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Handle SQL persistence for nested datastructures.

The name 'aggregate' stems from Eric Evans book Domain Driven Design. Martin Fowler briefly explains what is meant by the term Aggregate.

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Include this in your namespace declaration:

[aggregate.core :as agg]


Have you ever tried to persist a data graph like this

(def project
  {:name "Learning Clojure"
   :tasks [{:desc "Buy a book"}
           {:desc "Install Java"}
           {:desc "Install Emacs"}
           {:desc "Hack!"}]
   :manager {:name "Daisy"})

to tables of a relational DB?

Not a big deal... unless you have to write similar DB access code over and over again for your whole set of domain objects. This library will do the hard work for you after you have provided some meta data about the relations between database tables.

Besides being helpful for persisting complex data in relational tables it is meant to be composable with SQL-oriented libraries like Yesql, HoneySQL or plain in two ways. First, you can use aggregate load, save! and delete! only for those cases where you have nested data, and use functions based on other libraries for unnested data. Second, you can exchange the default DB access functions that aggregate provides with your own implementations based on other libraries.

A first impression

For quickly testing it in the REPL, clone the sample project and open its core namespace. Start the REPL and load the namespace.

The library mainly provides three functions

  • (agg/load er-config db-spec entity-keyword id)
  • (agg/save! er-config db-spec data)
  • (agg/delete! er-config db-spec data)

The er-config describes relations between entities, and contains functions that actually read, insert, update or delete records. The db-spec is exactly what is described in get-connection.

Here's an example with a bunch of tables and their relations:

Project Example

The corresponding schema definition looks like this

(def schema
  [:customer [(id-column)
              [:name "varchar(30)"]]
   :person [(id-column)
            [:name "varchar(30)"]]
   :project [(id-column)
             [:name "varchar(30)"]
             (fk-column :person :manager_id false)
             (fk-column :customer false)]
   :task [(id-column)
          [:desc "varchar(50)"]
          [:effort "integer"]
          (fk-column :project false)
          (fk-column :person :assignee_id false)]
   :person_project [(fk-column :project false)
                    (fk-column :person false)]])

The ids are auto generated integers, and the foreign keys establish referential integrity. Please note that schema definition / evolution is out of aggregate's scope, and just included for testing purposes.

What follows is a global er-config that enables load, save! and delete! to take the relationships into account.

(def er
  "The complete entity-relationship model.
  Be careful, using this directly may affect many records."
   (agg/entity :customer
               (agg/->n :projects :project {:fk-kw :customer_id}))
   (agg/entity :person
               (agg/->n :tasks :task {:fk-kw :assignee_id
                                      :owned? false})
               (agg/->n :projects_as_manager :project {:fk-kw :manager_id
                                                       :owned? false})
               (agg/->mn :projects_as_member :project))
   (agg/entity :project
               (agg/->1 :customer :customer {:owned? false})
               (agg/->mn :members :person {:query-fn (agg/make-query-<many>-fn
                                           :update-links-fn (agg/make-update-links-fn
               (agg/->1 :manager :person {:owned? false})
               (agg/->n :tasks :task {:fk-kw :project_id}))
   (agg/entity :task
               (agg/->1 :project :project {:owned? false})
               (agg/->1 :assignee :person {:owned? false}))))

You can see that the library provides factories that create default DB access functions based on But you can use any other functions that comply to the contract. Where you don't specify your own function a default is provided.

