sad"
6 puke_txt "🤮"
7 yum_txt "😋"
8 tired_txt "😴"
9 happy_txt "🙂"
10 swim_txt "swim"
11 sale_txt "sale", deprecated. See salestart and saleend.
Index Name Description
0 null
1 home
2 food
3 farm
4 fertilizer
5 livestock
6 skimmer
7 sign
8 road
Index Name Description
0 Peter
1 Paul
2 Mary
3 John
4 George
5 Ringo
6 Yoko
7 Stevie
8 Saanvi
9 Nethra
10 Meha
11 Sidney
12 Lucy
13 Belden
14 Henry
15 Alejandro
16 Victor
17 Richard
Index Name Description
0 null
1 pause x0 speed
2 play x1 speed
3 fast x4 speed
4 vfast x16 speed

Achievements is stored as a 16 element boolean array, true if the achievement has been gotten.

Index Name Description
0 exist get a visitor.
1 group 3 workers
2 town a small community
3 city 10 townmembers
4 farmer own a farm!
5 farmers get three farms
6 farmtown 5 farms!
7 megafarm 10 farm industry
8 paycheck $500
9 thousandair $1000
10 stability $5000
11 riches $10000
12 bloom algae destroys one tile
13 bigbloom algae spreads to 3 tiles
14 hugebloom you have an algae problem
15 massivebloom a whole lake destroyed"

There are 26 begins and 26 ends. In the constants for the feature extractor, these tutorials are assigned indices alphabetically. Tutorials may happen in any order, but the tutorials with descriptions tutorial 1-11 must be completed in order, and are considered "tutorial mode". Players cannot achieve a sustainable farm without completing the first 6. Rain does not begin until all 11 are completed.

Index Name Description Trigger
0 another_death (maybe 2nd death)
1 another_member (maybe 2nd farmbit)
2 bloom (maybe first bloom)
3 build_a_farm tutorial 3 tut2 end
4 build_a_house tutorial 1 (None)
5 buy_fertilizer tutorial 7 tut6 end, exists a farm which has nutrition < nutrition_motivated
6 buy_food tutorial 2 tut1 end
7 buy_livestock tutorial 8 tut7 end, 2+ farms on map
8 death (maybe doesnt get used)
9 end_life (??)
10 extra_life (??)
11 final_death (maybe game over)
12 flooded_fertilizer (maybe after it rains while fertilizer present; i.e. runoff starts)
13 gross (maybe first puke emote)
14 gross_again (maybe second puke emote)
15 livestock tutorial 9 tut8 end, 1+ livestock on map
16 long_travel (??)
17 low_nutrients (maybe farmfail?)
18 mass_sadness (??)
19 poop tutorial 10 tut9 end, 1+ poop on map (distinct from fertilizer)
20 rain tutorial 11 tut10 end, 1000 (game?) time units passed
21 sell_food tutorial 6 tut5 end
22 successful_harvest tutorial 5 tut4 end, 1+ food on map, 1+ farm on map
23 timewarp tutorial 4 tut3 end
24 unattended_farm (??)
25 unused_fertilizer (??)
Index Name Description
0 null Default
1 tile Gameboard tiles. Has state, type, and an array of 4 marks. Abbreviated as "t".
2 item Of type water, food, fertilizer, poop, milk. Has mark attribute. Abbreviated as "it".
3 farmbit Has name, state, job type, job state. Abbreviated as "f".
Index Name Description
0 null
1 farmbit
2 item
3 tile
Index Name Description
0 null
1 observe
2 dismiss
3 direct
Index Name Description
0 null
1 mayor
2 business
3 farmer
Index Name Description
0 null
1 home_vacant
2 home_occupied
3 land_d0
4 land_d1
5 land_d2
6 farm_unplanted
7 farm_planted
8 farm_grown
9 livestock_eating
10 livestock_digesting
11 livestock_milkable
Index Name Description
0 null
1 land
2 rock
3 grave
4 sign
5 lake
6 shore
7 forest
8 home
9 farm
10 livestock
11 road
Index Name Description
0 null
1 idle
2 wait
3 eat
4 sleep
5 play
6 plant
7 harvest
8 feed
9 fertilize
10 milk
11 export
Index Name Description
0 null
1 water
2 food
3 poop
4 fertilizer
5 milk
Index Name Description
0 null
1 get
2 seek
3 act
Index Name Description
0 null
1 dire
2 desperate
3 motivated
Index Name Description
0 null
1 fullness
2 energy
3 joy
4 fulfillment
Index Name Description
0 null
1 r
2 dr
3 d
4 dl
5 l
6 ul
7 u
8 ur

Each tile contains an array of 4 marks and each item contains one mark.

