- Install the Solana CLI and Rust toolchain. You can follow the instructions at https://www.solana.com/docs/getting-started/install-solana-cli to install the Solana CLI and https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install to install the Rust toolchain.
import 0x protocol contract, compile to WASM using the solc compiler and the wasm-bindgen crate
use the solana-sdk-rust library to connect to a local Solana node and deploy the contract to the Solana blockchain.
Should return pubkey that we can use to call functions on the contract
import 0x erc20 contract, compile to WASM using the solc compiler and the wasm-bindgen crate
use the solana-sdk-rust library to connect to a local Solana node and deploy the contract to the Solana blockchain.
create 2 new tokens using solana-evm crate and calling constructor function from erc20 contract
connect to a local Solana node
load the wasm bytecode of the approriate contracts
fill in appropriate keys/addresses from parts 2 and 3
validate result