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Repository files navigation #Welcome to FEWD DTLA 7!

This is the class repository, where we will be sharing resources, starter code, and other materials we'll be using throughout the course.

###Class Slack Channel We will be using Slack as our primary means of communication outside of class.

Our Slack channel is #fewd-dtla-007, located here.

###Instructor information Lead instructor: Emma Cunningham | Slack: @emmacunningham | email: [email protected]

Expert in Residence: Sam Shon | Slack: @sam | email: [email protected]

Office hours with Sam will be held 6-7pm Mon & Wed on campus.

Office hours with Emma will be 6-8pm Tues on campus.

If you need to meet with us but cannot make those times, please reach out and we will try to accomodate you!

###Submitting Assignments

  1. Upload your project to GitHub (following the steps to create a new repository, add project files, and sync/publish to GitHub).
  2. Get the link for your project and Slack it to BOTH Emma and Sam.
  3. You will receive feedback via in-line comments within your latest commit on GitHub on your project's repository. Assessment rubrics for larger projects will be provided in GitHub issues.

Final Project info

In order to complete the FEWD successfully, you will demonstrate what you have learned throughout the course by submitting a final project showcasing your HTML, CSS and JavaScript skills. You will be working on this throughout the course as you gain new skills and you will be asked to submit work at various stages of your project.

Please have a look at the Final Project specs and start thinking about what kind of site you want to build for your final project -- the sooner you have an idea of what you want to build, the easier it will be for you to plan for a successful final project!


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