The er-config above is complete, but its dangerous because any operation on a project might affect surprisingly large chunks of data. In order to just take the necessary relationships into account we can narrow the er-config down to support certain use cases:

(def manage-person-to-project-er
  (-> er (agg/only [:person]
                   [:project :members :manager])))

(def manage-task-to-person-er
  "Supports task-to-person assignment, cutting off project related links."
  (-> er (agg/without [:task :project]
                      [:person :projects_as_member :projects_as_manager])))

This is all we need as preparation. Let's test it. In the sample project H2 is available:

; "Starting DB, web console is available on localhost:8082"
;= nil

Setup a schema

(create-schema! @h2/db-con schema)
;= [0]

A save! could look like this:

(def project (agg/save! er @h2/db-con :project
                                   {:name "Learning Clojure"
                                    :customer {:name "Big Company"}
                                    :tasks [{:desc "Buy a good book" :effort 1}
                                            {:desc "Install Java" :effort 2}
                                            {:desc "Configure Emacs" :effort 4}]
                                    :members [{:name "Daisy"}
                                              {:name "Mini"}]
                                    :manager {:name "Daisy"}}))
;= #'user/project
(clojure.pprint/pprint project)
; {:aggregate.core/entity :project,
;  :id 2,
;  :name "Learning Clojure",
;  :manager_id 1,
;  :manager
;  {:name "Daisy", :tasks [], :aggregate.core/entity :person, :id 1},
;  :customer_id 1,
;  :customer
;  {:name "Big Company", :aggregate.core/entity :customer, :id 1},
;  :tasks
;  [{:desc "Buy a good book",
;    :effort 1,
;    :aggregate.core/entity :task,
;    :id 1}
;   {:desc "Install Java",
;    :effort 2,
;    :aggregate.core/entity :task,
;    :id 2}
;   {:desc "Configure Emacs",
;    :effort 4,
;    :aggregate.core/entity :task,
;    :id 3}],
;  :members
;  [{:name "Daisy", :tasks [], :aggregate.core/entity :person, :id 2}
;   {:name "Mini", :tasks [], :aggregate.core/entity :person, :id 3}]}
;= nil

We can easily inspect a table to check what has happened:

(dump-table @h2/db-con :person_project [[:person_id 10] [:project_id 10]])
; person_id |project_id
; ----------|----------
; 2         |2
; 3         |2
;= nil

We can load a single task, without materializing it's project by using the narrowed er-config:

(agg/load manage-task-to-person-er @h2/db-con :task 1)
;= {:aggregate.core/entity :task,
;   :id 1,
;   :project_id 2,
;   :effort 1,
;	:desc "Buy a good book"}

And we can delete the project, and with it all it's owned entities and links to it:

(agg/delete! er @h2/db-con :project project)
;= 4

Entity-Relation Configuration

The er-config is only a map of the form

{:options {}
 :entities {<entity-kw> {:options {}
                         :relations {<relation-kw> {}}}}

Each entity is represented by its entity-kw and a corresponding map. Each of these entity maps contains general options in an :options map, for example the functions to be used for read, insert, update and delete, and a map of relations.

Each relation consists of its relation-kw, as it is used in concrete data, and options. The options depend on the type of the relation. The mandatory :relation-type must have one of the values :one>, :<many or :<many>. The other mandatory entry is the :entity-kw which points to another entity in the er-config.

You can concisely create an er-config map using (agg/make-er-config <options-map>? <entities>*). An entity is created by (agg/entity <entity-kw> <options-map>? <relations>*). A relation is created with one of three functions ->1, ->n and ->mn, whose names denote the type of the relation.

The following sections show how to specify relations.

Relation type :one>


You define a to-one relationship using

(agg/->1 <relation-kw> <entity-kw> <options-map>?).

Optional values within options-map are

  • :fk-kw A keyword specifying the column name of the foreign key column whose value points to a record in the other table. Default value is <relation-kw>_id.
  • (since 1.0.2) :query-fn A function (fn [db-spec id]) returning the linked record or nil. Defaults to (make-read-fn entity-kw id-kw).
  • :owned? A boolean, true by default. Signals if records reachable through this relation are considered a part, i.e. if the whole is deleted the parts vanish, and if the whole no longer references a part it will also vanish.

Relation type :<many


You define a to-many relationship using

(agg/->n <relation-kw> <entity-kw> <options-map>?).

