This repository contains various solutions to different years' Advent of Code problems; the years 2018 and later were done while the competition was going on (i.e., in that year) and earlier years were done well after the fact.
All the solutions are by me, Daniel Martin, and not licensed in any particular way unless mentioned otherwise in the source code itself. (Meaning that if you want to lift any of this code for your tutorial website, you'll need to come ask for permission first)
These solutions were not, in general, written with an eye towards being particularly readable. Any readable, commented solutions are almost certainly an accident.
Some years may be incomplete, especially in earlier puzzles, because I
didn't always keep the solution in a file if I could solve a puzzle
with a perl
or sed
one-liner. Also, I appear to have lost some of
the later solutions to 2015, and will need to redo those.
At this time, I have completed all 400 stars in adventofcode, so motivation to fill out missing/lost code may not be there.