We have a bunch of repo's per team and we're anxious to know.. Do we, do we, do we have pull requests?
Create a personal access token.
npm install -g pull-me-tender
The first run will prompt you for your username and token. And for repos you want to see pull-requests for. Now in the future just run: pull-me-tender
pull-me-tender --help
Usage: pull-me-tender [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-a, --add-repositories [type] add repositories comma seperated without spaces[fritzvd/pull-me-tender,fritzvd/harrrhmony]
-r, --remove-repositories [type] remove repositories comma seperated without spaces[fritzvd/pull-me-tender,fritzvd/harrrhmony]
-m, --minimal Give only urls
-u, --user Show user that requested merge
-t, --titles Show titles
-s, --story Add descriptions to output
-v, --verbose Give more information
-w, --which Which repos are you following
-c, --configure Reconfigure pull-me-tender
If you want to work on it send me a pull-request (I'll see if I need to pull with pull-me-tender
) and I'll get back to you.
ISC, open source, free as in beer. Open as in: we don't judge 😵.