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Edge API for RTAC (RealTime Availability Check)


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Copyright (C) 2018-2023 The Open Library Foundation

This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the file "LICENSE" for more information.


Edge API to interface with FOLIO for 3rd party discovery services to determine holdings availability.


The purpose of this edge API is to bridge the gap between 3rd party discovery services and FOLIO. More specifically, the initial implementation was built with EBSCO's Real Time Availability Check (RTAC) service in mind. RTAC is used by the EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) to obtain up-to-date holdings information (status, call number, location, due date, etc.).

In order to reduce the amount of integration work on the discovery side, the API implemented here mimics an existing RTAC integration. This includes the parameter names, data formats, API endpoint names, among other things. There are certain quirks about the API being mimicked that may seem unintuitive, such as failures of any sort still result in 200 response, but with an empty <holdings/> XML payload. Eventually all this will be documented.


See edge-common for a description of the security model.

Requires Permissions

Institutional users should be granted the following permission in order to use this edge API:

  • rtac.all


  • See edge-common for a description of how configuration works.
  • See FOLIO-2835: Following the 2.1.0 release, the nginx proxy for edge modules in the environments needs to be able to route to two different paths on the edge-rtac module:

System Properties

Property Default Description
port 8081 Server port to listen on
okapi_url required Where to find Okapi (URL)
request_timeout_ms 30000 Request Timeout
log_level INFO Log4j Log Level
token_cache_capacity 100 Max token cache size
token_cache_ttl_ms 100 How long to cache JWTs, in milliseconds (ms)
secure_store Ephemeral Type of secure store to use. Valid: Ephemeral, AwsSsm, Vault
secure_store_props NA Path to a properties file specifying secure store configuration

Env variables for TLS configuration for Http server

To configure Transport Layer Security (TLS) for the HTTP server in an edge module, the following configuration parameters should be used. Parameters marked as Required are required only in case when TLS for the server should be enabled.

Property Default Description
SPRING_SSL_BUNDLE_JKS_WEBSERVER_KEYSTORE_TYPE NA (Required). Set the type of the keystore. Common types include JKS, PKCS12, and BCFKS
SPRING_SSL_BUNDLE_JKS_WEBSERVER_KEYSTORE_LOCATION NA (Required). Set the location of the keystore file in the local file system
SPRING_SSL_BUNDLE_JKS_WEBSERVER_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD NA (Required). Set the password for the keystore
SPRING_SSL_BUNDLE_JKS_WEBSERVER_KEY_ALIAS NA Set the alias of the key within the keystore.
SPRING_SSL_BUNDLE_JKS_WEBSERVER_KEY_PASSWORD NA Optional param that points to a password of KEY_ALIAS if it protected

Env variables for TLS configuration for Web Client

To configure Transport Layer Security (TLS) for Web clients in the edge module, you can use the following configuration parameters. Truststore parameters for configuring Web clients are optional even when FOLIO_CLIENT_TLS_ENABLED = true. If truststore parameters need to be populated, FOLIO_CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORETYPE, FOLIO_CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTOREPATH and FOLIO_CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTOREPASSWORD are required.

Property Default Description
FOLIO_CLIENT_TLS_ENABLED false Set whether SSL/TLS is enabled for Vertx Http Server
FOLIO_CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORETYPE NA Set the type of the keystore. Common types include JKS, PKCS12, and BCFKS
FOLIO_CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTOREPATH NA Set the location of the keystore file in the local file system
FOLIO_CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTOREPASSWORD NA Set the password for the keystore

Additional information

Issue tracker

See project EDGRTAC at the FOLIO issue tracker.

Other documentation

Other modules are described, with further FOLIO Developer documentation at