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Ladislav Foldyna edited this page Jun 7, 2024 · 6 revisions

QLog automatically exports the full log to the ADX file before each run. The ADX file is exported to directories:

  • Linux - $HOME/.local/share/hamradio/QLog
  • Linux - flatpak - $HOME/.var/app/io.github.foldynl.QLog/data/hamradio/QLog
  • Windows - C:/Users/<USER>/AppData/Local/hamradio/QLog
  • MacOS - $HOME/library/Application support/hamradio/qlog

Old backup files are delete automatically based on following rules:

  • keep the minimum number of backup files. The minimum is set to 5.
  • If a number of backup is greater than 5 then QLog removes files older 30 days but always protects a minimum number of backup file (5)

QLog Database is located:

  • Linux - $HOME/.local/share/hamradio/QLog
  • Linux - flatpak - $HOME/.var/app/io.github.foldynl.QLog/data/hamradio/QLog
  • Windows - C:/Users/<USER>/AppData/Local/hamradio/QLog
  • MacOS - $HOME/library/Application support/hamradio/qlog

QLog Internal Settings:

  • Linux - $HOME/.config/hamradio/QLog.conf
  • Linux - flatpak - $HOME/.var/app/io.github.foldynl.QLog/config/hamradio/QLog.conf
  • Windows - in Windows Registry
  • MacOS - $HOME/Library/Preferences/com.hamradio.qlog.plist

Please keep in mind that currently the DB file and the configuration file are an indivisible pair. It means that it is not possible to transfer only DB files between computers.

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