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Releases: foundryvtt/pf2e


22 Jul 16:18
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System Improvements

  • (stwlam) Prevent players from opening sheets of unidentified world items


  • (stwlam) Restore object in CONFIG.PF2E depended upon by some modules
  • (stwlam) Fix resolution of bracketed numeric values

Data Updates

  • (Dire Weasel) Refresh copies of Telekinetic Projectile


22 Jul 03:50
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New Features

  • (stwlam) Add Item Alteration rule element
  • (stwlam) Add encumbrance automation (disabled by default)

System Improvements

  • (Cerapter) Add pack's source package after its name in brackets on the Compendium Browser's Settings tab
  • (In3luki) Fix source of error occasionally thrown while placing measured templates
  • (stwlam) Add support for always-active toggles and predicated suboptions
  • (stwlam) Add support for in-memory-only grants of condition items
  • (stwlam) Add support for targeted inline checks against specified defenses
  • (stwlam) Test aura coverage from small cluster of origin points in addition to center
  • (stwlam) Allow labels for all effect badge types
  • (stwlam) Add xor predication operator
  • (stwlam) Show notification when roll options are toggled from macros
  • (stwlam) Add option to reevaluate formula effect badges every turn
  • (stwlam) Fall back to prototype token for determining name visibility of speaker
  • (stwlam) Include "parent:" (i.e., the parent item of the rule element) roll options in flat modifier testing
  • (Supe) Enable incapacitation trait for physical non-weapon items
  • (Supe) Convert spell schools to traits


  • (Idle) Add isDestroyed check to the raiseAShield action
  • (Dire Weasel) Add roll-option toggles to vehicle sheet
  • (Dire Weasel) Allow Strike RE dice property to be resolvable
  • (In3luki) Show adjusted modifier on strike MAP buttons
  • (stwlam) Fix creation of battle-form strikes from strike data with no traits
  • (stwlam) Fix default radius of hearing
  • (stwlam) Fix token Z-cycling in Foundry 11.304+
  • (stwlam) Only copy signature spells to spell ranks with max slots of at least 1
  • (Supe) Restore DC adjustments to inline checks in NPC item descriptions
  • (Supe) Acquire roll options and fix roll inspector for flat checks
  • (Supe) Fix refresh of death overlay icon on setting change
  • (Supe) Add scrollbar to familiar sheet

Data Updates

  • (Abaddon) Normalize language of spell durations, ranges, and cast times
  • (ArthurTrumpet) Fix duration of Unleash Psyche effect
  • (Dire Weasel) Add aura effect for Mist Stalker's Mist Cloud
  • (Dire Weasel) Add automation for Arrow of Death
  • (Dire Weasel) Add automation for Bloody Barber Goon's Thunk 'n' Slice
  • (Dire Weasel) Add automation for Enchanting Arrow
  • (Dire Weasel) Add automation for Garrote Master Assassin and Starwatch Commando abilities
  • (Dire Weasel) Add effects for Deadweight Mutagens, Disrupting Strikes, Evangelist's Impaling Chain, Infernal Wound, Lerritan's Tenacious Flames, Moon Frenzy, Precious Arrow
  • (Dire Weasel) Add missing Wight Spawn ability to Drazmorg
  • (Dire Weasel) Add note to Wereant Poisoner's Vitriolic Strikes
  • (Dire Weasel) Add skills to some NPCs that were missing them
  • (Dire Weasel) Add some automation for persistent damage recovery DCs
    . Add toggle for Clunkerjunker's Fall Apart.
  • (Dire Weasel) Add traits and fix bulk for Drazmorg's Staff
  • (Dire Weasel) Add traits and fix runes and materials for Spellcutter
  • (Dire Weasel) Allow City Scavenger's subsist bonus to apply to Society
  • (Dire Weasel) Automate Construct Armor hardness breaking
  • (Dire Weasel) Brush up Corrupted Priest rule elements
  • (Dire Weasel) Brush up Spirit Touch rule elements and fix uses of :trait:undead
  • (Dire Weasel) Build/Extract: Convert EphemeralEffect UUIDs between name and ID references
  • (Dire Weasel) Continue to work around upstream error thrown when encounters are created
  • (Dire Weasel) Correct Eldritch Archer Dedication level in journal
  • (Dire Weasel) Decrease persistent fire damage recovery DC on Charhide Goblin
  • (Dire Weasel) Fix missing damage types in some inline links
  • (Dire Weasel) Fix name in description of Disrupting (Greater) and Fortification (Greater)
  • (Dire Weasel) Fill some missing NPC hardness values
  • (Dire Weasel) Fix UUID in Holy Castigation's EphemeralEffect
  • (Dire Weasel) Group ActorTraits REs
  • (Dire Weasel) Make some NPC onset times blind rolls
  • (Dire Weasel) Refresh copies of Shocking Grasp, Fumbus' Charhide Goblin heritage, several NPC items
  • (Dire Weasel) Update Ahmoza Twins's Channel Element to use suboptions
  • (Dire Weasel) Update description formatting of Hunter's Dawn, Kortos Diamond, Piereta
  • (Dire Weasel) Update Effect: Ichthyosis Mutagen for persistent bleed recovery
  • (Dire Weasel) Update Effect: Impaling Chain to cascade delete Grabbed
  • (Dire Weasel) Update Ghost Charges for Quinn and Zhang Yong
  • (Dire Weasel) Update Marut's Fists of Thunder and Lightning to be always active
  • (Dire Weasel) Update Sapling Shield rule elements
  • (Dire Weasel) Update werecreature's Moon Frenzy
  • (Drental) Fix description and traits of fearless sash
  • (stwlam) Add Assisting armor property rune
  • (stwlam) Add rule element to Strong Arm feat
  • (stwlam) Add Spell Effect for Healer's Blessing
  • (stwlam) Allow thrown weapons to configured for use as ammunition
  • (stwlam) Collect note and degree-of-success adjustment synthetics for recovery checks
  • (stwlam) Fix Ancestral Paragon choice set
  • (stwlam) Increase persistent fire damage recovery DC on tar zombies
  • (stwlam) Refresh the Amiris and the Seelahs
  • (stwlam) Reimplement Shield Ally with item alterations
  • (stwlam) Have Quicksilver mutagen reduce hit points and mark the loss as unrecoverable
  • (Tikael) Add ChoiceSet to Terrain Stalker
  • (Tikael) Add content from Sky King's Tomb Player's Guide
  • (Tikael) Add localized names for each animal form
  • (Tikael) Add missing action grant to Stalwart Defender
  • (Tikael) Brushup Quasit automation
  • (Tikael) Change Order of the Gate to a class feature
  • (Tikael) Fix rarity of Bolas
  • (Tikael, stwlam) Convert Oracle curses to badged effects
  • (UristMcClaws) Add charge to Brightshade
  • (UristMcClaws) Fix traits for Lethargy Poison


