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Releases: foundryvtt/pf2e


02 Oct 23:33
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  • (stwlam) Fix dropping conditions on tokens and actor sheets
  • (Supe) Restore raw note functionality to CheckPF2e

Data Updates

  • (Abaddon) Fix nosferatu ability typo
  • (stwlam) Fix predicate of RE on Orc Weapon Carnage
  • (stwlam) Default toggle in Unleash Psyche effect to true


02 Oct 18:24
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System Improvements

  • (Cerapter) Add support for strike attack roll substitutions
  • (Forgent) Add logic to snap templates to 30 degree instead of 45 on hex grids
  • (GravenImageRD) Show level in inventory item summaries and for actors in actor directory
  • (GravenImageRD) Add rarity colors to player inventory items
  • (stwlam) Optimize CPU usage of hearing checks
  • (stwlam) Allow sound emission to be overridable for creatures via ActiveEffect-like rule elements
  • (stwlam) Convert predicates to arrays (wiki will be updated with more information)
  • (stwlam) Allow FlatModifier rule elements to only apply to critical damage
  • (stwlam) Make GrantItem onDelete actions configurable
  • (stwlam) Set hex-grid-suitable cone rotation increments and default angle
  • (stwlam) Show scrolling text from aura-granted effects only during encounters
  • (Supe) Add ability to restrict item spellcasting to scrolls only
  • (Supe) Add support for class dc proficiencies for spellcasting entries
  • (Supe) Allow choice-less choice sets that support homebrew items
  • (Supe) Always show invest button, and equip the item to the correct slot when investing


  • (In3luki) Fix rarity tag height in the Compendium Browser
  • (Supe) Fix display of item uses in inventory
  • (Supe) Fix inline rolls for class dcs
  • (Supe) Show resistance exceptions in hazard IWR
  • (Supe) Fix drag/drop of feats sometimes preventing sheet summary from opening
  • (stwlam) Fix AE-likes modifying crafting entries
  • (stwlam) Fix Proficiency without Level variant not reflecting untrained proficiency penalties
  • (stwlam) Restore inclusion of critical property from DamageDice REs
  • (stwlam) Work around upstream issue affecting item creation on synthetic actors
  • (stwlam) Prevent duplicate fatal traits from being added to fatal-aim weapons
  • (tyrielv) Fix overflow for long tag elements

Data Updates

  • (Abaddon) Add Living Graffiti variants: blood, chalk, and ink
  • (Abaddon) Add clockwork creature malfunction abilities
  • (Abaddon) Add sea skull swarm variants
  • (Abaddon) Fix details of forsaken deities
  • (Abaddon) Localize resistance exceptions from rule elements
  • (Abaddon) Remove damaging-effect from marut's fists of thunder and lightning
  • (Abaddon) Review Bestiary 3 NPCs: living graffiti oil, owb & owb prophet, skull swarms
  • (Abaddon) localize resistance exceptions in B3 rule elements
  • (avagdu) Audit Crystal Dragons
  • (avagdu) Fix description of True Staff of Healing
  • (avagdu) Fix weapon descriptions for BB Skeleton Warrior
  • (Dana) Improve implementation of fatal dice from Student of the Staff
  • (InfamousSky) Add icons to Thaumaturge class features as well as Dark Archive & Blood Lords spells
  • (LebombJames) Fix Greater Thundering Rune description
  • (LebombJames) Fix enervation damage
  • (Manni) Correct action cost of tentacle cannon
  • (Manni) Fix description of Animate Dreamer
  • (rectulo) Fix the range of sturzstromer tremorsense ability
  • (SpartanCPA) Add Rollable button to Gorget of the Primal Roar
  • (SpartanCPA) Add feats for the Psychic Duelist Dedication
  • (stwlam) Fix size of scythe embedded in cow
  • (stwlam) Add rule elements to and update description of cloistered cleric's 4th doctrine
  • (stwlam) Move Pilgrim Token's tieBreakPriority override to feat
  • (Tikael) Add Kingmaker backgrounds
  • (Tikael) Add missing Dark Archive and Grand Bazaar equipment
  • (Tikael) Add missing item from Strength of Thousands 4
  • (Tikael) Brushup spell effect REs A-C
  • (Tikael) Fix rule elements on Celestial Armor
  • (Tikael) Fix the title of the Fearsome rune note
  • (Tikael) Fix token name of Gold Tank Broker
  • (TMun) Add NPCs from PFS 4-04


24 Sep 02:47
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  • (stwlam) Fix issue causing migration failures on very old actors


22 Sep 02:07
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  • (stwlam) Fix issue causing old speed data to prevent some PC sheets from opening

