Suite of Grafana dashboards for PiAware
This is a multi-container Docker application that runs Grafana, Prometheus, and the Prometheus exporter containers below to monitor your PiAware's flight tracking and system health
- Raspberry Pi 3B+ or Pi 4
- Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W
The docker containers used in this application are built for ARMv7 CPU architectures.
New Installations
These steps will install required dependencies, pull all the Docker images from Docker Hub, and start up the containers
Convenient script to install git, docker compose, and docker.
sudo bash -c "$(curl -sS"
git clone
cd fa-grafana
mv .env.sample .env
4. Set the HOST_IP to your Pi's local IP address (required) and set other Grafana configuration if desired
nano .env
HOST_IP=<set IP address>
sudo docker compose up -d
6. Open Grafana in a web browser by entering your Pi's local IP address and the configured Grafana port number
<IP address>:3000
Updating Existing Installations
These steps will stop the running fa-grafana containers, pull the latest images from Docker Hub, clean up volumes, and start up the new containers
cd fa-grafana
sudo docker compose down
git pull
3. Make sure the .env file has HOST_IP and other configuration variables set. Rename the provided .env.sample file to .env if needed.
sudo docker volume rm fa-grafana_grafana_data
sudo docker compose up -d
You configure the Grafana interface using the .env file shown below. This is what Grafana will use when you start its container.
# This file contains environment variables referenced in the docker-compose.yml
# Set HOST_IP to your Pi's local IP (no quotes)
######## Grafana Settings - configurable settings #########
# enable/disable login
# default Grafana port
# username and password
# light or dark mode
Cleaning up unused Docker images to free up disk space
sudo docker image prune -a
Useful Docker commands
sudo docker compose down
sudo docker ps
sudo docker images
sudo docker rmi <IMAGE_ID>
sudo docker image prune -a