To start a Foundry Project from scratch or to work on Foundry Editor developpement clone this repo:
git clone
or download the zip and copy the contents in your projects git repo
Then cd into Empty/Libraries:
cd Empty/Libraries
While in Libraries folder clone the foundsdk:
git clone --recursive
To make sure everything is there, cd into foundsdk and:
cd foundsdk
//For developement to get the most up to date
git submodule foreach git pull origin master
//To get the stable release version of the SDK
git submodule update --init --recursive
Don't forget to specify in your vscode settings the path to your Up to date Kha repo.
When doing a project with foundry make sure to add your Traits/class that extend Trait in the gameplay folder of the Sources folder and uncomment this in the khafile.js:
// Gameplay code should reside in the gameplay folder of the Sources folder at the root
// Add these parameters to make sure your Traits aren't removed by dead code elimination
// project.addParameter('gameplay');
// project.addParameter("--macro keep('gameplay')");
If you don't have any gameplay code yet and you just want to get started, don't uncomment the lines and just build with F5.