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ASP.NET Core WishList Application

The ASP.NET Core WishList Application is designed to allow users to create their own wishlists, and other users to mark that they are buying those items in such a way the owner of the wish list isn't able to see, while other users are able to see. This application is designed using the Model View Controller design pattern.

Note: This project is the second in a series of four projects, this project will cover taking an existing ASP.NET Core web application and changing it from only supporting one user to being able to support many users with authentication and basic security.

Setup the Application

If you want to use Visual Studio

If you want to use Visual Studio (highly recommended) follow the following steps:

  • If you already have Visual Studio installed make sure you have .Net Core installed by running the "Visual Studio Installer" and making sure ".NET Core cross-platform development" is checked
  • If you need to install visual studio download it at (If you're using Windows you'll want to check "ASP.NET" and ".NET Core cross-platform development" on the workloads screen during installation.)
  • Open the .sln file in visual studio
  • To run the application simply press the Start Debug button (green arrow) or press F5
  • If you're using Visual Studio on Windows, to run tests open the Test menu, click Run, then click on Run all tests (results will show up in the Test Explorer)
  • If you're using Visual Studio on macOS, to run tests, select the GradeBookTests Project, then go to the Run menu, then click on Run Unit Tests (results will show up in the Unit Tests panel)

(Note: All tests should fail at this point, this is by design. As you progress through the projects more and more tests will pass. All tests should pass upon completion of the project.)

If you don't plan to use Visual studio

If you would rather use something other than Visual Studio

  • Install the .Net Core SDK from once that installation completes you're ready to roll!
  • To run the application go into the WishList project folder and type dotnet run
  • To run the tests go into the WishListTests project folder and type dotnet test

Features you will implement

  • Add support for user authentication
  • Create functionality for creating and logging in
  • Expand Wishlist functionality to support multiple users
  • Implement several basic security practices (validation tokens, user verification, authentication, etc)

Tasks necessary to complete implementation:

Note: this isn't the only way to accomplish this, however; this is what the project's tests are expecting. Implementing this in a different way will likely result in being marked as incomplete / incorrect.

