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Introduce ide-backend RTS. Closes #24.
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The problem with #24 was already described in the issue; we now load a module
'IdeBackendRTS' into the ghc session on start up. As part of the RTS we define
a function 'run' which, amongst other things, resets the stdout, stderr and
stdin handles. This rather low-level coding though, so may be a bit fragile to
changes in the ghc RTS. Until we have proper GHC support for this, however, I
don't think there is a way around that.

I'm not merging this with master just yet because there is one integration test
failing ("Maintain list of compiled modules"). I looked at this for a while but
it seems a genuine bug somewhere other than the new RTS. I can't make sense of
it yet.
  • Loading branch information
edsko committed Dec 31, 2012
1 parent 2e0fe39 commit 590b21a
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Showing 3 changed files with 311 additions and 69 deletions.
69 changes: 22 additions & 47 deletions GhcRun.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -88,6 +88,8 @@ data RunResult =
-- respectively (or does an explicit flush). However, you can specify a timeout
-- in addition to the buffering mode; if you set this to @Just n@, the buffer
-- will be flushed every @n@ microseconds.
-- NOTE: This is duplicated in the IdeBackendRTS (defined in IdeSession)
data RunBufferMode =
| RunLineBuffering { runBufferTimeout :: Maybe Int }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -240,9 +242,7 @@ runInGhc (m, fun) outBMode errBMode = do
-- TODO: these debug statements break tests currently:
-- _debugPpContext flags "context before setContext"
setContext $ [ IIDecl $ simpleImportDecl $ mkModuleName (MN.toString m)
, IIDecl $ simpleImportDecl $ mkModuleName "System.IO"
, IIDecl $ simpleImportDecl $ mkModuleName "Data.Maybe"
, IIDecl $ simpleImportDecl $ mkModuleName "Control.Concurrent"
, IIDecl $ simpleImportDecl $ mkModuleName "IdeBackendRTS"
-- _debugPpContext flags "context after setContext"
-- liftIO $ writeFile "/Users/fpco/fpco/ide-backend/RunStmt.hs" expr
Expand All @@ -260,50 +260,25 @@ runInGhc (m, fun) outBMode errBMode = do
error "checkModule: RunBreak"
expr :: String
expr = setBuffering "System.IO.stdout" outBMode
. setBuffering "System.IO.stderr" errBMode
. setBufferTimeout "System.IO.stdout" outBMode
. setBufferTimeout "System.IO.stderr" errBMode
$ MN.toString m ++ "." ++ fun

setBuffering :: String -> RunBufferMode -> String -> String
setBuffering h mode code = unlines [
"do {"
, "System.IO.hSetBuffering " ++ h ++ " " ++ fqnBMode mode ++ ";"
, code ++ ";"
, "System.IO.hFlush " ++ h
, "}"

setBufferTimeout :: String -> RunBufferMode -> String -> String
setBufferTimeout h (RunLineBuffering (Just n)) code =
bufferTimeout h n code
setBufferTimeout h (RunBlockBuffering _ (Just n)) code =
bufferTimeout h n code
setBufferTimeout _ _ code =

fqnBMode :: RunBufferMode -> String
fqnBMode RunNoBuffering =
fqnBMode (RunLineBuffering _) =
fqnBMode (RunBlockBuffering Nothing _) =
"(System.IO.BlockBuffering Data.Maybe.Nothing)"
fqnBMode (RunBlockBuffering (Just i) _) =
"(System.IO.BlockBuffering (Data.Maybe.Just " ++ show i ++ "))"

bufferTimeout :: String -> Int -> String -> String
bufferTimeout h n code = unlines [
"do {"
, "tid <- forkIO (let go = do {"
, " Control.Concurrent.threadDelay " ++ show n ++ "; "
, " System.IO.hFlush " ++ h ++ ";"
, " go } in go);"
, code ++ ";"
, "killThread tid"
, "}"
expr = fqn "run "
++ "(" ++ fqBMode outBMode ++ ")"
++ "(" ++ fqBMode errBMode ++ ")"
++ "(" ++ MN.toString m ++ "." ++ fun ++ ")"

fqn :: String -> String
fqn = (++) "IdeBackendRTS."