09 Jul 04:14
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  • (stwlam) Fix regression in determining battle form attack modifiers
  • (stwlam) Restore rule-element-based token effect icons
  • (Supe) Work around obscure upstream issue resulting in PC sheets becoming unopenable immediately after updating system

Data Updates

  • (Dire Weasel) Fix stringified level for Ashen
  • (stwlam) Fix price of major cloister robe
  • (Tikael) Fix rule element in Echo of the Fallen


07 Jul 06:54
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Note: this release is verified compatible with FVTT 11.305.

System Improvements

  • (stwlam) Have token HUD show Broken for vehicles/loot and Hidden for others
  • (stwlam) Include parent items' names and UUIDs in all rule element validation warnings
  • (stwlam) Obscure token sprite if hearing/tremorsense detection filter is applied
  • (stwlam) Remove hidden tokens from vision detection
  • (Supe) Deprecate direct access of actor system data properties (@abilities, @attributes, @details, etc.) in roll formulas


  • (Drental) Localize "legacy flaws" in ability builder
  • (stwlam) Apply damage-type overrides to fatal damage dice
  • (stwlam) Fix issue causing players to not immediately see token light changes from rule elements
  • (stwlam) Update emulated token hover from chat messages to work with 11.304+
  • (stwlam) Fix aberrent grid highlighting when dragging cone templates
  • (stwlam) Dodge upstream error when encounters are created
  • (stwlam) Show token name when available (instead of actor name) in roll messages for skill checks and saving throws
  • (stwlam) Fix search in basic tag selector application
  • (Tikael) Add missing localization string on NPC sheet

Data Updates

  • (Dire Weasel) Add Frequency to Rupture Stomp description
  • (Dire Weasel) Add missing traits to Shatterstone
  • (Dire Weasel) Fix category of Gathering Moss and Propulsive Leap.
  • (Dire Weasel) Add duration to Effect: Gathering Moss.
  • (Dire Weasel) Fix level and price of Grub Gloves
  • (Dire Weasel) Fix level of Bloodknuckles
  • (Dire Weasel) Group Ankhrav's Spray Acid damage
  • (Dire Weasel) Update Calikang's Suspended Animation to use suboptions
  • (Dire Weasel) Update Effect: Fiddle to include grant of flat-footed and slowed
  • (rectulo) Fix action format for highhelm stronghold plate
  • (stwlam) Add deathdrinking weapon property rune


