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Working with moments in time, dates and times of day in Elm


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Date, Time, Moment

chrono simplifies working with dates, time and moments in time.

The particular goals of this library are:

  • Make working with dates, time and moments as simple as possible, but not simpler.
  • Prevent common mistakes by making you think what you actually mean, a date or a moment.
  • Be able to use without knowing all the complexities of dates and time.
  • Make you have fun with time travel :)

Concepts and terminology

Some important concepts and terminology to understand.


Suppose you live in New York and you want to schedule a video call with a friend in Amsterdam. When you agree on a date and time, you have to realize that you are both in a different time zone. Meeting on 2020-05-20 at 16:00 does not make sense without the time zone. If you say 16:00 in New York, your friend will know it to be 22:00 in Amsterdam.

You are actually deciding on a specific Moment to meet. The use of date and time is convenient for us, because 1590004800000 is difficult to work with.


Suppose you are sportive and you schedule a 30 minute run every morning at 8:00. When you go to visit your friend in Amsterdam, you still want to have your run at 8:00, and not at 14:00. It is a specific Time you mean.


You both celebrated New Year's at the start of 1 January 2020. It was a different moment for both of you, but it was the same Date.

Time Zone

For your watch to be able to notify you on 2020-05-21 that it is time to start running, it needs to convert 2020-05-21 and 8:00 to a specific moment. It needs a TimeZone to do that. If it didn't have that, it would notify you at 14:00 in Amsterdam, not what you want.


Get current Date and Time

You can see what date it is by using now.

By the way, it uses the current time zone under the hood.

import Chrono.Date as Date exposing (DateAndTime)
import Task

type Msg
    = SystemGotDate DateAndTime
getDate : Cmd Msg
getDate =
    Task.perform SystemGotDate

Video call in New York And Amsterdam

Converting date and time to a different time zone.

import Chrono.Date as Date exposing (h24, m)
import Chrono.GregorianCalendar as Cal exposing (Month(..))
import Chrono.Moment as Moment exposing (Moment)

    newYorkZone = Date.customZone { moment = Moment.fromMsSinceEpoch 0, dateTime = { date = Cal.toDate { year = 1969, month = December, day = 31 }, time = h24 20 |> m 0 } } []
    amsterdamZone = Date.customZone { moment = Moment.fromMsSinceEpoch 0, dateTime = { date = Cal.toDate { year = 1970, month = January, day = 1}, time = h24 2 |> m 0 } } []
{ date = Cal.toDate { year = 2020, month = May, day = 20}, time = h24 16 |> m 0 }
    |> Date.toMoment newYorkZone
    |> Date.toDateAndTime amsterdamZone
    --> { date = Cal.toDate { year = 2020, month = May, day = 20}, time = h24 22 |> m 0 }

Simple Time Travel

Moving backwards in time.

import Chrono.Date as Date exposing (Date)
import Chrono.GregorianCalendar as Cal exposing (intoPast, Month(..), weeks)

    twoWeeksEarlier: Date -> Date
    twoWeeksEarlier date =
            |> (intoPast (weeks 2))
Cal.toDate { day = 15, month = January, year = 2020  }
    |> twoWeeksEarlier
--> Cal.toDate { day = 1, month = January, year = 2020  }

Moving months

When working with months, we need a MoveStrategy so the time traveller knows what to do with impossible dates.

The stayInSameMonth strategy finds a correct date as close as possible, within the same month, so 31 February would become 28 or 29 February, and not 3 or 4 March.

import Chrono.Date as Date exposing (Date)
import Chrono.GregorianCalendar as Cal exposing (intoFuture, Month(..), months)

    dateOfBirth: Date -> Date
    dateOfBirth date =
            |> (intoFuture (months 9 Cal.stayInSameMonth))
Cal.toDate { day = 30, month = May, year = 2019  }
    |> dateOfBirth
--> Cal.toDate { day = 29, month = February, year = 2020  }

A Recurrent Meeting

A good example of how to deal with preventing the misuse of concepts is when creating a recurrent meeting: Suppose we want to make a meeting recurrent for the next three weeks. Since a meeting is at a specific moment in time, its representation is a moment.

Action plan:

  1. Get the date and time of the moment in the specific time zone.
  2. Get the dates and time fast forwarded a week three times.
  3. Convert the dates and time to moments in the specific time zone.

PS: Brussels time goes to summer time on 31 March 2019.

import Chrono.Date as Date exposing (h24, intoFuture, m)
import Chrono.Moment as Moment exposing (Moment)
import Chrono.GregorianCalendar as Cal exposing (Month(..))

inBrussels : { day : Int, month : Month, year : Int, hour : Int, minute : Int } -> Moment
inBrussels { day, month, year, hour, minute} =
    { day = day, month = month, year = year}
        |> Cal.toDate
        |> Date.withTime (h24 hour |> m minute)
        |> Date.toMoment brusselsTimeZone

brusselsTimeZone : Date.TimeZone 
brusselsTimeZone =
    Date.customZone { moment = Moment.fromMsSinceEpoch 0, dateTime = { date = Cal.toDate { year = 1970, month = January, day = 1}, time = h24 1 |> m 0 } }
        [ { start = { moment = Moment.fromMsSinceEpoch 1553994000000, dateTime = { date = Cal.toDate { year = 2019, month = March, day = 31 }, time = h24 3 |> m 0 } } } ]

    recurrent: { times: Int, duration: Date.Duration, timeZone: Date.TimeZone} -> Moment -> List Moment
    recurrent { times, duration, timeZone} moment =
            { date, time } = Date.toDateAndTime timeZone moment
            |> Date.collect times (intoFuture duration)
            |> (Date.withTime time)
            |> (Date.toMoment timeZone)
recurrent { times = 3, duration = (Date.weeks 1), timeZone = brusselsTimeZone}
    (inBrussels {day = 22, month = Cal.March, year = 2019, hour = 13, minute = 0})
--> [
-->    inBrussels {day = 29, month = March, year = 2019, hour = 13, minute = 0},
-->    inBrussels {day = 5, month = April, year = 2019, hour = 13, minute = 0},
-->    inBrussels {day = 12, month = April, year = 2019, hour = 13, minute = 0}
--> ]

So if we use the correct models, we get predictable results. Even when the weeks include a change of the time offset (daylight savings time). If we were to naively add 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 ms to the moment, we introduced an error when the time offset changes.

Intuitively, if we fast forward a meeting a week, we want the hour to stay the same.

If we were to represent the meeting in a date and time, we again introduced an error, because if somebody from a different time zone where to participate in the meeting, he would be late, or early.


In this library, we depart from most other date/time libraries. How?

  • We consider a Date as a specific concept, irrelative of moments in time. We avoid using UTC to mix the concepts. To be able to represent a date, we pick a date in the past (epoch date), and work relative from that.
  • TimeZone is completely independent of UTC. It is defined as periods, with each period defining a (bijective) mapping between moment and date/time. This is something very new to date/time libraries, but when I started thinking this way, everything got way simpler.

We hope this library makes you think what it is exactly that you are trying to represent, and then use the relevant concept, so subtle errors are avoided.


Working with moments in time, dates and times of day in Elm







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