Optional values within options-map are

  • :fk-kw A keyword specifying column name of the the other tables foreign key column whose values point to a record in this entity's table. Default value is parent entity-kw suffixed with _id.
  • :query-fn A function (fn [db-spec fk-id]) returning the sequence of linked records. Defaults to (make-query-<many-fn entity-kw fk-kw).
  • :owned? A boolean, true by default. Signals if records reachable through this relation are considered a part, i.e. if the whole is deleted the parts vanish, and if the whole no longer references a part it will also vanish.

Relation type :<many>


You define a many-to-many relationship relying on a link-table using

(agg/->mn <relation-kw> <entity-kw> <options-map>?).

Optional values within options-map are

  • :query-fn A function (fn [db-spec fk-id]) returning the sequence of linked records. Defaults to (make-query-<many>-fn entity-kw (default-link-tablename parent-entity-kw entity-kw) fk-a-kw fk-b-kw).
  • :update-links-fn A function (fn [db-spec a-id bs]) that takes this records id and a sequence of saved records and inserts all link records in a link table. Defaults to (make-update-links-fn (default-link-tablename parent-entity-kw entity-kw) fk-a-kw fk-b-kw).
  • :owned? A boolean, false by default. Signals if records reachable through this relation are considered a part, i.e. if the whole is deleted the parts vanish, and if the whole no longer references a part it will also vanish.

How does it work?

load, save! and delete! are complex, recursive operations whose effects are not easy to anticipate. The following sections explain what each of the functions does.


(agg/load er-config db-spec entity-keyword id)
;; or
(agg/load er-config db-spec data)

load can be used with an entity keyword and an id, or a preloaded data map containing the entity keyword in the slot ::agg/entity.

It iterates all relations that can be found in the er-config relations map for the entity and recursively loads the data of connected rows. Loaded maps are augmented with a corresponding entity keyword in the ::agg/entity slot.

Most programs initially access a DB with queries, not with exact primary keys and load. Although aggregate itself doesn't offer any find-by-criteria API you can combine load with the result of any query like so:

(->> (my-query-products db-spec)
     (map #(assoc % ::agg/entity :product))
	 (map (partial agg/load er-config db-spec))

load will then follow the relations specified for the :product entity in order to query additional data.


(agg/save! er-config db-spec entity-keyword data)
;; or
(agg/save! er-config db-spec data)

save! either takes an entity keyword and the data, or only the data containing the entity keyword in ::agg/entity.

To take foreign key constraints into account it will first recursively save all nested data of ->1 relations because the resulting ids will be included in the current record. If a nested map is missing, but it's foreign key value is present, the foreign key value is nilled. If the relation is owned? the record itself is deleted from the database.

Then it actually inserts or updates the current record, depending on whether the record has an :id value set or not.

Afterwards, all records reachable through ->n and ->mn relations (which need the id of the current record as value for a foreign key) are saved. It queries the database to detect orphans. In an owned? relation all records NOT contained in the nested vector will be deleted from the database. In non-owned relations the orphans will be updated, in case of a ->n relation by nilling the foreign key value pointing to the current record, in case of a ->mn by removing the link records from the link table.


(agg/delete! er-config db-spec entity-keyword data)
;; or
(agg/delete! er-config db-spec data)

delete! either takes an entity keyword and the data, or only the data containing the entity keyword in ::agg/entity.

To take the foreign key constraints into account it will first recursively delete all records reachable through owned ->n and ->mn relations to make sure those don't contain foreign keys to the current record. In non-owned cases only the foreign keys will be nilled and the link records will be removed, respectively.

Then the current record is deleted from the database.

Afterwards all records reachable through ->1 relations that the current record points to are recursively deleted.

delete! can only work this way for those records whose data is actually loaded. If you only provide an id to delete! it will just delete the record, but doesn't delete related records. If, however, you just want to delete by id and don't want to load data to traverse the whole graph, DB level "cascade on delete" might be an option to look at.