02 Jul 06:17
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  • (SpartanCPA) Add content from Lost Omens: Highhelm
  • (Tikael) Add content from A Few Flowers More
  • (TMun) Add NPCs from PFS 4-15
  • (Dire Weasel) Add fix heightening effects of Etheric Shards spell
  • (Dire Weasel) Add effect for Swarm Form, Touch of the Moon
  • (Dire Weasel) Add missing traits to Grimbal's Drain Mind
  • (Dire Weasel) Allow PFS Hireling boons to be taken multiple times
  • (Dire Weasel) Brush up Meleeka's Blazing-Talon Surge and Mastered Rain of Embers Stance
  • (Dire Weasel) Fix cast time of Thoughtful Gift
  • (Dire Weasel) Fix damage link in Gray Prince and add line template
  • (Dire Weasel) Fix malformed link in Grand Archive Champion, Improved
  • (Dire Weasel) Fix name of Toxic Furnace's Boiling Toxin
  • (Dire Weasel) Fix range on Meteor Shield and Razor Disc
  • (Dire Weasel) Fix reach on Blood Lords Mithral Golem's Spike
  • (Dire Weasel) Fix Strike category for Throwing Shield
  • (Dire Weasel) Move Princess Kerinza's key details to GM note
  • (stwlam) Add Keep Stone as precious material
  • (stwlam) Add remaining weapon property runes from TV and LO:KoL

System Improvements

  • (nikolaj-a, In3luki) Add support for modifiers and notes healing recipients received modifiers and roll notes
  • (stwlam) Bump max domains settable in deity-item sheet to 6
  • (stwlam) Allow setting fixed attack modifier and damage for rule-element-based NPC strikes
  • (Supe) Always skip roll dialog for flat checks


  • (In3luki) Fix revert damage button showing for lootable NPCs
  • (In3luki) Reevaluate roll notes upon rerolling checks
  • (stwlam) Add click listener to popped-out damage messages
  • (stwlam) Fix grid highlighting placement of measured templates while dragging
  • (stwlam) Incorporate flat-footed condition immunity into flanking checks
  • (stwlam) Include roll option on NPC attacks indicating whether they are magical
  • (stwlam) Fix issue causing incorrect level to be used for some incapacitation abilities
  • (stwlam) Fix issue causing compendium browser to get stuck semi-transparent and non-interactable
  • (Supe) Fix some minor visual issues with actor inventories


22 Jun 04:07
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System Improvements

  • (stwlam) Set toggled RollOption rule element suboptions as rulesSelections


  • (Dire Weasel) Localize some Treat Wounds macro strings
  • (reyzor1991) Include rarity in ancestry item roll options
  • (stwlam) Fix compendium directory search while app is popped out
  • (stwlam) Remove 11.301 ActorDelta workaround, add new one for 11.302
  • (stwlam) Fix editability of AC details on NPC sheet
  • (stwlam) Refrain from adding reach trait to generated NPC range attacks
  • (stwlam) Make system Actor#temporaryEffects getter return objects more faithful to ActiveEffect interface
  • (stwlam) Fix issue causing custom AC modifiers from being editable
  • (Supe) Fix scrolling behavior on limited-permission NPC and loot sheets
  • (Supe) Filter out damage dice with invalid outcomes
  • (Supe) Fix heighten level when retrieving prepared spells from chat message

Data Updates

  • (Dire Weasel) Add automation to Skeletal Crocodile's Reconfigure ability
  • (Dire Weasel) Add missing critical hits immunity to Carnivorous Crystal
  • (Dire Weasel) Add some missing NPC auras
  • (Dire Weasel) Add speed bonus to Grace "The Rhino" Owano's Celestial Rage
  • (Dire Weasel) Automate Lomok's Powerful Will and add aura to Aura of Courage
  • (Dire Weasel) Automate the Rabbit Prince's Perfect Will and Bloody Jab
  • (Dire Weasel) Fix Displaced Robot's Divert Power rule elements and switch to suboptions
  • (Dire Weasel) Fix Seal Fate's spell type and add effect
  • (Dire Weasel) Update several RollOption roll elements to utilize suboptions
  • (Dire Weasel) Update NPC copies of spell Seal Fate
  • (Dire Weasel) Update Sky Dragon's Divine Lightning to predicate off target rather than RollOption toggles
  • (LebombJames) Add missing True Name trait to Reveal True Name feat
  • (OrangeChris) Fix rule elements on Subtle Dampeners and Otherworldly Protection
  • (putty) Add cooking ingredients from kingmaker companion guide
  • (stwlam) Add damaging-effect roll option to Aeolaeka's Liberate the Earth ability
  • (stwlam) Fix rule element in Adopted Ancestry feat
  • (stwlam) Prevent ancestral weapon proficiencies from cascading
  • (stwlam) Prevent Order Explorer (Leaf or Storm) from granting focus points
  • (stwlam) Remove domains compendium, migrate @uuid links
  • (Tikael) Add missing gravity trait localization
  • (Tikael) Clean up creature ability glossary entries
  • (Tikael) Fix damage in Oppali statblock
  • (Tikael) Fix localization of unarmed attack resistance