fqBMode :: RunBufferMode -> String
fqBMode RunNoBuffering =
fqn "RunNoBuffering"
fqBMode (RunLineBuffering t) =
fqn "RunLineBuffering (" ++ fqMInt t ++ ")"
fqBMode (RunBlockBuffering sz t) =
fqn "RunBlockBuffering (" ++ fqMInt sz ++ ") (" ++ fqMInt t ++ ")"

fqMInt :: Maybe Int -> String
fqMInt Nothing = fqn "Nothing"
fqMInt (Just n) = fqn "Just " ++ show n

handleError :: Show a => a -> Ghc RunResult
handleError = return . RunGhcException . show
Expand Down
178 changes: 167 additions & 11 deletions IdeSession.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -203,6 +203,7 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSL
import qualified Data.ByteString as BSS
import Data.List (delete)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid (..))
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath (splitFileName, takeDirectory, (<.>), (</>))
import qualified System.FilePath.Find as Find
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -352,7 +353,21 @@ initSession ideConfig'@SessionConfig{configStaticOpts} = do
, _ideGhcServer
let ideStaticInfo = IdeStaticInfo{..}
return IdeSession{..}
let session = IdeSession{..}

sessionLoadRTS session

return session

-- | Load the RTS into the session
sessionLoadRTS :: IdeSession -> IO ()
sessionLoadRTS session = do
codeGen <- getCodeGeneration session
mapM_ (\upd -> updateSession session upd (const $ return ())) [
updateCodeGeneration True
, updateModule (fromJust (MN.fromString "IdeBackendRTS")) ideBackendRTS
, updateCodeGeneration codeGen

-- | Close a session down, releasing the resources.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -401,16 +416,17 @@ shutdownSession IdeSession{ideState, ideStaticInfo} = do
-- (We don't automatically recompile the code using the new session, because
-- what would we do with the progress messages?)
restartSession :: IdeSession -> IO ()
restartSession IdeSession{ideStaticInfo, ideState} =
$modifyMVar_ ideState $ \state ->
case state of
IdeSessionIdle idleState ->
restart idleState
IdeSessionRunning runActions idleState -> do
forceCancel runActions
restart idleState
IdeSessionShutdown ->
fail "Shutdown session cannot be restarted."
restartSession session@IdeSession{ideStaticInfo, ideState} = do
$modifyMVar_ ideState $ \state ->
case state of
IdeSessionIdle idleState ->
restart idleState
IdeSessionRunning runActions idleState -> do
forceCancel runActions
restart idleState
IdeSessionShutdown ->
fail "Shutdown session cannot be restarted."
sessionLoadRTS session
restart :: IdeIdleState -> IO IdeSessionState
restart idleState = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -714,6 +730,18 @@ getLoadedModules IdeSession{ideState} =
Just Computed{..} -> return computedLoadedModules
Nothing -> fail "This session state does not admit queries."

-- | Is code generation currently enabled?
getCodeGeneration :: Query Bool
getCodeGeneration IdeSession{ideState} =
$withMVar ideState $ \st ->
case st of
IdeSessionIdle idleState ->
return $ idleState ^. ideGenerateCode
IdeSessionRunning _ idleState ->
return $ idleState ^. ideGenerateCode
IdeSessionShutdown ->
fail "Session already shut down."

-- | Get the list of all data files currently available to the session:
-- both the files copied via an update and files created by user code.
getAllDataFiles :: Query [FilePath]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -791,3 +819,131 @@ getGhcServer IdeSession{ideState} =
return $! idleState ^. ideGhcServer
IdeSessionShutdown ->
fail "Session already shut down."


ideBackendRTS :: ByteString
ideBackendRTS = BSL.pack . unlines $ [
"module IdeBackendRTS ("
, " run"
, " , RunBufferMode(..)"
, " , Maybe(..)"
, " ) where"

, "import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay, killThread)"
, "import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar, takeMVar, putMVar)"
, "import qualified System.IO as IO"
, "import qualified Control.Exception as Ex"
, "import Control.Monad (forever)"

-- This requires access to the ghc package (needs to be exposed)
, "import GHC.IO.Handle.Types ("
, " Handle(FileHandle)"
, " , HandleType(ClosedHandle, ReadHandle, WriteHandle)"
, " , nativeNewlineMode"
, " , Handle__"
, " , haType"
, " )"
, "import GHC.IO.Handle.Internals ("
, " mkHandle"
, " , closeTextCodecs"
, " , ioe_finalizedHandle"
, " , flushWriteBuffer"
, " )"
, "import GHC.IO.Encoding (getLocaleEncoding)"
, "import qualified GHC.IO.FD as FD"

