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Multi Chain Storage Guide

Made by FilSwan Chat on discord standard-readme compliant

Table of Contents


  • Make payment from multi chain for filecoin storage
  • Backup user's file to filecoin network
  • Supports payment with tokens such as USDC on polygon
  • Currently, USDC is supported for payment.

System Design

MCS Desgin

  • WID is generated after you upload a file by calling upload file API, it includes 2 parts
    • UUID: generated each time when upload, such as ccceb1c1-ba11-4c95-8e62-d375ea80b0c3
    • source file payload CID: generated by IPFS after uploading to IPFS server in upload web API, such as QmbeBMxC8yBk67xZYPhAgyUMuxCW6DZdfFPhGbt9WFva3q
    • after upload a file, if the web API generates the above UUID and source file payload CID, then the WID will be ccceb1c1-ba11-4c95-8e62-d375ea80b0c3QmbeBMxC8yBk67xZYPhAgyUMuxCW6DZdfFPhGbt9WFva3q, that is UUID + source file payload CID


Token Swap

  1. Users pay USDC or other tokens, which are called user tokens, when pay for a uploaded file.
  2. MCS uses FIL, which is called wrapped token, to pay when store data to filecoin network.
  3. User tokens should be changed to wrapped tokens by this module and this step is called token exchange(swap).
  4. Token exchange(swap) is done through Sushi Swap which is a DEX.

Payment Module

  1. After a file is uploaded, the money to be paid is estimated based on:
    1. the average price of all the miners on the entire network
    2. file size
    3. storage copy number
    4. duration
  2. Then the estimated amount of money will be locked to the payment contract address defined in Configuration
  3. In unlock step, the amount pay to filcoin network by swan platform fil wallet, will be transfered to mcs payment recipient address defined in Configuration
  4. In refund step, the overpayment part that is locked will be returned to user wallet

DAO Signature

  • If DAO detects that the file uploaded has been chained, it will trigger a signature operation


Lotus Node

  • Lotus node is used for making car files and sending offline deals
  • Install lotus node or lotus lite node in the same machine as MCS
  • Lotus lite node is preferred since lotus full node is too heavy compared with lotus lite node
  • Lotus lite node depends on a lotus node, so ensure that a lotus node exists somewhere when using lotus lite node


  • Please see schema create script in ./script/create_table.sql
  • Before installation, please create database and related tables using above script file


Option:one: Prebuilt package: See release assets

wget --no-check-certificate
chmod +x ./

Option:two: Source Code

🔔go 1.16+ is required

git clone
cd multi-chain-storage
git checkout <release_branch>

After Installation

  • Before executing, you should check your configuration in ~/.swan/mcs/config.toml to ensure it is right.
vi ~/.swan/mcs/config.toml
  • Before executing, you should check your enviornment variable in ~/.swan/mcs/.env to ensure it is right.
vi ~/.swan/mcs/.env
  • After set your config and env variable in the related files, you can run MCS using one of the following methods
./multi-chain-storage-2.0.0-linux-amd64 polygon.mumbai|polygon.mainnet|bsc.testnet    #After installation from Option 2
./build/multi-chain-storage polygon.mumbai|polygon.mainnet|bsc.testnet                #After installation from Option 2


  • Logs are in directory ./logs
  • You can use the following methods to avoid it be stopped when you exit your OS session:
nohup ./multi-chain-storage-2.0.0-linux-amd64 polygon.mumbai|polygon.mainnet|bsc.testnet >> mcs.log &   #After installation from Option 1
nohup ./build/multi-chain-storage polygon.mumbai|polygon.mainnet|bsc.testnet >> ./build/mcs.log &       #After installation from Option 2



  • port: Web api port
  • release: When work in release mode: set this to true, otherwise to false and enviornment variable GIN_MODE not to release
  • filecoin_network: filecoin_calibration or filecoin_mainnet
  • filecoin_wallet: The wallet address used to pay on the filecoin network
  • flink_url: Deals data can be searched from here
  • web3_api_url_polygon_mumbai: Web3 api url for polygon mumbai
  • web3_api_url_bsc_testnet: Web3 api url for BSC testnet


  • db_host: Host MCS database resides in
  • db_port: Port of MCS database
  • db_schema_name: MCS database name, see Database
  • db_username: Username of MCS database
  • db_password: Password of MCS database
  • db_args: Use default value charset=utf8mb4&parseTime=True&loc=Local


  • api_url: Swan API address:
  • ‼️api_key: Your Swan API key. Acquire from Swan Platform -> "My Profile"->"Developer Settings".
  • ‼️access_token: Your Swan API access token. Acquire from Swan Platform -> "My Profile"->"Developer Settings".


  • client_api_url: Url of lotus client web api, such as: http://[ip]:[port]/rpc/v0, generally the [port] is 1234.
  • client_access_token: Access token of lotus client web api with admin access right. Get it from lotus node by command lotus auth create-token --perm admin.


  • download_url_prefix: Ipfs server url prefix, such as: http://[ip]:[port]. Store car files for downloading by storage provider. Car file url will be [download_url_prefix]/ipfs/[file_hash]
  • upload_url_prefix: Ipfs server url for uploading files, such as http://[ip]:[port]


  • dir_deal: Directory to store source files, car files, and JSON files created by Swan Client API
  • description: Task description
  • curated_dataset: Task dataset
  • max_price: Max price willing to pay per GiB/epoch for offline deal
  • expired_days: Expected completion days for storage provider sealing data
  • verified_deal: [true/false] Whether deals in this task are going to be sent as verified
  • fast_retrieval: [true/false] Indicates that data should be available for fast retrieval
  • start_epoch_hours: Start epoch for deals in hours from current time
  • min_file_size: Source files size lower limit when merge them to a car file


  • create_task_interval_second: Job running interval, unit: second, default: 120
  • send_deal_interval_second: Job running interval, unit: second, default: 180
  • scan_deal_status_interval_second: Job running interval, unit: second, default: 300

Work Process

  1. Users upload a file they want to backup to filecoin network
  2. User pay currencies we support to send tokens to our payment contract address defined in Configuration
  3. MCS writes the transaction info to our system
  4. MCS scan those source files uploaded and paid but not yet created to car files, and then do the following steps:
    1. compute the max price for each source file, based on the source file size, token paid, and exchange rate betwee USDC and wFil
    2. if the scanned source file size sum is equal or greater than [swan_task].min_file_size defined in Configuration, or the earliest source file to be merged to car file is more 1 day ago, then MCS will do the following steps by calling Swan Client API
      1. create car files, use the minimum max price among the source files to be merged as the max price for the whole car file
      2. upload car files
      3. create task on swan platform
  5. Market Matcher allocate miners for the car file created in last step
  6. MCS send deals by calling Swan Client API
  7. MCS Scan Scheduler module scan the deal info from lotus
  8. When DAO organization find the deal active on lotus, they will sign to agree to unlock the user's payment for this deal.
  9. After success DAO signatures number equal or greater than DAO threshold defined in smart contract, and after 1 minute later of the last DAO signature, MCS will unlock the user's payment, release the money spent on send deal by Swan Client API to [polygon].payment_recipient_address defined in Configuration
  10. After all deals of a car file are unlocked, MCS refund the remaining money to user wallet address used when pay in step 2.