Index Name Description
0 null
1 use Default mark.
2 sell
3 feed

Data Structures

Index Name Description
0 t.tx center tile tx
1 t.ty center tile ty
2 auto boolean for whether the move happened automatically (1) or not (0)
3 time-now time before client_time that the move happened (negative number)

These are each uint8 vectors. They are as follows:

  1. Tile
Index Name Description
0 val/nutrition_max*255 0-255 representing a tile type dependent value if exists, 0 otherwise. For example, this refers to growth for farms and remains 0 for homes.
1 nutrition/nutrition_max*255 0-255 representing nutrition of each tile.
2 og_type Original tile type index.
3 type Current tile type index.
4 tx Tile grid x coordinate. (Not included in data matrix)
5 ty Tile grid y coordinate. (Not included in data matrix)
  1. Farmbit
Index Name Description
0 tile.tx Tile grid x coordinate of associated tile.
1 tile.ty Tile grid y coordinate of associated tile.
2 name Farmbit name index.
3 job_state Current job state index, (null, get, seek, act).
4 job_type Current job type index.
5 fullness/max_fullness*255 Measure of hunger from 0-255
6 energy/max_energy*255 Measure of energy from 0-255
7 joy/max_joy*255 Measure of joy from 0-255
8 fulfillment/max_fulfillment*255 Measure of fulfillment from 0-255
  1. Item
Index Name Description
0 tile.tx Tile grid x coordinate of associated tile.
1 tile.ty Tile grid y coordinate of associated tile.
2 type Item type index.
3 mark Item mark index.
Comma delimited string of uint8s. 
Example: "15,3,6,9,12,0,0,2,9,...2,0,0,6"

Meant to be parsed to form 2d arrays like:

See Parsing Data Matrices for examples of how to parse these strings. The gamestate log contains uint8 arrays of all tiles, farmbits, and items. These arrays are concatenated data_short arrays, and can be thought of as matrices where the row (farmbit/tile/item instance) is index//vars_per_entry and the column is index%vars_per_entry.

Note: The gamestate log of all tiles does not contain tile tx,ty. Row of the tile is derivable from 50*ty+tx.

Here is an example of how to parse the string data matrices in the gamestate log using python:

# reformat raw variable functions
def read_stringified_array(arr:str) -> List[int]:
>>> read_stringified_array("1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8")
    if not arr:
        return []
    return [int(x) for x in arr.split(',')]
def array_to_mat(num_columns: int, arr: List[int]) -> List[List[int]]:
  >>> array_to_mat(2, [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8])
    assert len(arr) % num_columns == 0
    return [arr[i:i + num_columns] for i in range(0, len(arr), num_columns)] 

We can use the above functions to parse the following raw variables:

_tiles, _farmbits, _items = event["tiles"], event["farmbits"], event["items"]
# reformat array variables
_tiles = read_stringified_array(_tiles)
_farmbits = read_stringified_array(_farmbits)
_items = read_stringified_array(_items)
tiles = array_to_mat(4, _tiles)
farmbits = array_to_mat(9, _farmbits)
items = array_to_mat(4, _items) 

Other helpful utilities include the following to convert the data matrix index to a tile (x,y) coordinate on the 50x50 map where (0,0) is at the top-left and (49,49) is bottom left:

def tile_i_to_xy(i):
>>> tile_i_to_xy(1512)
    ty = i//50
    tx = i%50
    return tx,ty

Example usage could be to create a farm_map: Dict[txy_coor, int] that maps a txy_coor tuple like (12,25) to the type of farm:

for i,t in enumerate(tiles):
    type = t[3]
    if type in [9,10]: #farm or livestock
        self.farm_map[tile_i_to_xy(i)] = type

The logging script (logging.js) was bundled (to bundle.js) using Browserify with Pako. NOTE: These are removed in v4.

  • Browserify - Allows the use of Pako in the browser.
  • Pako - zlib port to javascript used to gzip gamestates.