This Helm Chart enables you to quickly deploy MongoDB using the official Bitnami MongoDB chart, while also providing the option to include MongoDB Express for a graphical user interface.
Kubernetes 1.12+
Helm 3.0+
To install this chart, use the following command:
helm install mongodb-stack --values quick-values.yaml . -n mongodb --create-namespace
This command deploys MongoDB with MongoDB Express using the values defined in quick-values.yaml. Make sure to customize the values according to your requirements. Customization
You can customize the deployment by modifying the values in the values.yaml file. You can also create your own values file and pass it during installation.
charts/: Directory containing chart dependencies.
templates/: Contains the YAML templates used to generate Kubernetes manifests.
values.yaml: File containing default values for the chart.
quick-values.yaml: Preconfigured values file for quick installation.
The main configuration options are listed in the values.yaml file. Refer to this file to customize your deployment. Contributing
Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to improve this chart, please submit a pull request.
This chart is distributed under the GNU General Public License Version 3