  • Adding Authentication to our existing ASP.NET Core wishlist app
    • Configure Authentication
      • Note : We created the model ApplicationUser that inherits IdentityUser for you! (This was done to allow us to more accurately test your code through out this project)
      • Replace ApplicationDbContext's inheritance of DbContext to IdentityDbContext<ApplicationUser> (you will need to add using directives for Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.EntityFrameworkCore and using WishList.Models)
      • In Startup.cs's ConfigureServices method call AddIdentity<ApplicationUser, IdentityRole>().AddEntityFrameworkStores<ApplicationDbContext>().AddDefaultTokenProviders(); on services (you will need to add using directives for Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity and using WishList.Models)
      • In Startup.cs's Configure method Before app.UseMvcWithDefaultRoute(); call UseAuthentication on app.
    • Create AccountController
      • Create new controller AccountController in the Controllers folder
        • The AccountController class should have the Authorize attribute (you will need a using directive for Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization)
        • The AccountController should inherit the Controller class (you will need a using directive for Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc)
      • Create private fields in the AccountController class
        • This should have a private readonly field of type UserManager<ApplicationUser> named _userManager (you will need a using directives for WishList.Models and Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity)
        • This should have a private readonly field of type SignInManager<ApplicationUser> named _signInManager
      • Create a constructor in the AccountController class
        • This constructor should accept two parameters, the first of type UserManager<ApplicationUser>, the second of type signInManager<ApplicationUser>
        • This constructor should set each of the private readonly properties using the parameter of the same type
    • Create Register Functionality
      • Create RegisterViewModel class
        • Inside the Models/AccountViewModels folder create a new model RegisterViewModel (You will need to create the AccountViewModels folder)
        • Create a String Property Email
          • Email should have the Required attribute (you will need to add a using directive for System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations)
          • Email should have the EmailAddress attribute
        • Create a String Property Password
          • Password should have the Required attribute
          • Password should have a StringLength attribute of 100 with a MinimumLength of 8 characters
          • Password should have the DataType.Password attribute
        • Create a String Property ConfirmPassword
          • ConfirmPassword should have the DataType.Password attribute
          • ConfirmPassword should have the Compare attribute with "Password"
      • Create the Register View
        • Inside the Views/Account folder add a new view Register (you will need to create the Account folder)
        • Register.cshtml should have a model of RegisterViewModel (You will need to include the namespace, WishList.Models.AccountViewModels.RegisterViewModel)
        • Add the following HTML to the view (we're providing this to save you from needing to type it all yourself)
           <h3>Register New User</h3>
           	<div class="text-danger"></div>
           		<input />
           		<input />
           		<input />
           		<button type="submit">Register User</button>
        • Add an attribute asp-action with a value of "Register" to the form tag
        • Add an attribute asp-validation-summary with a value of "All" for the div tag with an attribute class of value "text-danger"
        • Add an attribute asp-for with a value of "Email" to both the first label and input tag
        • Add an attribute asp-for with a value of "Password" to both the second label and input tag
        • Add an attribute asp-for with a value of "ConfirmPassword" to both the third label and input tag
      • Create an HttpGet action Register in the AccountController class
        • This action should have the HttpGet attribute
        • This action should have the AllowAnonymous attribute
        • This action should have no parameters
        • This action should return the Register view.
      • Create an HttpPost action Register in the AccountController class
        • This action should have the HttpPost attribute
        • This action should have the AllowAnonymous attribute
        • This action should accept a parameter of type RegisterViewModel
        • This action should check if the ModelState is valid
          • If not return the Register view with the model provided in the parameter as it's model
        • This action should create the new user using the _userManager.CreateAsync method providing it a valid ApplicationUser (you will need to set the User and Email properties to the Email from the RegisterViewModel) and a string which you'll set the the Password property from the RegisterViewModel
        • Check the Result property from the CreateAsync call if Result.Success
          • If Result.Success is false foreach error in Result.Errors use ModelState.AddModelError to add an error with a the first parameter of"Password" and second with the value of the error's Description property. Then return the Register view with the model provided by Register's the parameter.
          • If Result.Success is true RedirectToAction to Home.Index
    • Create Login Functionality
      • Create LoginViewModel class in the Models\AccountViewModels folder
        • Create a String Property Email
          • Email should have the Required attribute
          • Email should have the EmailAddress attribute
        • Create a String Property Password
          • Password should have the Required attribute
          • Password should have the DataType.Password attribute
      • Create a Login.cshtml view in the Views/Account folder
        • Add the following HTML to the Login view
           @model WishList.Models.AccountViewModels.LoginViewModel
           <h2>Log in</h2>
           <form asp-action="Login" method="post">
           	<div asp-validation-summary="All" class="text-danger"></div>
           		<label asp-for="Email"></label>
           		<input asp-for="Email" />
           		<span asp-validation-for="Email"></span>
           		<label asp-for="Password"></label>
           		<input asp-for="Password" />
           		<span asp-validation-for="Password"></span>
           		<button type="submit">Log in</button>
           <a asp-action="Register">Register new account</a>
      • Create an HttpGet action Login in the AccountController
        • This action should have the HttpGet attribute
        • This action should have the AllowAnonymous attribute
        • This action should have no parameters
        • This action should return the Login view.
      • Create an HttpPost action Login in the AccountController
        • This action should have the HttpPost attribute
        • This action should have the AllowAnonymous attribute
        • This action should have the ValidateAntiForgeryToken attribute
        • This action should have a return type of IActionResult
        • This action should accept a parameter of type LoginViewModel
        • This action should check if the ModelState is valid
          • If not return the Login view with the model provided in the parameter as it's model
        • This should use SignInManager's PasswordSignInAsync method with the (string,string,bool,bool) signature to attempt to login the user (Note: you will need to check the Result property to see the results, pass false for the 3rd and 4th parameters)
          • If the result is Succeeded return a RedirectToAction to the Item.Index action
          • Otherwise use ModelState's AddModelError with a key of string.Empty and an errorMessage of "Invalid login attempt."
    • Create Logout Functionality
      • Create an HttpPost action Logout in the AccountController
        • This action should have the HttpPost attribute
        • This action should have the ValidateAntiForgeryToken attribute
        • This action should have a return type of IActionResult
        • This action should use SignInManager's SignOutAsync method
        • This should return a RedirectToAction to the Home.Index action
    • Add Links to Index View
      • Add using directives for Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity and WishList.Models to the top of Index.cshtml
      • Add an inject directive for SignInManager<ApplicationUser> with the name SignInManager after the using directives
      • Check if the user is signed in using the injected SignInManager's IsSignedIn method (provide User as the arguement)
        • If IsSignedIn returns true provide the following HTML <a asp-action="Logout" asp-controller="Account">Logout</a>
        • If IsSignedIn returns false provide the following HTML
           	<a asp-action="Register" asp-controller="Account" >Register</a><br/>
           	<a asp-action="Login" asp-controller="Account" >Log in</a>
    • Create Relationship Between Item and ApplicationUser Models
      • Add a virtual property of type ApplicationUser named User to the Item model
      • Add a virtual property of type ICollection<Item> named Items to the ApplicationUser model
    • Update ItemController actions to consider user
      • Add the Authorize attribute to the ItemController class
      • Add a new private readonly field of type UserManager<ApplicationUser> named _userManager
      • Update the ItemController's constructor to accept a second parameter of type UserManager<ApplicationUser> and within the costructor set _userManager to the provided UserManager<ApplicationUser> paramater.
      • Update the ItemController.Index action to only return items with associated with the currently logged in user.
        • Change the _context.Items.ToList(); to include a Where call that only gets items with the matching User.Id. (You can get the current logged in user using UserManager.GetUserAsync(HttpContext.User))
      • Update the HttpPost ItemController.Create action to add the logged in User to the Item
        • Before adding the Item to set the UserId to the logged in user's Id (You can get the current logged in user using UserManager.GetUserAsync(HttpContext.User))
      • Update the ItemController.Delete action to prevent deleting items by anyone but the user who owns that item.
        • Before removing the Item check te make sure the Item's User is the same as the logged in user, if not return Unauthorized

What Now?

You've completed the tasks of this project, if you want to continue working on this project there will be additional projects added to the ASP.NET Core path that continue where this project left off adding more advanced views and models, as well as providing and consuming data as a web service.

Otherwise now is a good time to continue on the ASP.NET Core path to expand your understanding of the ASP.NET Core framework or take a look at the Microsoft Azure for Developers path as Azure is a common choice for hosting, scaling, and expanding the functionality of ASP.NET Core applications.


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