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280 lines (237 loc) · 9.33 KB



We introduce the concept of ‘traits’ to Flint based in part on Rust Traits. Traits describe the partial behaviour of Contract or Structures which conform to them. For Contracts, traits constitute a collection of functions or function stubs in restriction blocks, and events. For Structures, traits only constitute a collection of functions or function stubs.

Contract or Structures can conform to multiple traits. The Flint compiler enforces the implementation of function stubs in the trait and allows usage of the functions declared in them.


Traits allow a level of abstraction and code reuse for Contracts and Structures. We also plan to have Standard Library Traits that can be inherited which provide common functionality to Contracts (Ownable, Burnable, MultiSig, Pausable, ERC20, ERC721, etc.) and Structures (Transferable, RawValued, Describable etc).

It will also form the basis for allowing end users to access compiler level guarantees and restrictions as in Assets and Numerics.

Proposed Solution

In the example below, we define ERC20, which declares a contract to follow the Ethereum token specifications. The ERC20 trait is then specified by the ToyToken contract allowing use of functions and events in ERC20.

contract trait ERC20 {
  event Transfer {
    let from: Address
    let to: Address
    let value: Int
  event Approval {
    let from: Address
    let to: Address
    let value: Int

  self :: (any) {
    public func totalSupply() -> Int
    public func balanceOf(owner: Address) -> Int
    public func allowance(owner: Address, spender: Address) -> Int

    public mutating func transfer(to: Address, value: Int) -> Bool
    public mutating func approve(spender: Address, value: Int) -> Bool
    public mutating func transferFrom(from: Address, to: Address, value: Int) -> Bool

contract ToyToken: ERC20 {
  var balances: [Address: Int] = [:]
  var allowed: [Address: [Address: Int]] = [:]
  var totalSupply: Int = 0

ToyToken :: (any) {
  public init() {}
  public func totalSupply() -> Int {
    return totalSupply
  public func balanceOf(owner: Address) -> Int {
    return balances[owner]
  public func allowance(owner: Address, spender: Address) -> Int {
    return allowed[owner][spender]

ToyToken :: caller <- (any) {
  public mutating func transfer(to: Address, value: Int) -> Bool {
    balances[caller] -= value
    balances[to] += value
    emit Transfer(from: caller, to: to, value: value)
    return true;
  public mutating func approve(spender: Address, value: Int) -> Bool {
    allowed[caller][spender] = value
    emit Approval(from: caller, to: spender, value: value)
    return true
  public mutating func transferFrom(from: Address, to: Address, value: Int) -> Bool {
    balances[from] -= value
    balances[to] += value
    allowed[from][caller] -= value
    emit Transfer(from: from, to: to, value: value)
    return true

In the example below, we define Ownable, which declares a contract as something that can be owned and transferred. The Ownable trait is then specified by the ToyWallet contract allowing the use of methods in Ownable. This demonstrates how we can expose contract properties:

contract trait Ownable {
  event OwnershipRenounced {
    let previousOwner: Address
  event OwnershipTransfered {
    let previousOwner: Address
    let newOwner: Address

  self :: (any) {
    public getOwner() -> Address

  self :: (getOwner) {
    func setOwner(newOwner: Address)

    public func renounceOwnership() {
      emit OwnershipRenounced(getOwner())
    public func transferOwnership(newOwner: Address) {
      assert(newOwner != 0x000...)
      emit OwnershipTransfered(getOwner(), newOwner)

contract ToyWallet: Ownable {
  visible var owner: Address // visible automatically creates getOwner
// Skipping initialiser as not relevant for this example

ToyWallet :: (getOwner) {
  func setOwner(newOwner: Address){
    self.owner = newOwner

In the example below, we define Pausable, which declares a contract as something that can be paused. The Pausable trait is then specified by the ToyDAO contract allowing the use of methods in Pausable. This demonstrates how we can have traits with type states:

contract trait Pausable @(Inactive, Active) {
  event Paused {}

  self @(any) :: (any) {
    public canCallerPause() -> Bool

  self  @(Active) :: (canCallerPause) {
    public func pause(newOwner: Address) {
      become InActive


  self @(InActive) :: (canCallerPause) {
    public func unpause() {
      become Active

// Contracts need to conform to Pausable and include those states in its state declaration
contract ToyDAO: Pausable @(Inactive, Active) {
  var owner: Address

ToyDAO @(any) :: caller <- (any) {
  public canCallerPause() -> Bool {
    return caller == owner

ToyDAO @(Active) :: (any) {
  // Normal Functions

We can also define structure traits using a less detailed syntax. Here we define an Animal structure trait. The Person structure then conforms to the Animal trait allowing the use of functions within that.

struct trait Animal {
  // Must have an empty and named initialiser
  public init()
  public init(name: String)
   // These are signatures that conforming structures must implement
  // access properties of the structure
  func isNamed() -> Bool
  public func name() -> String
  public func noise() -> String
   // This is a pre-implemented function using the functions already in the trait.
  public func speak() -> String {
    if isNamed() {
      return name()
    else {
      return noise()
 struct Person: Animal {
  let name: String
   public init() { = "John Doe"
  public init(name: String) { = name
   // People always have a name, it's just not always known
  func isNamed() -> Bool {
    return true
  // These access the properties of the struct
  public func name() -> String {
   public func noise() -> String {
    return "Huh?"
   // Person can also have functions in addition to Animal
  public func greet() -> String {
    return "Hi"


Alternatives considered

Generic traits

Traits are separated into two types - Structure Traits and Contract Traits - with different members being valid depending on the type. We also considered just having one type of trait but that resulted in non-sensical syntax such as structures with restriction blocks or contracts without them.

Inheritance of Contracts / Structures

The same functionality that traits provide could have been provided by allowing inheritance of Contracts and Structures, in addition inheritance would also allow multiple levels of inheritance, while traits only allow one.

Public by default

Functions declared in traits could have been public by default, removing the need for the public modifier for each function. This would however be inconsistent with Flint's private by default function policy.

No implementation in traits

We could have limited traits to only enforce functions to be declared and not define any pre-existing functionality. This would have made them very similar to Solidity Interfaces. However for a little additional complexity we don't need to have two separate concepts for interfacing and functions.

Syntax Alternatives


contract Name @(State1, State2) {
  conforms Trait1, Trait2

#### Addition sign for multiple traits

contract Name: Trait1 + Trait2 + Trait3 {}

Property Declaration

Accessors have a number of disadvantages. Of course there is the obvious one: they are tedious to define and to use. Writing node.location().x and node.set_location(p) is simply less nice than node.location.x and node.location = p. We could adopt a syntactic sugar by which the latter can be automatically translated to the former.

We would extend traits with an optional "field block" which would be a list of variable declarations. These could then be used within the trait according to their

trait Trait {
  let field1: Type1
  var field2: Type2

Conforming structures and contracts would have to then map field names to expressions.

contract Type: Trait {
  field1 -> self.x
  field2 -> self.y.z

These expressions must be of the form self(.F)* where F is some qualified field in the Contract / Structure. The properties will be checked to be compatible (same type, constant/variable match). You can't access the expression via the field name, only the trait will use this mapping.

State Declaration

State declaration for contracts could be moved inside of the contract declaration as opposed to at the head.

contract Type {
  @ (State1, State2, State3)

This would reduce the worry about the initial declaration becoming too messy. Equally we can expand the Grammar and parser to support adding line breaks to the declaration.

contract Type: Trait1, Trait2, Trait3
         @(State1, State2) {
 // As normal from here on                