Plugin for forms-angular that adds jQuery UI date picker.
npm install fng-ui-date
To get all the dependencies at the top level of your node_modules run
npm dedupe
Add the following lines to your index.html (or equivalent) file
<link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery-ui/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css">
<script src="angular-ui-date/dist/date.js"></script>
Date fields in models will have the date picker added.
Configure as part of your Angular app configuration as follows:
myApp.config(['uiDateConfig', function(uiDateConfig) {
angular.extend(uiDateConfig, {
dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy', // UK date format
firstDay: 1 // Monday week start
For detailed options see the documentation at
You can specify the timezone (useful to specify UTC for dates of birth and other 'floating' dates) using the schema form.add property:
dateOfBirth: {type: Date, form: {add: ' ng-model-options="{timezone:\'UTC\'}" '}}
(see the dateOfBirth property in this schema for an example)