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Epic revamp template v1.0

Patrick edited this page Feb 25, 2023 · 1 revision

Epic Name:

[Insert the name of the Epic]


[Provide a description of the Epic, its business objectives, and its user value.]


[Identify the features that are necessary to achieve the Epic's business objectives.]

User Stories list:

[Break down the Epic into smaller User Stories that can be completed within a Sprint. Each User Story should be specific, testable, and achievable within the timeframe of a Sprint. Assign User Stories to appropriate teams or team members.]

Acceptance Criteria:

[Define the criteria for determining whether each User Story has been successfully completed. Make sure that the Acceptance Criteria are clear, specific, and verifiable.]


[Identify any dependencies that may impact the completion of the Epic or its associated User Stories. This may include technical dependencies, resource dependencies, or dependencies on external stakeholders.]


[Identify any constraints that may impact the completion of the Epic or its associated User Stories. This may include budget constraints, time constraints, or other limitations.]


[Identify any assumptions that have been made about the Epic or its associated User Stories. This may include assumptions about user needs, technical capabilities, or market trends.]


[Identify any risks that may impact the completion of the Epic or its associated User Stories. This may include technical risks, resource risks, or risks associated with external factors such as changes in the competitive landscape or regulatory environment.]

Ethical Considerations:

[Identify any ethical considerations associated with the Epic or its associated User Stories. This may include issues related to data privacy, bias, or other ethical concerns. Describe the steps that will be taken to address these concerns.]

Design Documents and Reference Artifacts:

[Provide a list of any design documents or reference artifacts that will be used to guide the development of the Epic. This may include wireframes, mockups, style guides, or other design documents. Describe how these documents will be used by the development team.]


[Define the key milestones that will be used to measure progress towards the completion of the Epic. This may include specific Sprint dates, User Story completion dates, or other milestones that are important to the success of the Epic.]


[Identify the key metrics that will be used to measure the success of the Epic. This may include metrics related to user engagement, customer satisfaction, or revenue generation. Define how these metrics will be tracked and reported.]