Custom DB access functions

The functions load, save! and delete! don't access the DB directly, instead they rely on a set of functions that are defined within the er-config. Although make-er-config provides default implementations, it is perfectly reasonable to use your own functions if you have particular requirements. If you are curious about the defaults you should open the core namespace and search for the make-*-fn functions.

Entity level functions

These functions are provided in the entity options map. Example:

(agg/entity :person
            {:read-fn my-read-person
             :insert-fn my-insert-person
             :update-fn my-update-person
			 :delete-fn my-delete-person}
	        (agg/-> ...)

As you can see four functions are expected: read, insert, update and delete.

(fn read [db-spec id]) takes a db-spec and the value for the primary key and reads exactly one row. It returns a map with row data, or nil if the row doesn't exist.

(fn insert [db-spec row-map]) takes a db-spec and a map with row data, insert the row into the DB and returns the row-map augmented with a :id value.

(fn update [db-spec set-map]) takes a db-spec and a map with keys and values to set, and updates the row in the DB and returns the set-map.

(fn delete [db-spec id]) takes a db-spec and the value for the primary key and deletes exactly one row. Returns nil if the record was not deleted, else returns 1.

Relation level functions

These functions are provided in the relation options map. Example:

(agg/->mn :members :person {:query-fn query-project-members
                            :update-links-fn update-member-links})

Please note that, depending on the type of relation (either ->n or ->mn), the query-fn slot requires fundamentally different implementations. The former needs to do a simple select by a foreign key, the second needs to select on a join of the link table with the requested entity table.

In case of a 1-to-n (or ->n) relation only query-fn must be present, in case of a n-to-m (or ->mn) relation realized over a link table both, query-fn and update-links-fn, must be present.

(fn query-by-fk [db-spec fk-id]) takes a db-spec and a value for a foreign key and returns a sequence of all rows containing the fk-id.

(fn update-links [db-spec a-id bs]) takes a db-spec, the value for a foreign key a-id and all rows that are linked to the entity identified by a-id and inserts all link-rows into the link table.

Provide your own factory functions

Exchanging functions on a relation or entity basis becomes cumbersome if you have a general mechanism to create those, in other words when you are able to provide your own factories.

Therefore it is possible to provide your own factories in the optional option-map to the make-er-config function.


(def er (agg/make-er-config
          {:insert-fn-factory make-insert-fn-for-weird-db}
          (agg/entity ...)

The valid keys and their defaults are

{:read-fn-factory agg/make-read-fn
 :insert-fn-factory agg/make-insert-fn
 :update-fn-factory agg/make-update-fn
 :delete-fn-factory agg/make-delete-fn
 :query-<many-fn-factory agg/make-query-<many-fn
 :query-<many>-fn-factory agg/make-query-<many>-fn
 :update-links-fn-factory agg/make-update-links-fn}

Please see the default make-* implementations for their signatures.

Use a different primary key column name

By default, aggregate assumes that there is one surrogate primary key column identified by :id. You can override this either globally in the er-config options or on a per-entity basis in the corresponding entity options by setting the value of :id-kw to another keyword.

Customize persistence status detection

By default, aggregate looks in a row-map for existence of a primary key value by getting the value of :id (or whatever was specified as :id-kw, see above). If such a value exists in the row-map, it assumes that there exists a corresponding database record. Subsequently, to save a row-map the update-fn will be used instead of insert-fn. This mechanism is fine for auto-generated keys, but becomes an obstacle if you want to handle in the id value by yourself.

Therefore the er-config options may contain a key :persisted-pred-fn that points to a function (fn [db-spec entity-kw id-kw row-map]) that returns true, if the row-map has a corresponding record in the database. The default value is agg/persisted?.

Alternative implementations for :persisted-pred-fn might use an additional DB lookup or use a special key to mark a row-map as "not yet persisted".


Version 1.1.0

  • Extended signature of persisted? to allow for more complex checks whether a record is already persisted.


Copyright © 2014-2021 F.Riemenschneider

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License 1.0.


Persisting complex datastructures to SQL tables.






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