, "data RunBufferMode ="
, " RunNoBuffering"
, " | RunLineBuffering (Maybe Int)"
, " | RunBlockBuffering (Maybe Int) (Maybe Int)"
, " deriving Read"

, "run :: RunBufferMode -> RunBufferMode -> IO a -> IO a"
, "run outBMode errBMode io = do"
, " resetStdin"
, " resetStdout"
, " resetStderr"
, " withBuffering IO.stdout outBMode $ withBuffering IO.stderr errBMode $ io"

, "withBuffering :: IO.Handle -> RunBufferMode -> IO a -> IO a"
, "withBuffering h mode io = do"
, " IO.hSetBuffering h (bufferMode mode)"
, " result <- withBufferTimeout h (bufferTimeout mode) io"
, " ignoreIOExceptions $ IO.hFlush h"
, " return result"

, "ignoreIOExceptions :: IO () -> IO ()"
, "ignoreIOExceptions = let handler :: Ex.IOException -> IO ()"
, " handler _ = return ()"
, " in Ex.handle handler"

, "bufferMode :: RunBufferMode -> IO.BufferMode"
, "bufferMode RunNoBuffering = IO.NoBuffering"
, "bufferMode (RunLineBuffering _) = IO.LineBuffering"
, "bufferMode (RunBlockBuffering sz _) = IO.BlockBuffering sz"

, "bufferTimeout :: RunBufferMode -> Maybe Int"
, "bufferTimeout RunNoBuffering = Nothing"
, "bufferTimeout (RunLineBuffering t) = t"
, "bufferTimeout (RunBlockBuffering _ t) = t"

, "withBufferTimeout :: IO.Handle -> Maybe Int -> IO a -> IO a"
, "withBufferTimeout _ Nothing io = io"
, "withBufferTimeout h (Just n) io = do"
, " tid <- forkIO . forever $ threadDelay n >> IO.hFlush h"
, " result <- io"
, " killThread tid"
, " return result"

, "swapFileHandles :: Handle -> Handle -> IO ()"
, "swapFileHandles (FileHandle _ h1) (FileHandle _ h2) = Ex.mask_ $ do"
, " h1' <- takeMVar h1"
, " h2' <- takeMVar h2"
, " putMVar h1 h2'"
, " putMVar h2 h1'"
, "swapFileHandles _ _ ="
, " Ex.throwIO (userError \"swapFileHandles: unsupported handles\")"

-- To reset the handle we duplicate the implementation of 'stdin', 'stdout'
-- or 'stderr' and then use 'swapFileHandles' to swap the MVar contents of
-- the real Handle

, "resetStdin :: IO ()"
, "resetStdin = do"
, " enc <- getLocaleEncoding"
, " new <- mkHandle FD.stdin \"<stdin>\" ReadHandle True (Just enc)"
, " nativeNewlineMode{-translate newlines-}"
, " (Just stdHandleFinalizer) Nothing"
, " swapFileHandles new IO.stdin"

, "resetStdout :: IO ()"
, "resetStdout = do"
, " enc <- getLocaleEncoding"
, " new <- mkHandle FD.stdout \"<stdout>\" WriteHandle True (Just enc)"
, " nativeNewlineMode{-translate newlines-}"
, " (Just stdHandleFinalizer) Nothing"
, " swapFileHandles new IO.stdout"

, "resetStderr :: IO ()"
, "resetStderr = do"
, " enc <- getLocaleEncoding"
, " new <- mkHandle FD.stderr \"<stderr>\" WriteHandle False{-stderr is unbuffered-}"
, " (Just enc)"
, " nativeNewlineMode{-translate newlines-}"
, " (Just stdHandleFinalizer) Nothing"
, " swapFileHandles new IO.stderr"

-- Taken directly from the GHC.IO.Handle.FD (not exported)

, "stdHandleFinalizer :: FilePath -> MVar Handle__ -> IO ()"
, "stdHandleFinalizer fp m = do"
, " h_ <- takeMVar m"
, " flushWriteBuffer h_"
, " case haType h_ of"
, " ClosedHandle -> return ()"
, " _other -> closeTextCodecs h_"
, " putMVar m (ioe_finalizedHandle fp)"

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