Webhooks is a service used to manage user configs and send webhooks to endpoints. A user config is made of the following information:
- Endpoint: a single URL where messages are sent to.
- EventTypes: an array of string identifiers denoting the type of message being sent and are the primary way for webhook consumers to configure what events they are interested in receiving. Are stored in lower-case format.
- Secret: a string used to verify received webhooks. Every webhook and its metadata is signed with a unique key for each endpoint. This signature can then be used to verify the webhook indeed comes from this service. The format is a random string of bytes of size 24, base64 encoded. (larger size after encoding)
The service has 3 starting modes, split into 3 separate commands:
: REST web service API managing webhooks configs for users.worker
: background service consuming kafka events on selected topics to send webhooks based on user configs and periodically finding failed webhooks requests to retry and sending new attempts.
Run the linters:
earthly +lint
Run the tests:
earthly -P +tests
webhooks [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
serve Run webhooks server
version Get webhooks version
worker Run webhooks worker
--abort-after duration consider a webhook as failed after retrying it for this duration. (default 720h0m0s)
--debug Debug mode
-h, --help help for webhooks
--kafka-topics strings Kafka topics (default [default])
--listen string server HTTP bind address (default ":8080")
--log-level string Log level (default "info")
--max-backoff-delay duration maximum backoff delay (default 1h0m0s)
--min-backoff-delay duration minimum backoff delay (default 1m0s)
--otel-resource-attributes strings Additional OTLP resource attributes
--otel-service-name string OpenTelemetry service name
--otel-traces Enable OpenTelemetry traces support
--otel-traces-batch Use OpenTelemetry batching
--otel-traces-exporter string OpenTelemetry traces exporter (default "stdout")
--otel-traces-exporter-jaeger-endpoint string OpenTelemetry traces Jaeger exporter endpoint
--otel-traces-exporter-jaeger-password string OpenTelemetry traces Jaeger exporter password
--otel-traces-exporter-jaeger-user string OpenTelemetry traces Jaeger exporter user
--otel-traces-exporter-otlp-endpoint string OpenTelemetry traces grpc endpoint
--otel-traces-exporter-otlp-insecure OpenTelemetry traces grpc insecure
--otel-traces-exporter-otlp-mode string OpenTelemetry traces OTLP exporter mode (grpc|http) (default "grpc")
--publisher-http-enabled Sent write event to http endpoint
--publisher-kafka-broker strings Kafka address is kafka enabled (default [localhost:9092])
--publisher-kafka-enabled Publish write events to kafka
--publisher-kafka-sasl-enabled Enable SASL authentication on kafka publisher
--publisher-kafka-sasl-mechanism string SASL authentication mechanism
--publisher-kafka-sasl-password string SASL password
--publisher-kafka-sasl-scram-sha-size int SASL SCRAM SHA size (default 512)
--publisher-kafka-sasl-username string SASL username
--publisher-kafka-tls-enabled Enable TLS to connect on kafka
--publisher-nats-client-id string Nats client ID
--publisher-nats-enabled Publish write events to nats
--publisher-nats-max-reconnect int Nats: set the maximum number of reconnect attempts. (default 30)
--publisher-nats-reconnect-wait duration Nats: the wait time between reconnect attempts. (default 2s)
--publisher-nats-url string Nats url
--publisher-topic-mapping strings Define mapping between internal event types and topics
--retry-period duration worker retry period (default 1m0s)
--storage-postgres-conn-string string Postgres connection string (default "postgresql://webhooks:[email protected]/webhooks?sslmode=disable")
--worker Enable worker on server