17 Jun 04:14
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System Improvements

  • (stwlam) Add heatsight as sense type
  • (stwlam) Display progress bar during system migrations
  • (stwlam) Add vehicle hardness processing to damage application
  • (Supe) Stack items acquired or purchased from the compendium browser


  • (cdverrett94) Add core Append Number and Prepend Adjective fields to Prototype Token Config
  • (In3luki) Fix broken thumbnails in compendium sidebar JournalEntry search results
  • (In3luki) Fix issue causing vehicle sheet to be unopenable
  • (stwlam) Update format of source links generated in spell consumable descriptions to V11 standard
  • (stwlam) Fix compendium drag & drop functionality
  • (stwlam) Fix style issue in PC sheet's advanced alchemy template

Data Updates

  • (Cora) Replace core compendium pack banner images
  • (Dire Weasel) Add effects for Crushing runes
  • (Dire Weasel) Move Parsus' key details to GM note
  • (Dire Weasel) Update Cyclops Bully's Terrorizing Swing rule elements and localize
  • (stwlam) Add rule elements to Snaring Anadi heritage
  • (stwlam) Update Hero Point deck to paged format, migrate UUIDs to V11 format
  • (Tikael) Organize system compendiums into folders
  • (Tikael) Add inline save to Draugr curse
  • (Tikael) Improve automation of Shield of the Unified Legion
  • (TiloBuechsenschuss) Add rule elements to Archer's Aim


13 Jun 15:17
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  • (In3luki) Fix manual drawing of measured templates
  • (In3luki) Hide buttons to generate roll tables in compendium browser from non-GMs

Data Updates

  • (Dire Weasel) Make Awful Approach recharge rolls blind
  • (stwlam) Fix some settings being returned with wrong values due to upstream issue
  • (stwlam) Fix broken links in some GM notes on compendium items


12 Jun 22:46
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New Features

  • (In3luki, stwlam, Supe) Add support for Foundry VTT version 11
  • (Drental) Port over V11 pronouns field to system player config template
  • (In3luki) Enable creation of Roll Tables from Compendium Browser search results

System Improvements

  • (Dire Weasel) Mystify scrolls and wands when GM drops spell onto an actor sheet while holding the ALT key


  • (Dire Weasel) Fix language of warning message emitted by AdjustDegreeOfSuccess rule element
  • (oWave) Fix issue with information passed to spell variant chat messages

Data Updates

  • (Dire Weasel) Add Aura rule elements to Tormented
  • (Dire Weasel) Add automation to Halo
  • (Dire Weasel) Add burst template to Blindpepper Bomb
  • (Dire Weasel) Add damage links to Aroden's Hearthstone, Potions of Retaliation, and Capsaicin Tonic
  • (Dire Weasel) Add effects for Potions of Resistance
  • (Dire Weasel) Add link to effect for Kreeth-Ni's Wrath of Spurned Hospitality
  • (Dire Weasel) Fix action symbols in Instinct Crowns
  • (Dire Weasel) Fix bonus in Clarity Goggles description
  • (Dire Weasel) Fix damage for Agorron Guard Claw. Add scythe to Tenebric Giant inventory.
  • (Dire Weasel) Fix descriptions of entrench melee and entrench ranged
  • (Dire Weasel) Fix radius of Burning Blossoms
  • (Dire Weasel) Fix rule elements for Telekinetic Slip
  • (Dire Weasel) Fix some Agents of Edgewatch NPCs
  • (OrangeChris) Add maxItemLevel to Gadget Specialist rule element
  • (OrangeChris) Add rule elements to Exemplary Finisher
  • (stwlam) Fix ephemeral effect transmitted by Holy Castigation feat
  • (stwlam) Fix range increments and maximum ranges on battle form attacks
  • (stwlam) Fix Twisting Tree damage die upgrade
  • (stwlam) Move April Fools bestiary creatures to Paizo Blog Bestiary
  • (Tikael) Add content from Pathfinder Wake the Dead #1
  • (Tikael) Fix rule elements on Munavri Spellblade
  • (Tikael) Organize compendiums into folders
  • (Tikael) Remove non-existant note from Track macro


04 Jun 18:06
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  • (stwlam) Fix issue causing effects panel to not load when certain conditions were present on an actor