Simple node based entertainment system for raspberry pi 2. It is still heavily under development!
Because I'm a rookie developer - I started this project to learn more about node, javascript, express,, git and other related technologies. THERE IS SPACE FOR TONS OF IMPROVMENTS - If you see something that could be improved, repaired, changed, I'd be more than grateful if you'd point it out. Every hint/debate will probably teach me something new, so thank you in advance :) oh! and Github/Git is also new for me.
I'm developing everything on ubuntu and I still didn't make some changes to fully control videos and music with omxplayer. PLEASE TEST IT ON UBUNTU, I will update the readme when it will be raspberry ready.
- Node.js/npm
- Firefox/iceweasel
How to start:
- Start the system like every other express application: cd "FunView directory"; npm start;
- To access SYSTEM: open browser and connect to http://localhost:3000
- To access REMOTE CONTROL: open browser on mobile phone and connect to the address that is displayed in the browser
- Remote design
- Omxplayer commands
Everything is published under MIT license, the only thing that I'm stil figuring out is how license the icons that have been used (I purchased them for commercial usage and i'm not sure if I can use them in "open" projects)