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Filippo Ghirardini edited this page Jan 1, 2022 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the archivedocs wiki!


Create a new tag

  • Click on the menu and select "Add tag"
  • Write the name, an eventual description and select an eventual parent
  • Click on "Add" (to abort click on "Cancel")

Edit a tag

  • While on the main page, right-click on the tag
  • Select "Edit"
  • Modify the tag
  • Click on "Save" (to abort click on "Cancel")

Delete a tag

When deleting a tag, each document that belongs to it will be added to the parent tag (if there is not a parent tag they'll be added to the root tag)

  • While on the main page, right-click on the tag
  • Select "Delete"


Create a new document

  • Click on the menu and select "Add document"
  • Click on "Choose", the default file explorer will appear
  • You can edit the name or add a description
  • Add how many tags you want
  • Click on "Add" (to abort or to go back click on "Cancel")

Edit a document

  • While on the main page, right-click on the document
  • Select "Edit"
  • Modify the document
  • Click on "Save" (to abort click on "Cancel")

Delete a document

  • While on the main page, right-click on the document
  • Select "Delete"

Data location

All files needed for the program are located in user.home/archivedocs. The database is stored in a folder named "test". The files are stored inside "docs". All the icons are stored inside "icons". The settings file "" is stored in the root folder.

Application settings.


Specify the folder where the database is stored (relative path from user.home/archivedocs). DEFAULT: user name (right now it's hard coded: test)

Specify the folder where the files are stored (relative path from user.home/archivedocs). DEFAULT: docs

width, height

Specify the window default size. It must be at least 800x600, if you try to write smaller dimensions they'll be set programmatically to 800 and 600. DEFAULT: 800, 600


Specify the folder where the icons are stored (relative path from user.home/archivedocs). DEFAULT: icons


A list of links for each file extension in the format: ext1=file1;ext2=file2 Extension "default" is for each extension that is not specified. Value "default" tells the application to look in the file (class resource). Right now the only default icon link specified is for the default extension.