Data Updates

  • (Tikael) Fix several NPC save values that were stored as strings


21 Sep 22:18
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  • (stwlam) Fix extraction of predicated damage dice
  • (stwlam) Fix localization of non-land speeds
  • (Supe) Fix detection of highest level for spell collection

Data Updates

  • (stwlam) Restore iconics' prototype tokens
  • (stwlam) Fix language known by Uthuls (Bestiary 1)


21 Sep 06:06
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System Improvements

  • (In3luki) Update Compendium Browser text search to utilize MiniSearch
  • (sturteva) Add spiritsense to available creature sense types
  • (stwlam) Add limited support for DamageDice REs in spells (reflected in Healing/Harming Hands feats)
  • (stwlam) Add support for hearing through walls that don't block sound (thanks to dev8675309 for assistance!)
  • (stwlam) Incorporate V10 tremorsense detection mode
  • (stwlam) Add undetected condition to token HUD
  • (stwlam) Lower enforced PC ability score cap to 1 while in manual-entry mode
  • (Supe) Add structured form for editing FlatModifier rule elements


  • (stwlam) Fix token mirroring when scale is locked
  • (stwlam) Fix issue causing secret text in journal entry text pages to become visible to players

Data Updates

  • (InfamousSky) Add Glass Skin feat
  • (InfamousSky) Add cauldron of flying
  • (itamarcu) Fix Blaze effect
  • (SpartanCPA) Add a rollable save to Dragon's Rage Breath
  • (SpartanCPA) Audit Age of Ashes book 1
  • (SpartanCPA) Audit Doblagub (Extinction Curse)
  • (SpartanCPA) Fix name of Legacy of the Hammer background
  • (stwlam) Add critical specialization to Ruffian class feature
  • (stwlam) Fix description of Fatal Aim trait
  • (stwlam) Fix predicate on Precise Strike's damage dice RE
  • (Supe) Add Scroll Trickster bonus to trick magic item


17 Sep 02:47
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System Improvements

  • (stwlam) Skip module nags for modules with no esmodules or scripts


  • (In3luki) Fix Compendium Browser order-by values getting defaulted to name
  • (In3luki) Fix display of class features in the class item sheet details tab
  • (stwlam) Fix issue causing predicated new movement types to always be applied to a PC
  • (stwlam) Fix damage roll notes getting dropped from chat cards
  • (stwlam) Fix item-drop handling on kit sheets
  • (stwlam) Fix issue preventing JSON imports from V9 actors

Data Updates

  • (LebombJames) Brushup witch features and feats
  • (LebombJames) Correct "Feat/Feature" in Feat Sheet Header
  • (Shandyan) Automate tiefling feats
  • (Shandyan) Correct Crunch feat, Runelord Specialization and remove Form of the Fiend variants
  • (SkepticRobot) Add missing Dark Archive backgrounds
  • (Tikael) Fix Cover effect


13 Sep 07:10
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System Improvements

  • (stwlam) Hide damage buttons for not-damaging weapons (e.g., Tanglefoot Bag)
  • (Supe) Have ChatMessage#item return the strike weapon if available (for module usage)


  • (In3luki) Fix distribute coin popup
  • (stwlam) Prevent context menu from appearing on right click in status effects menu for some OS/browser combinations
  • (stwlam) Include journal entries in compendium search
  • (stwlam) Fix issue causing post-to-chat button to not appear for @check expressions in journal entry pages
  • (stwlam) Migrate weapon and spell resolvables in rule elements for V10 compatibility
  • (stwlam) Fix persistent damage icon path
  • (stwlam) Fix multiple issues causing roll notes to display with superfluous line breaks
  • (stwlam) Fix obscuring sender names on chat messages when feature is enabled
  • (stwlam) Fix functionality of greater darkvision with no standard darkvision

Data Updates

  • (avagdu) Update Advanced Synergy to be takable multiple times
  • (Dods) Add rule elements to Skill Mastery (Rogue archetype)
  • (Friz) Brushup Doblagub
  • (Friz) Fix rule elements on Terrified Retreat, Feverish Enzymes, and Hellknight Dedication feats
  • (SpartanCPA) Add book source citations to more feats and effects missing them
  • (stwlam) Restore Fledgling Flight feat
  • (Tikael) Add missing Dread runes
  • (Timingila) Updated Despair aura of Khisisi
  • (Xdy) Fix All-Around Vision on several NPCs


11 Sep 17:16
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  • (stwlam) Fix darkness adjuster rendering on scene view
  • (stwlam) Update in-Foundry changelog URL to point to V10 release branch

Data Updates

  • (SpartanCPA) Fill in (book) sources on items missing them
  • (TMun) Correct perception and missing darkvision on spellskein


11 Sep 11:22
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  • (stwlam) Work around upstream issue causing erratic canvas-rendering behavior