This is a very simple and easy to use note taking application. Functionalities:
- Making private and public notes accessible on a unique url.
- Logged in user can Add, Modify (title, text, private flag, url), Delete notes.
- Any change made on the site is only saved when you press the save button.
- Notes are encrypted in the database.
- React, React-Router, React-Hot-Loader
- Redux, React-Redux, Redux-Devtools
- Webpack
- Express
- Babel
- Crypto
- MySQL(, PostgreSQL)
- Sequelize
- GraphQL
- Config: src/Config/
- GraphQL API: src/API
- Public static files: public/
Copy src/Config/Config.example.json to src/Config/Config.json and set up your configuration.
"username": "notes", // Database user username
"password": "notes", // Database user password
"db": "notes", // Database name
"dialect": "mysql", // Type of the database
"host": "localhost", // Host of the database
"tokenSecret": "rzVLBes9r3suZ2CupNnY", // Token secret for authentication
"passwordSecret": "rzVLsescr3suZPCupNnY", // Password salt
"cryptSecret": "d6F3Efeq", //Crypting secret
"graphQLServer": "http://localhost:3100/api", // The GraphQL endpoint what the front-end can access
"graphQLPort": 3100, // Port of the GraphQL server
"forceRewriteDB": false, // If you want to truncate and rewrite the entire db on start set this to true
Installing the packages.
npm install
Seed the DB with dumb data. (Default user will be demo/demo)
npm run seed
Starting up the GraphQL endpoint.
npm start api
API can be accessed at the url http://localhost:3100/api by default.
For running the development environment (Webpack and Express) for serving the files.
npm run dev
Dev server can be accessed at the url http://localhost:3000 by default.
Building a production package.
npm run build
Testing the production build (Webpack and Express) for serving the files.
npm run prod
npm run lint
- Linting
- Autosave
- Private / Public functionality does not make sense now, because the multi-user functionality is coming only with this version and that part has not been defined how it should work. Probably adding it with 1.2 version.
- !There is a quick solution for viewing public notes. It does not work when you are logged in.
- Notification for users when anything changes. It uses the LOG box now.